Chapter 35

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Well these past few days have been kinda confusing for everyone, well except for Eddie and Narrator, They were just wondering what's going on with everyone else.
Juicy is wanting to do something for Mully, and Mully isn't really having it, Josh is still wondering how he got his powers and how he got that Hole in his Chest, And Mully... He's still very concerned, Both with Smashing and Bonus, and whats even gonna happen next. Everything is just confusing for all of them...

Reekid wasn't doing much, He still had those birds by his door, he still talked to Nightowl, and fed the birds. He hasnt heard much about Icyblast, and Mrs. Shards, And he was pretty grateful for that. The talk about the whole Mully having powers thing has continued more and more as the footage gotten more and more views, Reekid even checked mullys account on Discord and saw he wasnt Online at all recently, He was concerned about him, but he was also sure mully didn't do anything, Mully knows better... Well kinda.

Reekid sighed heavily and went out of his room again to check up on everyone, Nobody was really saying anything right now, Just focusing on their own thing, There was some Talk about How There was another Villain around and they weren't apart of the boys, But even then, Reekid could barely believe that, and even if there was another villain around, They would be caught in seconds.

Reekid knew there wasnt much going on, and he was fine with that, The whole Mrs. Shards and Icyblast thing was way too much for him and now he wanted to relax especially knowing the fact that They're disqualified now.

"Anthony. We need you." Reekid jumped and looked behind himself to see the head members, They looked stern, So stern that Reekid had no idea if he was about to be lectured or complimented, Even their eyes showed nothing, Just pure emptiness, Reekid could feel a small lump in his throat as he looked at the head members.

"Oh... Hey!! What you guys want??" Reekid asked, He wanted to sound cool, but it just sound like he was already back taking them, He could tell if he said that to his mom his mouth probably wouldve been slapped.

"You need to go to the Head office... I guess the leader wants you.." a Lady says, She had Darkish blonde hair and Black eyes with Orange iris's, She also had some scars on her face, but thats what made her look, really cool. The other two just looked at her as she said that, even nodding a little bit, but that was it.

Reekid gulped down the lump that was in his throat, "The leader... Wants me??? Oh fuck what did i do???" Reekid thought to himself, now he was worried again, He never had the leader wanting/needing him for something, so hearing this gave him a small fright, And the others could tell.

"Eh don't worry. He didnt sound angry or anything... Actually... He really had no emotion on him" one of guys said, That infact did not help at all. The women glared at the guy and quickly slapped him behind the head, "You idiot!! You're scaring him!" The women whispered out, Reekid already heard everything, but was glad she did that, It was kinda funny watching that.

"Ouch!! Jeez women." The guys says rubbing the back of his head while looking at the women, the other guy just looked away, Reekid could already see some red on his face, so Reekid was pretty sure the other guy was embarrassed and losing his shit already, which was understandable. "Look. Just go to the main office... Thats what the leader said." The women says, and then walking off, with the other two following right behind her.

Reekid gulped and closed his Bedroom door and also walking off, now going to the stairs, He knew barely anyone goes on the stairs because it was "too much work" to Reekid it kinda was, but if you want to stay away from the others than just do it.

Reekid went down couple of stairs till he was finally on the main floor, Reekid walked over to the main office, already seeing some heros around the main office, they werent doing anything, Just bickering about this, and that, Just something that Reekid gave no two flying craps about.

Reekid finally made it to the door, and opened it, The other heros who were talking to each other quickly looked at Reekid, He felt intimidated in a way, but kept those fears to himself as he brought himself inside the room.

The first thing he saw was the leader looking straight at him, the guy was right, he once again had no expression on his face, Reekid could already feel the lump he just swallowed down rise up again, and it didnt feel so good. The room was dark, the only thing casting light right now was the still open door reekid was holding onto and the blue light that was casting off in the background.

Reekid gulped once again and closed the door, now the room felt a little darker but he said nothing as he walked over to the desk that was in the middle of the room, "Uh.. you need anything sir?" Reekid asked, The leader raised himself up a little and walked up to Reekid, "Look.. You dealt with a lot. And I mean a lot. Also the fact you had to hide away at times and have owls protect your door!" Reekid looked down, Now seeing that the was also watching his every move, It was obvious though, he had to do that with everyone just in case.

"And Anthony, I'm very glad you didn't try attacking William. Or even try targeting him, I see you made a massive improvement since the last time we dealt with you... So i have a new request for you!!" The Leader says, Reekids eyes widened..

"The leader... Proud of me??" Reekid thought to himself, He felt like everything slowed down as he thought to himself, "I improved??" Reekid thought again, He really couldn't believe his ears at that moment.

"I want you to be a new Recreant!! You can even work alone if you want to!! I see now that you dont need anyones help!! You're a big guy now!!" The Leader says happily, Reekids eyes widened even more, as he looked up at the Leader.

"WAIT REALLY?? ARE YOU SERIOUS??" Reekid yelled out, The leader wasnt mad at all by it, he just laughed a little and nodded, "Yup!! You deserve it bud!!" The leader says, Reekid couldn't help but smile, he felt so proud of himself, He knew he didn't do much and it was a surprise that he was getting this, when he knew he did nothing, absolutely nothing, but finally, he can work alone and no one bother him anymore, "Thank you... Thank you so much.." Reekid says, The leader nodded and patted Reekids head.

"Well... You can go now.. we'll have further instructions about this later on!! Enjoy the rest of your day!!" The leader says, Reekid nodded at him and walked out of the main office.. Reekid felt so proud of himself, He did nothing though... He did nothing..

But it didn't matter now, he can finally work alone, have no one bother him, have no one pester him about "This" or "That" Reekid was finally free.. Just by Doing nothing!

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