mending relationships

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❤ Erica's POV ❤
We got to Pablo's house and he was watering his flowers , Marcus sat down and I walk to him.

" Dad" he paused but didn't look at me , he took a deep breath out and continued what he was doing.

" I am sorry" , " why are you here?" ," Dad" he looked at me " Erica you left without saying anything, I looked for you everywhere, you could've talked to me , I could've protected you , you could've atleast contacted me once and told me you're okay. I was worried if you were sill alive or if you were kidnapped or something,  you didn't give me any sign not a single sign at all , all I wanted was to protect my child and I felt as if I've failed at b.." I pulled him in and hugged him.

" Dad I am so sorry,  I am so sorry , I was protecting junior and Andrew I didn't think things through, I am sorry I didn't reach out , but please don't say you have failed me , every year when you visited the hospital I would sneak in a slice of chocolate cake and coffee for you in your office , I wanted to come to you I promise I did , but it was too early,  Andrew was starting to get better and I didn't want to mess that up , I am really sorry Dad please" he hugged me back.

" you're not leaving me again are you?" , " never" I looked up at him from his chest.

" I've missed you so much baby" I buried my head on his chest "I've missed you to Dad" he broke the hug and wiped his tears off , he locked hands with me and pulled me into the house we walked into a room I'd assume was meant to be mine he opened up the closet and pulled out 5 gift boxes " I've been pilling up your gifts for you every year , I thought that one day when you get back I'd give them to you" , I looked at the neatly wrapped boxes " uhmm don't open them now wait till you're alone okay" I nodded and hugged him " thank you dad".

" where is my grandson?" , "he.." his phone rang and he answered " handro , what?" He hung up " junior fell let's go" , we ran to the car and Marcus followed behind " those idiots don't they know how to take car of a child" he was driving fast.

We got home and we jumped out of the car and walked in "SURPRISE!!!" They all shouted.

" yaaa you almost gave me a heart attack I thought you killed my grandson" he walked to junior and picked him up turning him around.

" are you okay baby" junior just laughed and wrapped his hands around his neck and kissed his cheek " Papa" , he looked up shocked " you're my grandpa mommy talked about you alot, I've seen all your pictures Papa" he hugged him.

" really your mom is a terrible daughter but a great mother I see" I chuckled.

Marco walked close to me " happy birthday my love" he kissed my forehead " thanks babe" blow the candles" I walked to junior and Dad and pulled them to blow candles together.

We blew it and we cut the cake and I fed it to my dad first then junior then Elehandro then Marco, then Marcus and Andrew then Matteo.

The guys came in with the barbeque and we all ate as we catched up on the last few years we've lost together.

His father barged in with a crying Ciara , along with Eric , Cialene and our parents.

Eric walked to me and hugged me " welcome back kiddo" he scrambled my hair and I just chuckled.

Marco stood up and walked to his father " John!" , John walked in " get these people out of here they may never come in here again or near my family" , " Marco I am your father" ," yet you came to my wife's birthday celebration with her sister the sister you tried to marry me to" , " son I.." , " get out dad" ,he pushed them out Cialene walked close to me and took my hand and placed a box in my hand.

" happy birthday puppy " she hugged me then walked out they turned around " uhmm I shoul.." , " stay "Marco voiced and pulled a seat for Eric to sit with us.

For the first time in years I felt at peace all my loved ones all in one room , I loved this , this feeling.

I was happy for the first time in forever I was actually happy.

----------------------- The End------------------------

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