Where to from here?

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❤ Marco's POV ❤
Erica has been acting weird but I won't force anything out of her , I will wait till she's ready.

I am now sitting in my office finishing up work before I go fetch Erica from school , my phone rings it's my father.

" hey dad whatsup " , " are you on your way to fetch Erica?" , " uhmm yes about to leave why?" , " good come in when you drop her off we need to talk to both of you" , "okay".

I drive out and she's already waiting for me " hey baby" I kiss her forehead and she just buries her head on my chest " are you okay?" , "mhhh I just missed you" , " wanna sleep over tonight " she nods " uhmm my dad said we're having a meeting at your house , I was thinking of telling them about our marriage" , " are you sure" I nod " okay".

We get in the car and drive off to her place , we get there and my dad and Matteo are already sitting there with her Father.

We greet everyone and seat down. "So what's this about?" , father clears his throat,  Erica is looking down fiddling with her nails " as you know son Steven and I want to combine our companies and in doing so to secure our future we've decide that you'd marry one of his daughters".

"Yes that's why I've chosen Erica" I say putting my hand over her , " uhmm well son that's impossible" , " what do you mean?" , "Erica is not Steven's daughter we've already chosen Ci.." my ears went blank and I looked at Erica.

She stood up removed my hand from hers kissed my forehead and walked up the stairs , I could see her heart breaking and I followed her " Marco you come down here immediately" I turned around fuming.

" do you hate your own daughter that much that you'd lie and say she's not yours?" , " Steven isn't lying, but you can't marry Erica!" My Father shouted " her father is , her fat.." , " who is it?" , " it's Pablo" , " whhhhaaat!!" Matteo screamed.

I could feel as my knees go weaker , how can the one person I love be the daughter of my enemy,  my wife was the daughter of my enemy,  I fell down.

" does..she..know..who..her..father..is?" I asked stuttering , Steven cleared his throat " no she doesn't , she just found out recently that she wasn't my daughter" , I could feel my heart break into pieces.

She walked downstairs with her back park and walked pass us out of the door.

I couldn't even look at her as I didn't know what to do or say,  how do I tell my father that she's already my wife.

God must not have loved us how can he let us go through such a test.

Matteo drove us home and I went straight into my room locking myself in.

I stayed in for 3 days , no food no phone , I just stared at the ceiling,  no showers no nothing.

❤ Erica's POV ❤
It's been 3 days and I have not heard and seen Marco since that day.

Maybe it's for the best , I should just prepare myself for the divorce right.

I was now on my way home from practice.

I got inside and there were men in black suits on the way in.

I walked in and there sat my mom and Steven with some men , I didn't really look at them I just passed them and went straight to my room.

I took a shower and dressed , then walked downstairs to make myself something to eat , I ignored the stares as I walked downstairs passing them again.

Once my food was made I walked up the stairs " sweetheart could you come here for abit" I turned and looked at my mom " please you don't have to say anything just listen" , I put my food down and sat down.

I looked as I saw that Elehandro guy he waved " why are you here?" , " sweetheart th.." , I stared straight at him " why are you here?" , he smiled " well we needed to check something and we've just confirmed it" , I took a bite of my food.

" will you not greet us?" The old man sitting infront of me voiced , and I just kept eating, " sweetheart this is your father's uncle and Elehandro is your brother they came to s.." I stopped eating and got up put the tray in the kitchen and walked upstairs " Erica!" Steven shouted and I turned around " you don't get to use that tone with me anymore , you expect me to believe that Pablo the biggest Catel is my father , all these years he couldn't find me " , " well sweetheart I.." , " you what? Elehandro saw me once and he knew exactly who I was you're telling me all these years he didn't put two and two together? And he sent his uncle to come confirm if I were really his" the old man got up.

" I wouldn't get up if I were you not unless you want your grandson to lick your brains of the table" the seat started making ticking sounds.

Eric walked downstairs "let's go for a ride" he pulled me by my arm and walked out with me.

We hoped on his bike and he drove off to the park. He parked and bought us ice-cream.

" why are we here Eric?" , " because you're angry and I want you to calm down first" I just sat down and ate my ice-cream.

" mom never really loved dad , when they met he kidnapped her , he raped her and that's how I was born , seeing that she couldn't leave she accepted the situation and married him , then had the twins. Pablo was mom's first love when they met each other at a event he took mom away for 6 months , father threatened he would kill us and she came back , but she was already pregnant with you, father locked her up in the basement and I'd bring food to her when you were born I named you Erica , because I wanted you to have my name so that you knew I'd always have your back. Father forgave mother but couldn't treat you as his own. When we were young I'd give you my toys and buy you lunch with the money, I'd buy you school clothes and let the teachers give them to you , when I finished high school I couldn't do that anymore cause my little sister was taking care of herself,  after that dad never let mom leave the house as you've known , I am sorry you had to find out the way you did but think this through calmly" I laid my head on his lap.

" don't worry about Marco if he requires loves you , he won't let business mix with his personal life".

We stayed there for a while and before we knew it , it was dark.

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