My Vampire

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Bakugo's POV:

I was walking through the forest. It was a cold winter night. I was half naked and freezing. I had ran into the forest closest to me to escape a man who was trying to rape me. My toes and fingertips were turning blue. In a few minutes I passed out.

Izuku's POV:

I was taking a nice stroll through the winter forest. I heard a thud in the snow a few feet away. I walked over to where I had heard the noise. I saw a half naked man passed out on the ground. I rushed to him and picked him up. I could feel his blood running cold. I bolted to my mansion at full speed. Once in my mansion I wrapped up the man in multiple soft blankets. I sat down on the couch with the ash blondes head on my lap. I stroked his hair as I turned on the television. After an hour or so I began to smell the sweet scent of carmel. I looked at the oddly small man in my lap and realized the scent was coming from him. I almost couldn't contain my thirst the stronger the smell got. Eventually his eyes started to drift open.

Bakugo's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and felt a warm sensation pass thru my body. I felt a hand in my hair and multiple blankets were wrapped around my half naked body. I looked up to see where the hand had come from. I saw a green haired man with dark green eyes. He had fangs just barely sticking out. He put his cold hand on my face. "Good morning sleepy head." He rubbed my cheek gently. "Did you enjoy your nap?" "Who are you and where am I?" He sighed. "I found you on the ground half naked. So I took u to my house to warm you up." I sat up and moved away from him. He frowned and looked at me. "Why'd you move away from me?" He pouted. "I have no idea who you are so stay away from me!" I pointed at him. He moved closer and leaned in. His face was unbearably close to mine. I felt my face get hot.

Izuku's POV:

I moved closer to the ash blonde man in front of me and leaned in. I noticed his face go red when our faces were just inches apart. I lifted his head up with just a finger under his chin. I brought my mouth down to his neck. I lightly kissed his neck earning a quiet gasp. His hands grabbed at my shirt. I opened my mouth and gently bit the man's neck. He moaned out the words "f-fuck! I'm sensitive th-there." I smirked into the bite. I pulled him onto my lap. I began grinding into his small ass. He let out a moan and covered his mouth with the back of his hand. I licked over the bite on his neck. I took off my shirt. He looked at my chest in awe. "You like what you see, baby boy?~" he looked at me and his face grew a brighter red at the nickname. He got off of me and hesitantly took off his undergarments. He stood there covering his face. I admired the man's body before taking off my own clothes. He uncovered his face and sat back on top of my lap. He grinded his hips into mine. I grabbed his hips and lead him through it. He paused and looked at me with half lidded eyes. "Fuck me." Is all he said. "Are you sure you want that baby boy?" He nodded and began to hover over my now hardened dick. He grabbed it and lined me up to his hole. I grunted at the sudden friction.

Bakugo's POV:

I grabbed his dick making him grunt. I lined him up with my entrance. I slowly sat down on him. I groaned as I tried to fit his length inside my hole. Once he was fully inside of me I stopped to adjust to his size. "Let me know when I can move baby boy." I nodded. "You can m-move now." He grabbed my hips and started slowly grinding into my hole. I made a few breathy moans. "Faster p-please." He started to thrust moving a bit faster. After a few minutes of this he struck my prostate. I let out a loud girly moan. I noticed his thrusts had gotten faster and more sloppy. "C-cum inside of me. P-please." He looked at me shocked but did as I said. Not long after his release I had my own climax. We both sat there for a few minutes coming down from our pleasure highs. After we had regained our consciousness we got up and cleaned our mess. He cooked me some food. After I ate he showed me to my room and shortly after that I fell asleep.

That's the end of this part. Sorry that this was a short update. My motivation is extremely low lately. But anyways hope you enjoyed. BYE!!! (835 words)

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