Come to me.

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❤ Erica's POV ❤
We drove back home and everyone was now sitting in the dining area.

Pablo now sat infront of us and someone beside him. Eric pulled a chair out for me beside him and we sat in silence.

" Erica I was hoping we could talk" Pablo voiced and the table tensed , "mhhh" I answered back.

" I was hoping we could talk tomorrow, I don't know maybe after school , I wanted to know more about you , rather than hear from your parents" I chuckled " it's cute you think they know something about me".

" what do you mean?" , " I am the outcast of this family none of these people know what I do if I step out of that door nor do they ask , let me make an example  for you , father what's my favorite color?" He kept quiet " favorite food?" Still quiet " what am I studying?" He cleared his throat " do I play sport" ,  " uhmm yes" I smiled " what's sports do I play?" He looked away again.

There was silence in the room " tu chica es bastante inteligente" the man sitting next to him voiced , " ella tambièn then tu actitud" Elehandro voiced (your girl is clever) , (she's also got an attitude).

"Gracias , pero podrìas guardarte tu cumplidos. Es de mala educacìon hablar otro idioma cuando estàs en LA casa de otra persona, especialmente si no te entienden" , I could feel all eyes on me and everyone was shocked even Eric and Pablo just smiled. (Thank you , but could you keep your compliments to yourself,  it's rude to speak another language when you're in someone else's home , especially if they don't understand you.

" busco a Pedro me dijeron que sabes donde esta" Pablo said "¿por què? Por que lo buscas?" , "es mi sobrino , supe hace un año que està vivo , asì que lo he estado buscando" , the man besides him stood up " entregarlo" , "¿o que?" I leaned forward , " me vas a matar? La ùltima vez que revisè yo era el que limpiaba tu desastre". ( Iam looking for Pedro , I was told you knew where he is) , (why? Why are you looking for him?), (his my nephew,  I learned a year ago that he's alive and have been looking for him since) , (hand him over) , (or what? Will you kill me? Last time I checked I was the one cleaning up your mess)

They looked at each other " eres El francotirador? Eres El que ha estado trabajando para nosotros?" , I lifted up my head " surprise" , he chuckled " mi propia hija ha estado trabajando para mì y yo no sabìa" ,"hay muchas cosas que no sabes , ahora si me disculpas tengo cosas impotates que atender" , I got up " you haven't given me an answer yet" , "to what?" , " about tomorrow ".(you're the sniper? You're the one whose been working for us?). (My own daughter has been working for me and I didn't know) , (there is alot you don't know about me , now if you'll excuse me I have important things to attend to).

" I have a match tomorrow" , "really? What do you play ? Can we go watch?" Elehandro asked talking fast " uhmm basketball,  I guess as long as you don't dress like that , it's Uni I don't like attention" I walked off to my room and laid on my bed.

My phone vibrate so "I'll come see you play tomorrow, I love you princess " a text from Marco , I just read it and throw my phone on the bed and fall asleep.

It was now morning , I stayed locked up in my room and Marcus came knocking he opened the door from outside since he has my spare key.

He walked close to the bed whilst Andrew threw himself on the bed " get up you promise to try that new cake Cafe with me" Andrew voiced.

" what happened to you? You've been so distant talk to us" I sat up , " well I recently found out that Steven isn't my father" , " whaaat!" , Marcus sat down on the couch "makes sense" he voiced "and I met my father last night and I just found out that Andrew is my cousin" , " whaaaat?!" , " what do you mean ?" , " my father is Pablo " Marcus put his hands on his head " does he know what we've been doing?" , " no I think Marcos father is the one that told him about Andrew being with me , he also knows I am the cleaner he doesn't know about you but I am guessing when Elehandro sees you he'll put two and two together but that's all , we need to move to faze two" , " Rica won't you give him time? Won't you try and build a relationship with him? This could be a deal breaker for both of you" , I put my hand on his head and shuffle his hair " you'll always come first , whatever comes my way you'll always come first okay" , " but R.." , " no buts let me take a shower then we can go , don't panic when you see him today he's coming to the match" he nervously nods " I'll be with you bro don't worry" Marcus voiced putting him at ease.

We got to the stadium and I walked to the locker where the coach was " don't forget today the sponsors will be here , are you sure your father will be here to sign everything" , " yes coach" she nods then leaves.

I was nervous my hands were sweating , I've never had so many people come watch me , are they really here? Will they feel proud of me? What if I disappoint them.

I took a shaky breath out and felt hands wrap around my waist from the back " why is my wife so nervous" I froze just hearing him say that.

He turned me around and kissed my forehead " I am sorry I've been quiet, I've been trying to find a way out for us both" he took my hand in his " I should've spoken earlier but if I did my father would've found ways t.." I removed my hands from him.

" Hey Marco , I am okay thanks and you? It's been a rough couple of days for me two especially not knowing if I had a husband or if I should prepare for my divorce, my father came to see me , adding on to the stress I have I notice his one of my husband's biggest enemies,  I don't even know where to start life has just been a mess , thank you for asking , I feel so much better , thank you for coming to see me , he'll be here too" I close my locker and walk out.

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