Sleeping In

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(Warning: This is short!)

3rd POV

Skeleton woke up, still remaining in Wither's strong hold. He managed to reach for his phone without waking Wither up. He checked the time, 9:30 am.

Shit, he thought. School started at 9:00, they were half an hour late!

Skeleton tried to get out of bed, but Wither pulled him back to him.

"Witherrr..." Skeleton groaned.


"It's 9:30, we're so late for school..." Skeleton pointed out. He once again tried getting out of bed, and once again Wither pulled him back.

"Wither, we have to go... Herobrine's gonna be pissed....

"It's Friday, Skelly . We'll just take a longer weekend," Wither said, softly kissing Skeleton's shoulder. Skeleton huffed.

"Wither, seriously...." Skeleton groaned in annoyance. Wither replied by kissing his shoulder more, making Skeleton's desire to stay with him stronger than Skeleton not wanting to be late because of a pissed-off Herobrine.

Skeleton gave in, cuddling up against his boyfriend. "You know I can't resist you."

"That's why I do it, Skelly~"

Skeleton playfully rolled his eyes, muttering to himself.

"What was that, Skelly?"

"I said, 'You damn tease'," Skeleton repeated.

"Oh, I know," Wither said, smirking. He kissed Skeleton's shoulder one more time; he knew the effect his touch had on Skeleton. Skeleton shivered in pleasure at Wither's touch.

Wither once again wrapped his strong arms around Skeleton, pulling him closer.

"Love you, Skelly~"

"Love you too, Wither."

Needless to say, Herobrine was pissed when they didn't show up, but let it slide when he found out why.

(Just their teacher supporting his student couple-)

Wither x Skeleton OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now