The asset - pt3

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Coulson looked through a maze of corridors and finally found Hall underground and tapping at a computer.

"Dr. Hall. Agent Coulson. We have an exit strategy".


"Yes, sir. Let's get you out of here".

"I'm sorry, Mr. Coulson. I'm right where I'm supposed to be", he replied and went back to his computer.

Coulson was in the middle of walking out when he stopped.

"I'll be honest, our strategy did not take into consideration you saying that".

May was still working on trying to find the leak. Someone had warned Quinn that Doctor Hall was being moved and they needed to know who. But when she finally figured it out, a picture of Doctor Hall himself appeared on the screen.

"Oh, no", she whispered.

"Look", Coulson tall Hall. "I don't know what Quinn is promising you, but—"

"An opportunity".

"We can't let Quinn have control of this. It's too dangerous", Coulson pointed out as the machine behind the glass came to life.
"We can't let anyone have control of this!" Hall said with certainty. "That's why I'm here... To bury it at the bottom of the ocean, with him".

"Coulson", May said through the earpiece. "The leak came from—"

"Dr. Hall. Yeah, I'm getting that", Coulson mumbled as he stood in front of the glass and the machine sparked with colour and electricity.

"All petitions, embargoes in the world couldn't stop Ian", Hall told him as he continued to work. "He grows more powerful every day. And then I get word he's found this. I'm sorry, Mr. Coulson. I had to make a choice".

The whole room shook and a blue glow came from the thing behind them. It continued to whirr louder and louder as thing flew out of cupboards.

"Something tells me that wasn't the 'off' button!" Coulson shouted before the whole room flipped and he was knocked unconscious.
He doesn't know when it was, but at some point he started opening his eyes. The floor glowed white and objects from the cupboards were all over him. His body ached but he got his senses back as soon as he could.

"Guys, we need to talk", he said into his ear.

"Lost you for a minute", May replied. "We're aware of the problem, sir. Hall wanted Quinn to kidnap him?"

"Yeah, why would he do that?" Fitz asked.

"What is wrong with him?" Simmons added.

"Quinn built a gravity generator, like the one we found but bigger", Coulson groaned as he got himself to his feet. "Hall knew Quinn would need him to control its raw power, but Hall just wanted to unleash it".

"The one we found was 2.5 centimetres in diameter. It stopped a semi. How big are we talking?" Simmons asked worriedly.
"12 feet. It'll definitely take down the entire compound".

"It'll sink the place".

"No, it'll do more than that", Fitz-Simmons said at the same time.

"Work a solution. I'll disconnect the power before things get... crazy", Coulson said slowly as he stood up and realised he was standing on the ceiling.

Hall walked around like nothing was wrong, stepping over the lights as if it was normal.

"They can't help you", he said. "Soon, it'll reach an exponential acceleration state. I'm sorry".

He sounded like he really meant it as he picked up a chair and sat down to wait.

"My team's here... good people".

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