Chapter 7 because yes

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After two days and once again Reekid was out of control once again, but now with one of his mentors, She was a pretty old lady but she showed a lot of dominants, she even had some muscles on her,And she never showed weakness towards anyone, So right now Reekid was even more nervous being with her than Icyblast.

People usually called her “Mrs. Shards” but every time she heard that name she would always glare at that person or even make slight threats towards that person, The names never stopped though, even if that person did get hurt though..

Reekid and Mrs. Shard was once again by another store, they also needed to get some stuff that was really it, Now Reekid could do this alone, he could all of this alone, but after what happened with him and the screamer and Mully, He had to be watched on a lot more, Reekid was not pleased with it but it was understandable why he has to go through this too.

Reekid sat outside the store just staring at it up and down, Mrs. Shards was slightly glaring at him wondering what he was even doing, “Jeez kid.. You alright?” Mrs. Shards asked her voice still having some aggressiveness in it, it even startled reekid a bit, but he still looked at her and responded back of course.

“Yeah, I'm alright.. Why?” He asked. Mrs. Shards scoffed and rolled her eyes, “Well you were staring at the store weirdly, and you look completely out of it.” Mrs. Shards says slightly chuckling a bit, Reekid now was the one glaring at her, “Oh please I’m perfectly fine! And I'm not out of it!” Reekid says even his voice showed some irritation, Which Mrs. Shards didn't give two shits about.

Reekid just looked back at the store, same with Mrs. Shards
this time, “Well anyways let us get some shit and leave, I don't want to sit here and keep on staring at a wall with a door.” She says as she walked Towards the store, Reekid just gave her a “Wtf” type look but still followed her to the store.

As Reekid and Mrs. Shards walked into the store, the instant chill breeze went towards their skin, it made Reekid shiver, But Mrs.Shards just sat there, some parts of her hair going back in a way, It looked kinda nice seeing it happen, But Reekid wasn't gonna admit that.

Reekid and Mrs. Shards walked around and even got some stuff around the place, Thats when a woman with some blonde hair walked by, she didn't seem like a threat towards Reekid, and anyways multiple already walked past them, some ladies and some guys, that was the whole point of the store anyways.

Again to Reekid this lady was just fine, But by the looks of
Mrs. Shards she was glaring at this woman, the lady was
luckily not focusing on them, just trying to get some meat, like steaks and pork chops, As the lady walked off Mrs. Shards quickly followed her and it immediately made Reekid more nervous as he tried following her too,“Dude! What are you doing??” Reekid whispered to Mrs. Shards, but she just shushed him, even putting her finger against Reekids mouth, “Shush!.. Shush…sh.. Oh my god..” Mrs. Shards says her eyes now widening.

Reekid still looked confused as he looked back at the blond lady, that was now carrying a bag and looking at a jar of something, probably pickles, Mrs. Shards just stared now the only sentence she made was, “The eyes..” Reekid eyes also widen looking at her again and this time focusing on the lady's
eyes, They looked exactly like Joshes eyes.

“Josh…” Mrs. Shards says,once the name was said, the lady immediately looked over her eyes also widened, Mrs. Shards at that point did hold back as she ran over to the lady at full force which made the woman gasp and instantly turn into slight black goop,but that black goop instantly turned into a human-like body, and after that josh appeared with another huff, “I should've known you would do this. It's always you doing shit like this.” Josh says aggressively.

Some of the black goop went down from his stomach to his feet, making a huge slimy movement around Joshes feet before jumping up, The goop instantly helped him jump higher as he broke through the ceiling onto the roof of the store,Mrs.Shards followed him even breaking through the ceiling too, Reekid couldn't even follow along, he was just too shocked about what he was seeing, he just felt speechless at this point.

Now josh and Mrs. Shards were on the roof glaring at each other, Before Mrs.Shards used her powers, Random objects went around her hand most of them being sharp weapons, Josh letted out a small chuckle seeing that, “Aww how cute.. Lets see how it goes when the same person fights themselves!” Josh says, his body once again becoming full on black goop and then it was him becoming Mrs. Shards just with crystal blue eyes.

Mrs. Shards didn't like that at all as she once again tries
throwing those sharp weapons at him, Josh used her powers and caught those weapons, He then ran up to her with a dagger in another hand, She gasped as she jumped back, Now Josh was trying to stab her, but every move she did she always avoided the dagger, It irritated Josh a bit but it was
understandable why and how she was doing that.

Reekid finally made it onto the roof and tried stopping the both of them even trying to pull Mrs. Shards away, She only pushed him away though, Each second now Reekid just watched seeing Josh actually stab her times, But she still avoided the rest, Once it seemed like josh was tired as playing as her, he just transformed back to his normal self, he didn't even seem angry he was just happy about this whole fight, and once again he looked back at reekid, “You should calm yo girl down bro..” Josh says softly.

Mrs. Shards instantly snarled and tried attacking again, but once again Josh just turned into her again and catch the
sharp weapons again,“Getting too feisty.. I just wanted food..” Josh says as he put the weapons down, Now reekid had full control of Mrs. Shards, and she didn't seem happy, “Look! It's okay no need to freak out! Look let's just get some food and yeah! And Josh you sho-” Reekid looked over and froze.. Josh has disappeared only leaving a note that said “Be careful kid.. :)” It made Reekid feel weird but now he has to deal with a very furious Mrs. Shards.. What. a. day.
And it looks like he wont be worried for too long either

(Just another chapter for today! And a lot more longer this time! >:} )

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