The Hub - pt3

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Alex and Skye are hiding in a room with a laptop.

"All right, boys. Let's find out where you really are", she says and starts typing.

She finds the S.H.I.E.L.D. Database and looks through the recent missions to did the one she needs.

"Redacted documents", Alex points from over her shoulder.

They find themselves looking at lots of mission files.

"One minute forty seconds", Alex lets her know.

She only has computer access for less than two minutes and decides to quickly find their other stuff.

"Lets see if we can find the guy that's bothering you", she says quietly.

She types in different keywords but hundreds of random missions pop up, so instead, she gets the photo they took at the museum and put that in the search bar. All that comes up is 'no results found'.

"Shit. One minute twenty".

She instead tries to use the keywords, possessions and sludge, and a few appear on the screen. Some of them are open cases and some of them are closed. They're scattered across the world and date back to hundreds of years ago to now.

"We found thousands of peoples DNA in that sludge in the lab", Alex says, his voice shaking. "What if he's some kind of serial killer?"

Skye looks at him in worry before sorting through a couple of the people, but they don't have any information.

"It just says people have gone missing and some families say they turned into sludge but the law enforcement never believed them. It seems S.H.I.E.L.D. Didn't think it was much of an issue".

"One minute left", Alex says worriedly. "Lets move on to your stuff".


She opens a new box and enters the date she was left as a baby. A file comes up but it's all redacted and black bars cover most of the words.

"Okay. There it is...if I could just access the raw file".

"Thirty four seconds", Alex says sadly, knowing they wont be able to find her file either.

"Oh crap. I don't have any time", she sighs and goes back to the current open cases at S.H.I.E.L.D. She searches for South Ossetia and the file appears. It says it's a two man infil team, which must be Fitz and Ward, only, under extraction plan, it says nothing.

"Oh my God".

"What, what is it?" Alex leans over.

"No extraction!"

They both stare at it when Coulson appears and slams the laptop closed.

"What did I tell you?" He says angrily.

"You told me to trust the system. And the system sent Ward and Fitz in there to die".

"There's no plan to get them out!" Alex adds.

Its slightly lighter outside when Fitz and Ward lay in the middle of a dusty road in something that looks like a large sleeping bag.

"Good day to be a rat", Fitz says clearly done with the situation already and Wars sighs as if he's had enough of Fitz. "I mean, there you are, minding your own business, spreading filth and disease, scavenging for grub worms or rotten fruit. When lo and behold, you see it – a prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella sandwich..."


"With just a hint of pesto aioli".

"Quiet", Ward tells him. "Feel that?"

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