Gadget Madness

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Explosions echoed out from the walkway between dormitories.

A green flash shot out and bounced off the walls like a pinball or a rabbit on coffee, as it dodged some kind of gray sludge that stuck to the wall he bounced off of, where it hardened like glue.

Hatsume shot out of the hole in the building with her jetpack and discarded the now unusable glue cannon. Only to pull out and unfold another high tech gun.

"I'm running out of babies Midorya! So you better get back her and help me make new ones!" she yelled after the green flashed as he stopped on the roof of the building to catch his breath.

He didn't have long though, and had to jump out of the way of a nett with spikes on the ends that dung into the roof.

"Whoa! Just where do you keep all this support gear Hatsume!?" Izuku yelped as he dodged another net and made a run for it.

What followed was an unusual game of deranged cat and mouse. With Izuku running and hopping around as he dodged the hodgepodge of random gadgets that Hatsume shot, threw and swung at him, leaving a trail of broken a scattered components.

All the while, Hatsume was close behind with her jetpack propelling her forwards.

However, Izuku's mind was in overdrive the whole time. Plans and calculations running through his head as he muttered rapidly while flying through the air.

"Come on Midoriya, think! She's got to run out of gear eventually! But then again it's Hatsume, meaning it will take forever to run her dry and I can't afford to wait that long" Izuku thought as he shot passed the dorms and took the opportunity to jump up and above the security wall and get better view.

"Shit, there are too many robots" he muttered with frustration. It wasn't that he couldn't deal with them. In fact he could probably blitz past them or destroy them with relative ease. The problem was that it would draw too much attention and he couldn't go all out on the people. It would also take too long, especially if others showed up, and he wasn't leaving Ochako alone more then necessary.

The idea of just bulldozing threw and telling Nezu and Recovery Girl about Ochaco had crossed his mind, but there was no guarantee that they could get to her fast enough for his liking. Not with Recovery Girl's advances age and Nezu's quirk not being suited for quick, decisive action. Not with an army of death-bots and superpowered girls standing between them and the dorms. Especially if the more desperate girls realized they could use Ochaco as bait to catch him.

Izuku shook his head.

Leaving the area was just not an option in his mind. Not while Ochaco was in such a vulnerable state.


"Gah!" Izuku grunted in pain and surprise, as he looked down to see a grappling hook, or claw really, latched to his left ankle. His planing having distracted him long enough for the mad mechanic to get hold of him.

"Gotcha!" Hatsume exclaimed with glee as she grinned savagely up at him.

"Shit!" was all Izuku had time to say before she reeled him in like she was fishing.

Izuku reacted quickly and used Black Whip to grab the security wall and it soon became a tug of war with Izuku in the middle.

Izuku grunted in pain as Hatsume didn't give up. He then charged his free leg with One For All and kicked at the claw gripping him.


Only for his eyes to widen as sparks flew off from his iron soles scraping across the claw, but it didn't brake.

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