The Prince and The President's Son

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This episode is inspired by my favorite movie of ALL TIME. This will also be EXTREMELY long so strap on. Hope you enjoy.

A reporter speaks on the news. "It was a storybook ceremony today inside Westminster Abbey, where the future king of England, Princess Toga, Dutchess of Cambridge, married her childhood sweetheart, Sir Toya Todoroki. Thousands came to cheer the couple and to cheer the princess' younger brother, Prince Katsuki, known affectionately as 'Prince of England's Hearts,' and their younger brother, Prince Denki, whom all the world adores. The wedding reception boasts a who's who of international guests, including Izuku Midoryia, the charismatic son of the American president. And also representing the U.S. is Ochako Ururaka, the vice president's daughter." Ochako gasps at the reporter's words. "She's talking about us." The reporter continues on to say. "Mr. Midoryia is often referred to as 'the American Prince Katsuki." Ochako scoffs. "Hey. Here's an idea. How about we skip the party tonight and go do touristy things instead?" Izuku says. "No. Are you crazy? I want to see Buckingham Palace, don't you?" "Mm." Izuku is clearly not thrilled about the idea. "Okay, you've been yucking my yum all day. What's going on with you?" There is a slight pause. "It's... it's the whole Prince Katsuki comparison thing. Izuku sighs. "He's spent his entire life attending fancy events like this. He was trained for this. I feel like if I use the wrong fork at dinner, they're just... gonna eat me alive." They finally pull up to the palace. "Just remember, you're handsome and charming and everyone loves you." They both get out of the car and walk inside. They stand in line waiting to be greeted by the royal family. "It's nice to see you again." Princess Toga says to one of the guests. "When the revolution happens, it will be because of this wedding." Katsuki claims. "Oh, shut up, Katsuki, and get into the spirit of the thing." "The cake alone costs 75,000 pounds. They practically had to break the doors down to get it inside." Katsuki chuckles. "It's obscene." "You're not gonna want to hear this, but that Prince Katsuki is so yummy." Ochako says while looking at the prince walk their direction. "Ochako, no. He's such a snob." Izuku grunts. "I don't know, man. If I was gonna go for a rich white boy, that is the rich white boy I'd go for." She bites her lip continuing to look at the prince. "But he's the worst kind of rich white boy. So smug and entitled." Ochako looks at Izuku with a sassy face. "He's a prince, Izuku. He's literally entitled." "Oh, you know what is obscene?" Denki asks. "Hmm?" Katsuki says curiously. "Is how attractive the president's son is. Have you ever met him?" "Yes, a few times. He's very... animated." Katsuki pauses. "He's the world's most irritating person." It switches over to Izuku. "He's the world's rudest person. Also, I swear that he is not six-two." Izuku says frustratedly. Katsuki and Denki finally reach Izuku and Ochako. "It's wonderful to see you." Denki says to Ochako. "Nice to meet you as well." Ochako says back. "I have heard so much about you." "Have you really?" Denki nods. "You're sticking with me tonight." Denki grabs Ochako's arm. "Come on. Here we go." Denki walks away with Ochako "How's it going?" Izuku puts on a fake smile as he asks Katsuki. He scoffs and walks away from Izuku. A string ensemble starts playing classical music when Izuku walks I to the room. "Katsuki!" Izuku chuckles drunkenly. "What's up? Long time no see." Katsuki's and Izuku's glasses clink together. "Izuku." Katsuki says in an annoyed tone. "killer wedding, man." "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Katsuki puts his drink down. "Ah, yeah. Who doesn't love a little Mozart?" "Actually, it's Schubert." Katsuki corrects Izuku. "Although you got to wonder" Izuku nudges the cake stand. "how many families you could feed with what this cake cost." Izuku chuckles drunkenly again. "Probably not as many as if we put your shoes on auction." Izuku scoffs. "Rude. Tell me something, Your Majesty." Izuku picks up his drink and accidentally scoops off some of the cake icing. He pauses when he sees it. "Yes, Izuku?" Katsuki turns to look at Izuku. He quickly hides the glass behind his back. "Uh, did your parents send you to snobbery school or does looking down on people just come naturally to you?" Izuku snarls. "Well, in your case, I would say it's rather inevitable." Izuku starts to get defensive. "We are the same height!" "If you say so, Izuku. It was great to see you." Katsuki stares at Izuku. "You, too, Your Majesty."
"Actually, it's 'Your Royal Highness.' 'Your Majesty' is reserved for the king." "Oh, thank you for the etiquette lesson." Izuku says in a sassy tone. "You are desperately in need of one." Katsuki pushes Izuku's shoulder. He then turns to walk away. "You know what?" Izuku takes his hand out from behind his back and grabs Katsuki's shoulder. Izuku gasps at the realization that he just got icing on prince Katsuki's suit. Katsuki groans and turns around. They both start whispering. "I am so sorry. I'm so sorry. Uh..." Izuku tries to clean it off. Katsuki mutters and grunts. Katsuki and Izuku start arguing quietly. People start staring at them. "It'll be fine!" Katsuki pushes Izuku into the cake table. Izuku grunts. The rowd gasps and murmurs. The cake starts creaking. The crowd starts gasping. Izuku pulls Katsuki down. "Oh!" The cake falls on top of them as they cover themselves. The rowd exclaims. "Katsuki!" Prince Philip yells. The rowd is murmuring as Katsuki and Izuku get up. Cameras start clicking.

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