Sleep over

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I get inside tip toeing " I see you've already spread your legs for him you little slut" Ciara says from behind.

"I think you're confusing yourself with me Ara" she walks off angrily.

" so you now come home late?" My Father said as he comes out of the study.

" I had plans" I say passing him " why are you taking this from your sister? You don't even care about my business, give Marco to your sister and stop being selfish" I scoff and walk back down so I am infront of him.

" I am not taking anything away from anyone,  Marco chose me not your dumb empty heads , he's not one of they toys you don't get to just throw him to them" I felt a hot slap on my face.

" you always think you know everything , I regret the day your mother gave birth to you all you do is bring misfortunes to this family " he walked away.

Mom came running to me and held my now red cheek " baby he didn't me.." I got up and walked upstairs before she could finish.

I took a shower and just got in bed.

❤ Marco's POV ❤
I got in the car and drove off smiling like a little kid , I got in the house and Matteo stood by the door angry.

"It's late where have you been?" , "I am sorry grandpa I forgot I had a curfew" I teased him.

"You know I don't like having dinner alone" he rolled his eyes " I am sorry I lost track of time with Erica , next time I'll text you okay".

"So how was it? Did she like it?" I chuckled " I knew this wasn't about dinner you just wanted the tea on my first date with her" I sat down next to him.

" it was perfect we just got so lost with each other it felt natural and real like , everything was meant to be , I even took her on an ice cream and beach date "

" I can't believe someone hooked you , I swear if Enrico hears that , the mighty no shit taker trigger hungry and always ready to fight Marco is whipped over some Uni girl he will be shocked".

" that's why you're keeping this to yourself atleast until she fully accepts me" he nods.

"I really wish she was here with me , so we can go to sleep together and wake up together".

"Yuck stop all this love talk makes my skin crawl" , I look to him " what was up with you anyway? Do you like Andrew".

" I don't know I think so, why?" , " I don't mind you being gay I am just surprised you like big booty woman and Andrew doesn't look like he has that" he rolls his eyes " I am not gay I just like him only him I've never felt like that before just by seeing him it felt like time stopped".

"Look whose whipped now" I say getting up " thanks to you I've got to go clubbing with Uni kids tomorrow night" I walk up to my room.

I get in the shower then get dressed for bed and text Erica goodnight and sleep.

Hours later I hear my phone vibrate , I grunt and look at the time it's 11:30 the fuck , it's almost midnight this better be important.

" are you up? What am I even asking ofcourse you're asleep " I smile as I look at her text.

And text her back " why are you up?" , "uhmm I can't sleep" , " did something happen?" , " kinda" I get up wear a hoodie and drive to her place immediately.

❤ Erica's POV ❤
He goes quiet again , maybe he fell back to sleep.

What was i even thinking texting him this late.

My phone rings it's him calling " I am outside" I freeze , " bring your books and come down" he drops the call.

I put on my sweat pants and hoodie and grab my bag , phone and charger and go outside he opens the door for me.

" eat" he hands me some KFC burger and wings and he eats his own as well " don't stare at me I know you haven't eaten since" we eat as he drives to his place.

He parks outside and we finish up eating he parks the car in the garage take my bag locks hands with me and walks me to his room.

We get inside this big room and he places my bag on the couch " let's sleep you have an exam tomorrow you should be up this late , what time are you writing so I can wake you up" , I walk to the couch " uhmm at 10 , I'll sleep on th.." he walks to me and locks hands with me and walks me to the bed , he puts me in the bed and cover me he cuddles me " I promise I won't do anything princess let's sleep" , I pull him closer and lay my head on his chest " thank you" he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead.

We cuddle up all night , I could feel as he ran his hand under my hoddie and cupped my boob , I could tell he was asleep by the light snores he made and I just let him be.

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