chapter 36

39 3 10

Sorry for the wait again.. writers block is a bitch 💀))

Now... Josh and mully didn't have feelings for each other... Well not that they know of... Sure They've made this group, and sure they made dirty jokes from time to time. And sureeee they stay in each other's rooms a lot and always keep the doors locked....

Okay they might have feelings for each other, and the others know that pretty well... Mully and Josh ignore it though, It just seemed silly shipping two Friends together that were more than likely not gonna be in a relationship.. especially with how bad things are at the moment.

Now we all are wondering... "Why is this even brought up? Is there something wrong?" Well nothing completely wrong, Unless you're Smashing and Bonus...then yeah your definitely in trouble!...

Smashing and bonus now sees mully as a dad to them, mully tried his best to make Narrator their dad instead, to avail sadly... Now mully has two very destructive grown men that acted like children AS His childs!

And to make it bad enough... They're now seeing Josh as a dad as well, with how much Josh and mully has been hanging out, And again it seems fine nothing bad about that at all... Well you see-

"Hey mum!! Mum!! Mum!!" Smashing and bonus said in rhythm, Mullys eyes were twitching at this point, now he was seen as the mom while josh was seen as the dad... Pretty embarrassing especially when theres others around and they like teasing the absolute fuck out of you, "You two!! Stop it! Im not a mom!! Im not a dad!! Stop it!!!" Mully yelled out once again wanting to slap the shit out of both of them...

Smashing and Bonus looked at each other and back at Mully, and then shrugged, Mully could already tell they havent took the hint yet... They probably never will.

This whole ordeal has been happening for like a month now.. Its happening so much that josh is now questioning if he actually likes mully or not, Or he's just getting effected by the"Daddy and mummy calling" For Mully.. its just same ol, sure he likes Josh in a certain way (kinda) but it isn't where its like he wants to have kids with Josh or even do anything to get kids... This was a massive regret for mully and it still is.

Present time... Again!!!
Josh was definitely struggling now, Smashing and Bonus are acting strange with him and mully, he's still questioning on how he got his powers and now... Wondering if he actually likes mully like that or not.. "I hate my life bro... Why did mully open that fucking door..." Josh asked himself as he placed his hands on his face, It really looked like he was going through with it...

But suprise, suprise, Narrator was around as well, and noticed Josh sitting there... He already knew about the whole ordeal as well, he tried stopping it but even then Smashings and Bonus stupidity was too powerful for him...

"Damn josh... Is smashing and bonus pissing you off again?" Narrator asked, Josh looked up at him and sighed, "Kind of... Not really..." Narrator tilted his head and looked at him up and down, "Damn... What's going on then??" Narrator asked, now he was really curious.

Josh huffed and looked away again, "I don't know... I've been thinking about What smashing and bonus were saying... And now... Im wondering if I... Actually love mully..." Josh says, he stayed as quiet as possible wanting nobody else to hear this, Narrator thought it was a more platonic type of love.

"Well if course you love mully!! You two been by each other's side for so long!! If I was you would love him a lot as well!!" Narrator says happily, Josh just gave him a confused look and then huffed.

"No you fucking retard!!! I mean im actually in love with Mully!! Like romantically!!! Like i feel like... Kissing him.. and shit like that.." After hearing those words narrator was just as shocked as josh was when he found out about himself.

"Wow... Don't you think that'll... Make things distracting for the others?... Dont take it the wrong way..." Josh was very confused, he really didn't like what Narrator was planning or talking about, but he didn't really like it...

"Just... Look I dont want the others being uncomfortable or even overwhelmed by you guys.. if you do become a couple... We seen how other heroes and villains went once everyone found out they were a couple.." narrator says, his focus stayed completely on the roof, Josh kinda understood that, and now he was more anxious...

"Oh fuck... You're kinda right about that... But even then i don't think it'll distract everyone... I mean sure they would tease us a lot more.. but thats it.." Josh says now keeping his focus on Narrator, He made sure to stay serious even though at that moment he just wanted to run off and talk to mully again... Man he was even getting desperate...

Narrator scoffed and rolled his eyes, something josh never expected narrator to do... "Josh. I dont want you doing that. Absolutely not on my watch..." Josh's eye widen as he continued to look at Narrator, but now looking at him like he just saw a ghost..

"Im sorry... What?.." Josh asked, Narrator dared not to look at Josh, he just felt stern disappointment... "I said. I wont. Allow. It." Narrator says.. Josh was just confused and looked at each direction, "But why???.. other than that one reason you gave!!! That seems stupid as shit Narrator!!" Josh protested now getting up.

Narrator stayed put and continued looking at the ground/roof, "I already explained why josh. I'm not giving out any more reasons. if i see you doing anything that seems remotely romantic towards Mully then you're in big trouble." After that Narrator got up and immediately teleported away...

Josh sat there shocked, he wanted to cringe at that last sentence but after that whole thing, he couldnt do anything but stay shocked.. he wanted to.. cry? Scream? Run to mully or someone else? Now Josh was confused... He was so worried and nervous. He wished he never said those things to narrator because now he's in huge danger if he tries anything...

Josh came back inside couple minutes later, he looked stressed out and everything, Mully of course was the first person to notice that, "Damn bro!! Looks like you had it rough!... You good?" Mully says, Josh just looked away and nodded.

After that he went into his room.. he had no idea if he wanted to talk to mully or not... He wanted to blame Smashing and Bonus for making him like this... But he just couldn't... All he could blame..

Was himself....


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