here comes trouble

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❤ Erica's POV ❤
I toss and turned the whole night , I couldn't sleep.

Why did it have to be him. I wake up in the morning , take a shower and get dressed and leave for school.

I get outside and the is a car parked out " morning I'll be your chauffeur this morning " I roll my eyes at him and keep walking , he gets out of the car and holds my hand.

" Erica listen , I won't force you to do anything you don't like, actually yesterday I got too excited when I saw you and it just came out of me I am sorry , but I do like you and I'd like to get to know you"

" it's okay , you should spend your time getting to know my sisters instead" , " I don't want your sisters I want you , atleast give me a month"

" a month?" He nods " yes a month , if you don't feel the same way about me by the end of the month then I'll let you go I promise" , " can I think about it?" I see a little smile on his face.

"Sure but for now let me drop you off , I am already here" I sigh and he opens the door for me and we drive off.

I get to the park and the guys rush over to us Andrew greets Marco " uhmm guys this is Marco , Marco these are my friends Marcus , Steven and Luke you already know Andrew" he greets them.

"Whose he?" Steven asks " her potential boyfriend " , " whaaat!" They all shouted and I look at him.

" I haven't agreed to anything" , Marcus nudgs me " are you kidding me , you said just yesterday if love visits you'll give it a chance what's this now" , "it's not that Marcus , he's the marriage guy , this is all your fault" I say hitting Steven on his mouth.

"If you didn't ask that stupid question we wouldn't be here" , " I am 100% behind you dating him , I said this before , I like him for you" Andrew said.

"Thanks man , I really appreciate it , I honestly just want to get to know her , I really don't want to force her into marriage that's all our parents thing , I just wish she'll give me a chance".

" you said a month right?" He nods " fine I'll give you a month" , " and you won't be stubborn and not want to spend time with me?" I looked at him then at the guys " fine if I am not busy I'll go where you want" , " I can take you on dates and you won't say know" , " whatever okay just don't plan anything that clashes with my school work or sport" , "school and sports first always got it"

He puts out his pinky " pinky promise that you commit to us getting to know each other and possibly dating if your feelings are mutual to mine" I lock my pinky in his " sure " he smiles.

" I'll come watch your game today then we can grab something to eat before taking you home" , " how do you know I have a game today?"

He looks at me and run his hand on his hair " the director gave me your schedule" , "what?" I shouted.

" wait let me explain , yesterday I realized I didn't have your number and I couldn't reach you so I thought I'd come by after your class and come see you and possibly ask for your number"

I look at him and walk away " have a great day" he shouts behind me and the guys chuckle.

"I like this guy" Andrew said and I just rolled my eyes at him.

I handed in my assignment and we walked to the school cafeteria , " so how did you meet Mr handsome" , " Mr handsome?".

"we may be guys but we know when a person is handsome, his physic is great, you can tell he works out"

"I met him on Monday on my way to the library", " what so he was the emergency" I nod.

" okay let's get our food and go back to study before heading off to your match" , we do just that.

❤ Marco's POV ❤
As soon as I got in the car I took a deep sigh smiling from ear to ear.

" she said yes , aaah finally someone I actually have feelings for" I was in disbelief.

I drove back home and I went straight to my home office , John and Matteo walked in behind me.

"Boss here ar.." I stop him " I am busy today , call Dean and hand over everything to him , I'll be busy for the next few weeks , I want nothing distracting me unless it's an emergency" he nodded.

" what's more important than work? You know dad will kill you if he hears of this right" I walked to him and put my hands on his shoulders.

" Erica is more important than work , you'll make sure father doesn't find out won't you brother" I say slightly smiling at him.

" what's with you and this girl , just give her money and get married" , "it's not that easy she's different , if she doesn't want her parents money what makes you think she'll want mine".

" then buy her flowers or something" , "she's given me a month if I don't make her fall inlove with me by then , I have to marry one of her stupid sisters".

He rolled his eyes " you didn't forget lunch together today didn't you" , " I am sorry Teo I am busy".

He scrunched his eyebrows " with what?" , "Eraca has a tennis match at 12 I just came here to change then go back and watch it" , " she plays tennis too?" John asks and I nod.

" she does seem fit though, she did seem happy when she played basketball, she looked professional, I mean if I were a sponsor I'd totally throw my money at her" , I give him a proud smile.

" she plays basketball too?" Matteo asked and I nodded , "I am coming with you I wanna see this" he says , " can I come too boss " , " to watch my girl or grope on Uni students?" He just chuckles.

" whatever tell the guys to wear casual I want you all to fit in don't make her feel like she's been guarded okay" he nods and goes out.

" help me pick something to wear won't you , something that says normal not mafia" my brother laughs as I grag him to my room.

After a while of Matteo not so much being of help , I settled on black slim fit jeans and a black tshirt with my black and white denin jacket and black and white Jordan.

He scoffed " you look like those Uni rich boys" , " thanks bro I was going for that" , " I should change too then if that's the case , by the way your body is looking mmmmh in this tshirt black is definitely your color, if she sees these arms and still don't fall for you she must be blind " I chuckle.

He leaves I look at myself in the mirror, I've never had to impress woman before , I don't even know where to start.

This girl has me by the whips I am nervous. I take my jacket and walk downstairs the guys come out , moments later Matteo comes out.

He's wearing a black silk shirt with open buttons showing his chest, with black pants and closy shoes " I said casual" he rolls his eyes " I had to look for something that compliments my body , not all of us look good in plain clothes like you , you know"

" It's already 11 let's just go", we drove off and got there in time.

When we got there all eyes were on us , girls were screaming , aaay Uni is still the same ey.

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