The Hub - pt2

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Coulson stands with Victoria Hand in front of the many computer screens that detail the location of all their agents.

"I'm going to need three more chalks queued up at the border", she said.

"And a fourth standing by in Armenia?"

"Great minds", she smiled. "It must be nice to be off that plane. I understand you're almost through your recovery".

"The plane has nothing to do with my recovery", he tells her simply.

"I only know what I've read. Seems Fury has a soft spot for his favorites. Not everyone gets sent to Tahiti".

"It's a", he starts with certainty but slowly stops speaking.

He looks ahead at the screen as she looks at him.

"All I meant was it must feel good to be back in the big leagues".

"Two of my agents are the key to this operation. I never left the bigs".

"Let's hope they're as good as you think they are", she says before walking away.

Back in the dodgy bar, Fitz and Ward are tied up on chairs. They can hear the commotion from the bar in the background, muffled by the walls.

"What's happening?" Fitz asks quietly. "Why haven't they killed us yet? I mean, I'm glad they haven't killed us yet".

"They're waiting for their boss. So, before he gets here we need a plan".

He looks around, trying to figure it out before turning back around.

"How long can you hold your breath underwater?"

"I don't know", the younger answers the ridiculous question.

"You familiar with the term 'slam and cram'?"

"No, and I d-I don't think I want to be", Fitz says with certainty.

"How attached are you to your pinkie?"

"Very", he hisses, "very attached, and before you ask another terrifyingly vague question, let me be clear. Any plan that involves even one of those scenarios isn't going to work for me".

Ward starts looking around, trying to shush him but he wont stop.

"As a matter of fact, I've – "

Fitz instantly stops talking when a woman walks in and stops right in front of them.

"I heard you were looking for your friend Uri, and Uri was friends with separatists. Are you separatist?" She asks.

"No. We're here to stop them", Ward says calmly as Fitz agrees, not so calmly.

"Definitely here to stop them".

"Trust me. If you could just help us get across the border – " Ward starts until cheers from the other room drown him out.

"Ah! I'm missing the game", the woman huffs in annoyance."You're wasting my time", she decides, "so let me be clear. You've given me no reason to trust you, and trust is everything to me".

The man next to her pulls out a gun and cocks it before aiming it at Ward once again. Fitz is really starting to regret saying yes to this mission as he raises his shoulders with a wince. The man is just about to shoot when the electricity from the whole building turns off with a zap and unhappy shouts come from the other room.

Back at the hub, Skye runs after Coulson down a hallway to catch up with him.

"Hey. Fancy seeing you here", she says, slightly out of breath.

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