choices, choices

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❤ Marco's POV ❤
I've been keeping myself busy all morning the party was in the evening at father has been glued on me.

I missed Erica so much it's like I haven't seen her in a while.

It was now 4 pm he walked into my office " son we need to go home so you can get ready you don't want to be late for your own engagement" I sighed and got up and walked out with him.

We got home and I walked to my room passing Matteo, he followed me up "Marco you have to stop this , fine I'll marry the girl , I'll do it" father walked in.

" you will do no such thing" , " can't you see what you're doing to him , he looks miserable are you happy with that? He hasn't been eating nor taking care of himself all he does is work , do you even care about him? I'll marry Ciara just let Marco be with Erica!" , " that girl will not marry into this family and thats finally you better get ready or I'll grag you there myself" he said then walked out.

I took a deep breath out and took the suit and walked to the bathroom, Matteo walked out banging my door.

❤ Erica's POV ❤
I woke up at 12 took a shower and packed my things to go.

I walked down to get myself something to eat " you look horrible" Ciara said walking into the kitchen, I just ignored her did my fruit salad then walked out and sat at the dining table next to Eric, " you promised not to be h.." , " oh just shut it Ciara , you've gotten what you wanted just shut it already" Cialene shouted next to her.

" why are y.." , " why am I what? Tired of your nagging? You've always been so jealous of Erica like she's got everything the girl has been struggling all her life because of you , could you just stop it for fucksakes, we get it you got Marco , so happy for you goodluck on your loveless marriage" , " Cialene!" Father shouted " what? Am I lying? You're just a hypocrite yourself, all you ever do is give her all she wants , she's getting married and she won't be under you anymore I wonder who will care to her needs now that you're getting her married to someone who doesn't love her" he slapped her " thanks dad that really just hit the nail " she walked out of the house.

Eric and I just ate our food in silence " need a lift? I'll be heading out soon?" , " sure" I say finishing up my food.

Mom walks down and walks to me " sweetie w..." I get up and put my dish in the sink the ran upstairs grabbed my bag and Eric and I walked out.

We got into his car and he parked at the market " are you sure you're okay here?" Eric asked , " yea wanna get some food to cook for later on and a book" he nods and takes out his wallet.

He takes money out and gives it to me " don't be back too late okay" I nod " thanks " he drives off.

I go to our house , Marcus and I have a house of our own where we keep our cars , guns , equipment and so on , I walk in and go to the garage I get into my car and drive back to the super market , I get some stuff before going to the doctors office.

I put everything in the car then drive to the doctors office, " good you're here I was about to call you " she says leading me in.

" so did you take the pregnancy test ?" I nod "and?" , " it's positive" , " good because your results are here and I can confirm that you really are pregnant" I nod " uhmm I can continue to be your doctor and take care of both of you " , " uhmm what if I want to terminate?" I asked looking down fiddling with my fingers.

"Is that what you want to do? Don't you want to tell him first?" , " can I get back to you?" She nods with a light smile ," in the meantime you'll need these supplements it's the first trimester it usually is the hardest and you'll need these okay" I nodded she gave me the pills and I took the results and drove off to the lake house.

It was now 7 pm , I was getting anxious , I called up Marco on the burn " uhmm Erica this isn't a good time the ceremony is about to start" John voiced , I dropped the call and called him on his phone he answered immediately " bab.." , " I am pregnant" , " what?" , " I am pregnant Marco" , " where are you I am coming to you" I could hear shuffling and then the car engine.

" babe don't do anything stupid okay I am on my way, are you at the lake house?" , " yes" my sobs could be heard over the " hey hey sweetheart listen I..." all I could hear was car honking and a big bang and then beeep beeep beep.

I called him again and it went straight to voicemail" Marco! Marco! " I shouted my heart felt like it has been ripped out of me.

I ran outside and got into the car , and drove off Marcus called me " where are you?" , " where is he?" , "Erica where are you don't driv.." I hung up the phone and I stopped when I had seen Marco's car.

I ran up to it and the police stopped me " Marcoooo!" I shouted getting out of they grip Marcus came to me " calm down first you can save him" , he talked to the police and I ran to Marco's car the fuel was leaking and the door was stuck, our families came and I ran to them and pulled a gun out of Matteo and shot the door down , I pulled him out and Matteo came to me as soon as he saw what I was doing he helped me lift him up and the car exploded.

I laid him down and notice he wasn't breathing , I ran up to John and pulled out his knife , then ran to my car and pulled out a straw , " Marcus lighter" he took it out , I warmed the knife up and slit Marco's throat a little then inserted the straw and pushed in air , I could feel his heart beating again and the ambulance came.

His dad walked to me and grabbed me by my throat lifting me up " are you trying to kill him? This is all your fault" I didn't say anything " sir this young lady just saved your son put her down" Marcus pushed him away from me and he let go.

I just looked as the paramedics took him away.

"If my son doesn't survive this I'll kill you myself , I don't even try coming to the hospital" , " you have no right to tell her that she's hi.." I turned Marcus around before he could finish and shook my head.

They all left going to the hospital , " you should take care of Andrew I am okay" , " you're not okay Erica" right then and then Pablo and Elehandro got there.

All I did was run to Pablo and he opened his arms for me and I just buried my head on his chest " it's okay baby I am here now" he said rubbing my back.

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