Making memories

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❤ Erica's POV ❤
He took my bag from me and opened the door for me to enter.

He placed my bag at the back and got into the driver's seat.

"You're not gonna kidnap me are you?" I asked and he chuckled , " you're funny I like that about you" we drove off.

An hour later we reached a lake view with a small cottage and a swing on a big tree , this looked beautifully.

He pulled out a picnic basket from the booth and held wine glasses in his hand" this way please" he said.

Such a gentleman, he planned this for us , he took his time and planned this I was truly touched.

There were 2 benches and a table near the lake just under the tree he placed the basket down and took out a cloth and wiped both seats and the table.

He set up everything " I am sorry I've been quiet,  I just nervous,  I've never really done anything like this before and I don't want to make you uncomfortable" I shake my head.

"I am actually okay , I love it" he smiles "I used to come here with my mom , it's been a while since I last came here , if you like it then I should take care of the cottage as well" , I looked around.

" do you own this place" he takes a deep sigh and nods as he places the food out..

" Father bought this place for my mom when she was pregnant with me , he wanted her to be safe and away from the whole mafia trouble so she can give birth healthy , when I was young we would come here every school holiday , after Matteo was born we still would visit , one day Matteo fell into the lake and almost drowned my father never wanted us to come here again , but whenever I was down or mom was down or birthdays we would come here together and spend some quality time , when she passed I couldn't come here anymore as my father forbid it , when I was living on my own , I would come here but it wasn't the same so I just stopped coming , but today I don't know I just felt like bringing you here maybe it's cause I wish my mom were alive and you would meet her this is the closest place to her" he lightly smiled.

" Marco" he looked at me " why me? Why do you like me?" , " well I can't really pin it down , maybe it's because when I was at the verge of dying you were my savior or maybe because when I saw you walking towards me from your class wearing glasses I couldn't take my eyes off you , when you walked closer to me I loved the smell of your scent , or maybe it's the way you look when you were playing basketball when you felt your teammates being threatened and being bullied" he lifted my face to face him " or maybe it's the way you smile and the light dimple on your left cheeks is visible, or maybe your sarcasm,  or is it because when you're angry you don't really like raising your voice and you get annoyed when someone raises they voice at you or is it the fact that even though you saw me in danger yet you've never asked me why or how I was in that situation" , he knows so much about me in such a small space of time.

"What's there to ask about? I could already tell by the time I drove into your house" he scoffs " were you scared?" I look at him " I am not easly scared " he chuckles "I can tell by how you pushed John out of your way"

We ate in silence taking the view in , but it wasn't awkward though " can I ask you something? If you don't want to answer me it's okay" I nod.

" what's up with you and your father?" , " uhmm I've never really fit into my family as you can guess it already, my sisters had always been the favorite even at a young age , I remember when I was younger my father would come back from work and he'd give them gifts every day and pass me like I wasn't there , I was always the smartest so when I started high school I told myself I'd study hard enough so I never had to ask them for anything , he hated that he hated that I was better than them in something , he hated that I got things done without needing his help , I got a scholarship and moved to a better school and I got allowance as well , the first phone I had I bought myself, when I was done in high school he tried to ruin my image so I don't go to Uni but he was too late , my scholarship had already paid for my studies and I am already up for an internship and a job when I am done studying as long as I attend classes continue to be top student , it kills him to know I don't ask him for anything, not even money to buy myself clothes or lunch so we don't get along and they all hate me , my mom tries but it's too late for us to start with that bond".

"So you've never asked them for money" , "nope" , " you've been living of a stipend all these years " I nod.

" wow you've been so independent at such a young age that's awesome,  I've never been more proud" I smile.

Why am I smiling,  why does him being proud of me make me happy?.

We eat over light conversations, I actually like spending time with him.

It was now late and we were on our way home we passed by the beach and he stopped the car.

He pointed at an ice cream truck " what flavor do you want" I jump out with him excitedly " choc chip with chocolate syrup" he nods.

He orders two choc chip ice cream one with extra chocolate syrup the other with extra chocolate chops ontop from himself.

He takes off my shoes and we dip our feet in the water , so refreshing.

When we're done with our ice cream I see him deep in his thoughts and distract him by throwing water at him he chases me and does the same , we have water fight and I trip and pull him with me as I fall.

He falls ontop of me and looks down at my eyes then down to my lips , I bite down on my lower lip and he chuckles kisses my forehead then gets up , he pulls me up and we walk back to the car.

He drives me home it was now 9pm , "are you sure you don't want me to go in with you?" , " I am sure , it's late you should go" , he walks closer to me " can I have your number?" I take his phone and punch it in then give it back to him.

He kisses me on my forehead " I had a great time thank you princess"  , I looked up at him " I had a great time too bye" I wave at him as I get in with my shoes in my hand.

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