Chapter 29

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(sorry for the wait.. Schools about to start and I've been having other stuff happening- but yeah, here y'all go!)

Reekid was absolutely confused he seen multiple people run by, most of them freaking about something Mully did, which Of course made Reekid kinda concerned since Mully always found a way to get himself in trouble, and the way others freaked out he was certain he did something bad again.

"What the hell happened.." Reekid asked himself as he looked around, he saw some heroes go to the main office and some others stare at the Tvs they had in the Base, Reekid shrugged and decided to the same thing in his room, (he was lucky enough to have a small Tv in his room, it isn't the best but it can he handy and worth it).

Reekid looked at the News first since thats where most of the trouble/drama comes from. After a second or two trying to find the Channel he finally did and quickly saw what was going on, he didn't see the video though but he was hearing about Mully having... Powers??!

"WAIT WHAT???" Reekid yelled out, quickly grabbing his phone wanting to see if theres videos about Mully and his powers, and just like that, there it was, Videos on Videos about Mully and using his powers against the Heroes, He was Even more shocked Seeing that icyblast was one of those heroes that tried attacking him.

Reekid just sat there staring at his phone and seeing the details of the rock going towards some of the Heroes, and One video of a person sitting there minding their business when One of the Rocks that mully was controlling crashed through their window, and with them letting out a startled scream.

Reekid kept on playing those videos on Repeat wanting to comprehend the thought of Mully having such powers, Reekid could already tell it was dangerous and could kill multiple people if he had the chance, Reekid couldn't believe it, he didn't even know if he wanted to Call Mully at this moment, it just.. felt weird and disturbing.

Reekid after 11 minutes passed finally set his phone down and sighed heavily, and turning off his Tv, He then slowly got off his Bed and turned off the Tv, When he walked out of his room, he could tell the Birds protecting his door were confused about why he was in there, He didn't say or do anything though.

Reekid quickly went to the main office wanting to see Their leader and wanted to see what he had to say about this, it probably wasnt gonna be the best answer but he wanted to see what others had to say about this, This was just way too much of a shocker anyways.

Reekid saw Mrs. Shards, And he saw others trying to comfort her, for what he was seeing, She must've Panicked a lot, and started going berserk afterwards, Which was just a huge "That figures" moment for him, and he knew She did that a lot when things dont go her way.

He just walked off though, he had no intentions on talking to them yet, again he had one thing to do, and that one thing only, As he continued walking he seen others whispering to each other, and once again Reekid was already sure on what they were talking about, It suprised him on how quick Rumors can spread, it was like the plague but not so dangerous but quicker.

Once Reekid was at the Main office,he just budged himself inside and saw some people in there, "So... You heard about it too?" Reekid heard and quickly looked over seeing Icyblast, And Nightowl, Reekid knew Nightowl wasnt apart of it, they don't like fighting anyways.

"yeah... I did.. For what I'm seeing everyone is very shocked about this..." Reekid says now walking over to the blue screen that also showed the whole scene, They just nodded and continued to look at the Screen.

Reekid was also questioning on what Their leader is gonna do with the Heroes that lived and tried attacking Mully without his permission, for what he could tell, they were gonna get attacked big time, which put a smile on Reekids face thinking about it.

"Call Shards in. Now." Reekid heard one of them say, he was pretty sure that their leader saying that, it made Reekid let out a quiet Gasp knowing what was about to happen as he backed up and sat down on one of the Spare chairs. "W-what?.. Are you.. Sure?" A lady asked, Their leader gave her a Sharp glare, "Do it. " Was all he said, and she immediately understood and ran off.

Reekid watched her run off and let out a small gulp, he was nervous about what was gonna happen but he was also excited about it, it definitely wasn't a good thing but again he knew she deserved this for actually trying to attack someone without anyone's permission.

Reekid sat there same with some other people, Icyblast stayed quiet and kept her head down, which made Reekid scoff a little, he knew she deserved this, After couple more minutes passed Mrs. Shards was now in the Office and she looked extremely nervous, Which made Reekid snicker a little, and it only made Mrs. Shards glare at him.

Their leader quickly looked at Icy blast and Mrs. Shards, he was even more upset than before, which was Something Reekid never seen before and he was certain he was gonna hear some yelling, definitely gonna be worth it though since again, they deserved it.

"So. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TWO THINKING??." He yelled out Reekid jumped a little but stayed silent, now some heroes were walking out not wanting to deal with it, Reekid almost laughed seeing it but he stayed silent wanting to see what else happens.

"We thought... We didn't know!!" Icyblast said sounding even more nervous which was also something Reekid never heard from her, Their leader at Mrs. Shards wanting a answer from her, "I wanted him gone. He was right there. WE SERIOUSLY HAD HIM CAPTURED AND HE DID THAT!" Mrs. Shards yelled out.

"THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU RIGHT TO TRY ATTACKING OTHERS WHEN WE PROFUSELY SAID NOT TO!" He yelled out, Icyblast and Mrs. shards looked irritated and a little ashamed, Reekid just stayed Silent watching the whole thing, he was really enjoying the drama though.

It was just yelling back and forth, It was still entertaining to Reekid though he was happy seeing this happen, he had nothing else better to do so seeing this just made his boredom go away.

"Thats it. You two wont be able to Come out and fight for a long time. Only time you come out is when your getting something or going back to your place. If you disobey you'll only get disqualified from being a hero again." He said, Mrs. Shards just nodded and let out a snarl while Icyblast sat there shocked.

After the Silence, Reekid had to ask a question and raised his hand up, They all looked at him, as he put his attention on Mrs. Shards, "Wait... You said You knew Mully for a lots of your life.. so that means you seen him use his powers before.." The leader and Icyblasts eyes widen as they looked at Mrs. Shards who also looked shocked and even more ashamed.

"Wait.. hes right... You must've known he had powers!! Why didn't you tell us??!!" Icyblast slight yelled out now looking furious, Their leader was also even more furious hearing about this, Mrs. Shards just sighed heavily and looked down.

"Look... He never used his powers in so long... 15 or more years to exact... I didnt expect him to use his powers again.. I.. I didnt know.." Mrs. Shards says now looking down again, While their leader just hummed.

"Well powers or no powers. You put this on yourselves.. And like it or not... Mully has it. And now you're gonna have to deal with it. Separate..."

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