Chapter 31

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Sorry the for the wait! Schools been kicking my ass, and I've been drawing a lot, and making another story- But here i am!! >:]))

Also time for some new members 👁️👁️))

Mully sat on the couch again, With felix laying his head On Mullys lap, Felix was happily sleeping which made Mully feel better about everything that also happened.. well more happier actually, because he still thought of what Josh told him, "You made two heros lose their job!! Thats amazing man!!"

Mully sighed softly and looked down at the Floor, he felt so much emotion that it actually made him tear up a little, But he noticed Kevin was nearby and he would never let him down if he saw Mully crying like a Bitch, so Mully quickly wiped his eyes and looked away, as Kevin walked past already giving him a suspicious stare.

Mully rolled his eyes a little and grabbed a remote that was left on the couch, (Probably by Juicy, knowing his dumbass), Mully turned on the Tv and just put on a random channel and just watched it.

Once again Kevin went past but this time sat by the arm of the couch for a second before petting Felix, It startled Mully a bit not knowing if he was gonna do something else or not, But he was happy it was just petting, even if it did Wake Felix up and make him confused about What was going on.

"Yo man... great work!... Don't tell anyone I told you that.' Kevin says giving him a small glare that still showed his joking side, it made Mully chuckle a little bit And nod once, "Thanks... And I wont! Don't worry!!" Mully says raisin his hands up a little showing he wouldnt do anything.

Kevin sat there for 10 seconds before just letting out a small giggle and walk off, Mully shook his head in a sarcastic way happy to have some friends like him, and everyone that was in his place.

After that more minutes passed, mostly Mully watching Tv, Felix sleeping next to him, and watching people around him move around and talk to each other about god knows what, Mully really didn't care, he was bored but was also enjoying some peace time with himself again.

That quickly ended though when he heard some knocking at the door, Mully grumbled hearing more knocking after the first and second one, "HEY!! CAN SOMEONE GO TO THE DOOR!!! SOMEONES KNOCKING ON IT!!" Mully yelled out, It once again Startled Felix as he yelled out too.

No one listened, Which Mully frown, Welp he wasnt so happy/glad about all of his friends, And he was also Certain they just ignored him, just to Ignore him, which happens quite a lot, So he was kinda used to it at times.

Mully got up, hearing more knocks once again, "IM COMING GOD DAMNIT!" Mully yelled out as walked over to the door, Felix followed him immediately, Mully unlocked some of the locks that was on the door and quickly opened it now wondering who was at the door and why they were bothering him at this moment.

There sat a blonde man with his hair in a ponytail wearing a purple jacket, with a Grape plush, with another boy that had sunglasses on, His hair was kinda wild but still combed back in a weirdly nice way, He even had a weird smile on his face as well.

"Who are you two??" Mully asked aggressively, The blonde gave Mully a note, Mully quickly started reading it while Felix sniffed The two boys wondering if they were good or not, The boy with the Sunglasses seemed happy enough to pet Felix as well, "Gud Buddy!!" He said, Mully just glared at him and snarled.

Mully looked back at the note and started reading what it said, (Basically it said) "Hello person who has this note.. They're yours now, I can't keep up with them, they destroy everything, I try teaching them and they never listen. Anything I try to do, they wont listen and just causes more problems... Im sorry, But they're yours... please do better job than i ever could.."
                            From Their mother..

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