He Wished it Never Happened

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Hey guys! We're getting so far into this and I'm extremely proud of all of you for continuing to reach the viewing goals that I set. When I started this I never thought it would get this far so thank you.

• Pedophilia
• Underage drinking
• Abortion
Omega verse

Now onto the episode!

Bakugo's POV:

I walk into my room and slam the door behind me. I was getting annoyed by Deku's shenanigans. He was constantly asking to hang out. I plop on my bed and fall asleep. I wake up the next morning and put on casual clothes. I am not going to class today. I walk to the entrance and get stopped by Deku. "Hey Kacchan! Can we hangout after-" "JUST SHUT UP AND QUIT ASKING ME TO HANGOUT! I NEED SOME TIME TO MYSELF EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE!" He shuts his mouth and I walk out. I walk to a bar. Yes I'm underage and no I don't care. I walk into the bar and sit down. I cover my face with my hair and hand the cashier a fifty dollar bill. "Five shots, and keep em' coming till the fifty runs out." The cashier takes the money. "Yes sir." He hands me three shots and I down them easily. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Hawks. He was clearly drunk. "Wanna drink with me?" He asks and I nod. We have a lot to drink. I woke up in a completely different room. I look around and see Hawks in the bed next to me. I quickly pull up the blanket. "Shit!" We were both completely naked. I swear to god if I'm pregnant. I get up and get dressed. I leave as soon as I grab all of my stuff and I head to my dorm. I change into my uniform and go to class. I had a major hangover and could barely keep my eyes open. Eventually I fell asleep and then woke up to Shitty hair shaking me. "It's time for lunch bakubro." I pack up my stuff and walk to the lunchroom with the 'Bakusquad'. We get our food and sit down at a table. I pick at my plate till the bell rings and I go up to my room. I fall asleep on my bed as soon as I get in there. I wake up to my alarm telling me to get ready for patrol. I get my hero suit and head to Endeavor's agency, even though I rather be with Best Jeanist. I walk to the changing rooms and start to undress. I get pulled into a stall. "Hey!" I look at who it is and my heart drops. "What are you doing here Hawks?" "Are you an omega?" I hesitate but nod. "Have you taken a pregnancy test yet? Just to make sure." I shake my head. "I wasn't sure which one of us topped." Hawks pinches the bridge of his nose. "Come by my place after your patrol. I'll by you a test for you to take." "Yeah sure." I open up the stall and go back to changing into my hero uniform. I walk out and see Todoroki staring at me. "What are you looking half 'n' half?" He points to the red feather on my shoulder. I grab it and stuff it in my pocket. "We're you with Hawks or something?" I just walk past him and don't answer. After patrol was over I change into normal clothes and rush to Hawks' place. Good thing I still remember where it is. I knock on the door and he opens it pulling me in quickly. He hands me the test and points me to the bathroom. I take it and then wait for the results. After three minutes I look at it and take a breath of relief. It was negative. I walk out with it behind my back. "What were the results?" I show him and his shoulders slump. "We're you hoping for me to be pregnant?" He nods. "Why?" He fixes his posture. "My mother said that if I don't have a baby by the end of August she'll arrange a marriage for me." I felt bad for him. "We can do it again and actually try this time if you want to. He lights up and hugs me. "Thank you Katsuki." He pulls me to the bed and starts to pull my clothes off when there is a knock at his front door. He gets up and I get my clothes back on. I scurry to the kitchen and hide behind the counter. He opens the door. "Todoroki? What are you doing here?" Todoroki looks through the door. "Is Bakugo here? Midorya said he wasn't at his mother's place and he's not in the dorms." Hawks shakes his head no. "Why would he be here?" Todoroki stared at him blankly. "Sorry I guess I just got a bit carried away. I'll leave." Todoroki leaves and Hawks closes the door. I walk back to the bed and take my shirt off. "So back to what we were doing~?" I bite my lip as he gets on top of me. I take off his shirt and toss it to the ground. He takes off his pants and boxer while I do the same. He grabs the lube from out of the nightstand and applies it to my ass and his dick. I hold up my legs as he lines himself up. He thrusts in and I moan arching my back. I let go of my legs and wrap them around him. He starts to thrust slowly to make sure I'm not in any pain. I grab his shoulder and pull him closer to me. I whisper in his ear "fuck me faster." He gladly does so. I start to claw at his back moaning loudly. He kisses me, and I kiss back. His thrusts become more aggressive. "I'm close." He nods in agreement. I cum and tighten around him forcing him over the edge as he cums deep inside me. He sits there for a moment and then pulls out. "Let's hope that worked." I nod as I feel myself slowly fall asleep. When I wake up it was almost time for the students to be in their dorms. I shake Hawks awake and then start to get dressed. We head to the dorm buildings. Right before I go in Hawks stops me and pulls me to him. "Here's a key to my apartment and thank you for trying to help me." I smile. "You're welcome." I take the keys. He kisses me and lets me go. I go inside the dorm building and walk into the common room. It was dark and the lights were off. Out of nowhere the lights turn on practically blinding me. I look over to the corner of the room and see Deku and Todoroki sitting in chairs. "Why we're you with Hawks?" "I wasn't." Deku looks at me sternly. "Then why does Todoroki have a picture of you two kissing?" My eyes widen and my heart drops. "Please don't tell anyone." They stand up and walk over to me. "Kacchan he is twenty seven and you're seventeen. He is ten years older than you." My head droops low. "I know. But I think I kinda like him." Deku hugs me and I hug him back. We let go of each other and I walk up to my dorm. I fall asleep. I wake up the next morning later than I usually do on the weekends. I remember what me and Hawks did and I go to the bathroom and take out a pregnancy test. I take it and wait the three minutes for the results. I put the test in a bag without looking at it and I head to Hawks' place. I open the door and sit on his bed. I wait for him to get back from patrol. After about five hours I hear the door open. He looks at me with a smile on his face. I take the test out of the bag and look at the results. It was positive! I jump up and show him the test. "YES! I'm gonna be a father!" He picks me up and swings me around. We spent the whole day together and I go back to the dorms. I set the test at my desk and sit on my bed. I fall asleep again and wake up to people shaking me awake. I look up at them and see Deku and half 'n' half. "What are guys doing in my room?" I rub my eyes. "Kacchan would you like to explain why there was a positive pregnancy test on your desk!?" I instantly froze. I could feel tears welling up. I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. "Kacchan. are you pregnant?" I slowly nod. Half 'n' half grabs the test and destroys it. The tears start to stream down my face. Deku hugs me and rubs my back. I hold onto him tightly. "Kacchan if I was with a thirty year old what would you tell me?" "I would tell you it's gross and dangerous." He pulls away and looks at me. "So you can understand how we feel about you being with Hawks right?" I nod. "But can you guys just trust me on this?" They both nod. About a month later I was already starting to show a little. I had to take it easy on the training so I told Aizawa that I was having stomach issues and he let me sit out. I would visit Hawks every other day. Today I decided to leave class a little early and go see him. When I walked up to his door I smelt perfume. I opened the door and saw his shoes and a woman's shoes  on the ground. I hesitantly walk to his room and I hear moaning. I open the door quickly and see him fucking a woman. It felt like someone had taken a searing hot iron and stabbed it through my heart. They both look at me. The woman grabs her stuff and gets dressed before leaving. "You're cheating on me?" He stands there. "We never started dating." I get angry and start yelling. "I'M CARRYING YOUR FUCKING CHILD AND YOU GO AND DO THIS!?" I throw the keys at him. "YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO ME AND THIS BABY!" I leave before he can say anything. I run to my dorm and lock myself in my closet. I cry while curled up into a ball. I hear someone knock on my door. "Go away!" I hear them open the door and walk in front of my closet. "Kacchan it's just me and Todoroki. Can you please open the door?" I unlock my closet door and they come in. They both sit next to me. "Kacchan why did you come running in here crying?" I burry my head in my knees. "Hawks was cheating on me." I say as I cry into my knees. "Are you going to keep the baby?" I look up at them. "I'd feel bad getting rid of it but I'd feel horrible if I kept it." Deku rubs my back. "If you feel worse keeping it then you could always... You know." I nod. I take out my phone and schedule the appointment. When it's time for the appointment I bring both Deku- Izuku, and Todoroki. They were both alphas so they made me feel safer.

*after the abortion because I don't feel like writing that*

I cuddle Izuku and Todoroki while I sleep. And I wake up the next morning a few inches away from kissing Izuku. I squeak and cover my face. They both wake up and kiss me on the cheek. Izuku pulls my hands away from my face and kisses me on the lips. I melt into the kiss. He pulls away. "Do you want to be my boyfriend Kacchan?" I smile and nod. "And me and you can just be fuck buddies." I smack Todoroki on the arm. "Owie." We all laugh and I go back to cuddling them.

That's the end of this part. Hope you enjoyed. BYE!!! (2050 words)

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