Sweet & Passionate

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Hey guys I ended up seeing someone else's content and it gave me an idea for this one. The creator's user is Mynameisananomaly if you would like to go check out their content you are more than welcome to.

This is also gonna be my longest episode so far so buckle up and prepare to read A LOT.

TW: mentions of alcohol and drugs. If such things make you feel uncomfortable you may skip to the smut. There will be a note letting you know when it's about to happen.

Third person POV:

Bakugo walked into the building. Everything was loud and he didn't like it. He thought to cover his ears but didn't want someone to ask him why. He didn't drink or even party that much and quite honestly doesn't even want to be there. But one of his friends convinced him that tonight was gonna be awesome. He was regretting his decision to come here. Kirishima spotted him and dragged him over to the alcohol section. He only took one glass just to get his friend off his back. Bakugo found a nice corner that seemed to be less loud then the rest of the place. He sat there sipping his drink looking around and people watching. While he was looking around at other people he noticed this group of guys doing lines of cocaine and smoking marijuana. Though one in particular person caught his attention. He was wearing a leather biker jacket, a rock band T-shirt, and some bell bottom jeans. He had a few lobe piercings on his ears and one in his septum. His green hair almost completely covered his eyes making him look even more mysterious. The man turned his head and looked at Bakugo. Their eyes locking for a split second before Bakugo looked away embarrassed. Suddenly a drunk woman walked up to Bakugo unprovoked. "What is a handsome man like you doing being a wall flower." Bakugo shrugged feeling uncomfortable. She got really close to him and was practically grinding on him. "Let's say you come home with me and we can have some fun.~" Bakugo tried to back up but ran into the wall. In a few moments the woman was pulled away by another guy. Bakugo let out a sigh of relief. He was about to leave but before he could someone tapped him on the shoulder. "You good?" Bakugo turned around and noticed it had been the man that caught his attention. "Mhm" He nods. "A-all good." He gave the guy a thumbs up and an awkward smile. "Uh ok... But anyways, my name is Izuku Midoryia. What's your name?" "Um uh my name?... Oh uh yeah... My name is Katsuki Bakugo." Izuku smiled and put out his hand. "Nice to meet you Katsuki." Bakugo grabbed the guy's hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you two Izuku." Bakugo was blushing a vibrant red. Midoryia noticed and decided to have a little fun with it. "Are you blushing?~" he smirked making Bakugo blush even more. "Uh... wha... n-no I'm not!" Katsuki covered his face with his hands. "I'm just kidding no need to be a Debbie downer." He touched Bakugo's shoulder for a second before letting go. "Oh sorry forgot you just got harassed." Bakugo was astonished by how soft this man's hands were. It almost made him wonder what they would feel like against his body. No! He just met the guy and he's having these kinds of thoughts!? And besides he's never had sex before so why is he even thinking about it. Bakugo must have been in deep thought because he was shaken back to reality. "Katsuki! Are you listening to me!?" Bakugo became easily dizzy from the shaking. "Now I am." He was still dizzy but was able to focus enough on what the guy was saying. "I said that I was sorry for touching your shoulder since you had just been harrased. Then I asked... if you would maybe want to... get some coffee with me some time?" Bakugo quickly snapped out of his dazed state to assess the situation. Was this man being genuine or just playing with him? "Uh I don't like coffee. Sorry but maybe we could do something else?" Holy shit! He just accepted without fully thinking it through. What the fuck is wrong with him!? What about this man make Bakugo feel so free to say and do things that he has never done before? "Well I could take you to my place and we could watch a movie together if that's more your pace?" "Yeah sure." Wait... WHAT!? This is wrong this is all wrong! He can't go over there. Not now not ever. He's never liked the idea of being cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. Why did he all of a sudden switch sides? "You wouldn't mind if I took you there right now then would you? You don't seem to enjoy this type of public setting." Bakugo awkwardly smiled. "Is it that obvious?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah you clearly don't party often, do you?" Bakugo shook his head. "No, I only came to this one because my friend made me come." "Well then, I'll be the one to bring you away from here." Izuku bowed like a gentleman making Katsuki's heart flutter. "You don't have to bow to me. I'm not royalty." "But of course you are my majesty." Bakugo felt a warm shiver throughout his entire body when he heard the nickname. He tried to hate it but his body denied it. "We can go now." Bakugo tried to hide his flushed face once again but the greenette grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. Izuku grabbed a helmet off of his motorcycle and tossed it to Katsuki. "We're riding on this?" "Yeah, you ok with that?" Bakugo pushed his fear aside and put on the helmet. They both mounted the motorcycle. Izuku pressed a button on both of their helmets. There was a buzzing sound until it went silent. "You might want to hold on tight." Bakugo was startled at first because he wasn't expecting to hear the greenette's voice through the helmet. He held onto him by the waist but he was careful not to hold to tight to where he would hurt him. Midoryia started the engine and then took off. The sudden movement cause Katsuki to hold onto Izuku's chest tightly with his face pressed up against his back. In this moment he realized just how muscled the guy really was. He watched the buildings as they drove by them. They quickly got to the guy's place. Once they stopped, Izuku helped Bakugo off the motorcycle before taking off their helmets. Izuku grabbed Katsuki's hand and brought him to the door. "I have roommates but they pretty much just stay in their rooms all the time." Bakugo nodded and was dragged into the apartment building. He was brought up a flight of stairs before they stopped in front of a door. "This is my apartment." He unlocked the door and brought Katsuki in. It was bigger than he expected it to be. "What do u want for the snacks? We've got chips, candy, popcorn, soda, and cup noodles." Bakugo perked up when he heard cup noodles. "Do u have any spicy cup noodles?" Izuku looked to see if they had any. "Uh no but we do have some hot sauce and some chilli pepper if you'd like to use that." Bakugo was a little disappointed but he'll still get some spice. "Ok that'll have to do." Izuku grabbed some noodles and placed them on the counter. "Is there anything else u want to snack on?" Bakugo paused and thought for a quick moment. "Maybe some popcorn and a cup of water." "I'll get those done right now." Katsuki walked over to the couch and sat down. There was a blanket on the back of the couch so he took it and covered up. It was really soft and cozy. So cozy Bakugo almost fell asleep. A few minutes later the snacks were done. Izuku brought them over to the couch and put them on the coffee table before sitting down. He grabbed the remote and turned on the television. "What do you want to watch?" Bakugo grabbed his cup of noodles and one of the water bottles. "Do you like horror or crime?" Midoriya looked a little nervous but reluctantly put on the conjuring. He grabbed his share of the snacks and leaned back on the couch. They both finished all of the food halfway through the movie. "Should I pause it so we can take a bathroom break and get some more snacks?" Bakugo nodded still completely focused on the movie. Izuku paused it and got up to stretch. Katsuki got up to go to the bathroom and realized he didn't know where it was. "Uh... where's the bathroom?" "First door to the left." Izuku pointed to the hallway by the kitchen. Bakugo walked over to it and walked in turning on the light and closing the door behind him. Bakugo sat on the toilet before realizing that they had no toilet paper out. He looked in the cabinet under the sink to see if he could fine anything in there.

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