mini prologue

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Things were pretty peaceful in the city, people walking around chatting about god knows what,or hearing the sounds of children's laughter...

This is what the heroes always wanted, precisely, what the heroes need, and they did an excellent job at the whole thing too, barely any drama happened, and no villains were anywhere in sight Well not yet at least…


Reekid or Anthony was kinda like a hero but he was still a beginner And still needed some training, which was something Reekid didn't want either, “Aw Man! Do I really have to do this?!” Reekid had a bit of irritation in his voice, The lady heroes just glared at him and nodded, “Yes mister. You have to, Especially if you want to be like us.” She says as she walked off.

Something that Reekid didn't want but still got, but oh well At least Reekid can see what happens outside of the peaceful environment, And he was pretty sure he was going alone as well too, But that wasnt the case sadly.

"Anthony! You have to go with Icyblast for this Mission." The lady says pointing at Icyblast who was waving aggressively at Reekid, he cringed a little and looked at the Lady kinda upset with this option, "I.. Are you serious!?! I have to go with her??" Reekid yelled out.

The woman glared at him and huffed softly, "Dont act like that mister. You need her because if you went alone you would be in danger!! Shes only here to help you!!" She yelled right back at him, Icy blast decided to look away a little bit, not wanting to get into the argument.

Reekid huffed and crossed his arms, "Ugh fine! Still isnt fair though!!" Reekid yelled out now walking into a clothing room where he can change his clothes, All he heard when doing it was just the lady saying, "Whatever!!" It made Reekid scoff a little, He really wanted to screech at her this time.

Reekid wasn't really happy about this decision but once again he was happy about the fact he was leaving the base finally.

(Boom an update since the last one sucked balls, and I wanted to add more because again the last one just sucked badly! So here we go!)

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