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Izuku POV:

Tears were streaming down my face. Why!? Why did he do this!? Kirishima was holding me close to him. My tears were leaving wet spots on his shirt. "He had an amazing life. Bakugo will be missed." Why would he leave me like this. I can't live without him. "You may view the body now." The priest stepped down. Everyone let me go first in line to see his body. I couldn't bare to see him like that. Lifeless, and cold to the touch. I ran out of the room, I just couldn't take it anymore. The pain was to much to bare. I fell to my knees sobbing uncontrollably. I wish he was here to hug me and comfort me, but instead he's dead. I had an idea. The one way I could see him again. I ran to my car and got in. I drove off. My vision was clouded with tears and I could barely see the road. I swirved into a ditch. My body was tossed around the car. The car was banged up and it slowly crushed me. I could feel myself slipping away. Suddenly I didn't feel any movement. I opened my eyes. I was at the gates of hell. I rushed in hoping that my husband was inside. I didn't see him. But I asked the person at the "help" desk if she knew where he was. "That man is up in heaven sir. If you wish to see him then I am afraid we cannot help you." I could feel the tears welling up again. Even in death I couldn't see the love of my life. I fell down to my knees. My tears began to stream down my face. I hunched over hugging myself in tears.

Bakugo's POV:

I opened my eyes and saw the pearly gates of heaven. I did it. I was dead. I looked down and could see my husband. He just found my body. He rushed to my lifeless corpse. I blinked and I could see him at my funeral. My best friend holding him close. My heart squeezed tightly from the sight of him in such a distraught state. I blinked again and he was driving off in his car. He drove off into a ditch. I screamed for him to stop only for him to not hear me. "You've had a very rough life my child." I heard a feminine voice come from just a few feet in front of me. I looked up to see a lovely looking woman reaching her hand out to me. "Take my hand my child. I'll bring you to the one you desire." I looked at her stunned. "Was that... real?" I pointed to where I had just watched my husband die. She nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. That was real." I grabbed her hand. We were transported to a place that was empty. The only thing there was a house. "You may go in the house and explore. As long as you can wait I can get your husband and bring him here." I smiled at her and she disappeared. I walked into the house. I looked around and it looked like the house that me and Zuku had dreamed about starting a family in.

Izuku's POV:

I felt a cold breeze against my back. I looked up and it was an angelic looking woman. "My dear child. Someone has requested your presence." She held out her hand and I grabbed it. We had transported to a place with nothing but a house."what is this place?" She paused for a moment. "This is the middle. A place made for each individual person, or in this case people." I looked at her confused by what she meant. "If one of you ever needs me call my name." She handed me a paper with her name on it. It said 'God'. I looked up to where she was and she had poofed. I looked back at the house and started walking towards it.

Bakugo's POV:

I heard a noise outside of the house. When I went to go look outside I had seen my husband with that lady. I ran off to the door. I opened it quickly and ran towards my husband. He saw me and started crying while also running towards me. We got to each other and just hugged one another. The embrace felt much better than I could have ever imagined. "Why did you do it? Why did you leave me?" I felt guilty. "I couldn't take it anymore. I love you but... I just couldn't take being alive anymore." I started to tear up a little bit. He hugged me even tighter. "How did you even get here Kacchan. I was told you were in heaven." I didn't exactly know how to explain it so I just said it in the easiest way possible. "I was in heaven and I had seen you drive into that ditch. Then a women had taken me here and told me she was going to be back. So I waited and she brought you here." This is when I noticed his devilish look. He had small red horns, small black wings, his teeth were sharper, and his skin was a bit redder. "Your new look is kinda nice." He looked at me a little confused and then looked at himself. "It's not... to bad I guess. But you. You look absolutely beautiful my love. Your white wings, yellow halo, white dress with yellow trims, and your pale skin. You look gorgeous." I blushed because I didn't feel that beautiful in it until he pointed it out. "Thank you." Was all I could mutter out. He caressed my cheek. "I'm so happy to see you again." I held his hand to my face and nuzzled his palm. "Me two Zuku." I brought him inside to check out the house. "It looks just like the kind of house we wanted to buy for when we were going to start a family." I sighed. He looked at me a little concerned and worried. "Are you ok my love?" He got closer to me. "Since we're dead... We can't start a family. We can't even adopt in the afterlife." I started tearing up a bit. "Our dreams are ruined." He hugged me. "God?" I felt a gust of air behind me. I turned to look at where it had came from. The beautiful woman was here. "Yes my child?" "Is there a way for us to have children in the afterlife?" He looked a little sad. The woman nodded. "He is an angel. If he chooses he can birth a child. You are a demon. You can control when you make a child." He looked so relaxed and eased when the woman said it. A tear fell down his cheek. I brushed away the tear and kissed his cheek. "Thank you beautiful woman." She bowed and disappeared. "So we can still have a family." Zuku kissed me on the forehead gently. I hummed satisfied with the feeling. "Zuku?" "Yes my love?" I smiled at him. "Can we make a baby?" He looked a little flushed and I giggled. "Uhh... Umm... S-sure. We can make a baby." He brought me over to the couch and we sat down. He cuddled me. "Um... Zuku?" He looked at me. "Oh! You mean right now!? Shit! Well ok." He got up and guided me to the bedroom. I sat on the bed and watched my beautiful husband take off his clothes. He walked over to me and took off my shirt. He pushed me down and kissed me. He picked up one of my legs and draped it over his shoulder. He picked up the other one and adjusted us till we were both fully on the bed. He put my legs down. I took off my pants and left my boxers on. He leans down to my hips and lightly breathes over my growing erection. He grabs the hem of my boxers with his teeth yanking them down and off of my body. He flips me over and holds my hands above my head. "I wanna taste your ass before I fuck you. Sound good?" I nod and he spanks my ass. I moan quietly. "I need to here you say it my love." "Yes please." He lets go of my hands and brings his face down to my sopping wet hole. He shoves his face in between my cheeks. He pushes his tongue into my ass. I'm quietly moaning and whimpering. He pulls away. I try to catch my breath but he instantly enters me. He wastes no time and has a brutal speed. I burry my face into a pillow doing my best to hide the very loud and very lewd noises I'm making. He grips onto my hair and pulls my head up. He hits my prostate. "Right there! Right there!" He continues to abuse my prostate with his fast pace. I'm teetering on a razor blades edge. "My love. Cum with me." I do as told and a few seconds behind me I can feel his cum spurt out and deep into my ass. We both ride out our climaxes. After we're done he pulls out and flops onto the empty bed space next to me. "We'll check in a week to see if your pregnant." I hug him tightly and smile.

*time skip to a week later*

Izuku's POV:

I was waiting outside of the bathroom patiently waiting for the results. I hear a high pitched scream and then a thud. I got up and quickly ran into the bathroom worried. I saw Bakugo on the floor crying holding his stomach. "Are you ok my love?" I bent down to his level. He looked up at me smiling and showed me the positive pregnancy test. My eyes widened and I could feel a few tears well up. I hugged him tightly as the tears started to drop onto the floor. "We're having a baby!"

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