Chapter 21

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The fight only continued more and more, it already felt like hours, and so much has already happened even a new villain was here and she was also really powerful, barely any weapons can get through her, At this point some of the heroes retreated, but some continued to stay, Like Mrs. Shards.

Mrs. Shards Made was sure she was getting Mully, even if Mully knocked her down a couple of times already, Mully didn't even want to be part of this because he knew he would be wasting everyone's time with him being protected and all that, Which Juicy didn't mind at all, He already shot down a couple of people who went near Mully, which was also huge scare factor for Mully.

Josh even made sure he stayed as Mrs. Shards just to mess with her, and it kinda worked, because she was getting more irritated with how Josh always threw some type of sharp objects at her, with her own powers, and Eddie just made sure she had an “Obstacle” to do before getting to anyone else.

Again some heroes were on the “Battlefield” But most of them were weakened mostly by Juicys Screaming, and Eddie's acid all over the place, the vines and sharp objects from Josh and Gabby did not help either.

Reekid could tell the fight was lowering down, and the Villians seemed to be in perfect condition, and it surprised him, they must've known a lot to even keep their selves intact, Reekid could tell Mrs. Shards was getting more furious about it too.

Josh and Juicy finally got off the buildings and landed perfectly on the ground, Eddie, Gabby, And Mully came over quickly and stayed By Juicy and Josh, they seemed pretty proud of what they did, I mean who wouldn't, they got away from a lot of heroes who had terrible powers.

They thought they finally got away from all the heroes, but it felt like the heroes did stop after a bit, Mrs. Shards gave up, some of the heroes were dead or missing mostly because of Juicy and Eddie, and some ran off, not wanting to get hurt either, it seemed like a victory on their ends, and they were wanting it to seem like that too.

“WOOOO!! WE DID IT!!!” Juicy yelled out, this echo being heard loud and clear, everyone chuckled seeing him this happy, the mask seemed more accurate than before now, everyone was pretty at that moment, and Reekid felt pretty happy seeing them like this.

“Not so fast.” The boys and Gabby quickly looked over and saw lots more Heroes, they seemed more powerful than the other heroes they had to deal with, “You might've passed the weak pathetic ones but you haven't dealt with us yet.” the lady says, Mrs. Shards was right behind that woman too.

The boys and Gabby looked disappointed at that moment and just looked at each other before looking back at the heroes, “No fucking way you’re doing this to us.” Josh says, slight irritation in his voice, The rest just made irritated sounds, showing they already had enough of this whole mess.

The Heroes weren't gonna listen though, they quickly came rushing over and once again the main person they were trying to target again was Mully, Gabby used her Vines to wrap most of the heroes up and throw them around the town, Everyone watched and just stared at her after, with surprise, but it was also joy seeing it happen.

“God damn Gabby!! That's how you do it!!” Juicy says happily, Before quickly pulling out his gun and shooting a Hero that was trying to come towards him.

Everyone quickly looked over again and saw some of the
villains that were knocked down were already getting up and getting ready to attack again, which just made the Villains sigh heavily and just get prepared to fight again, and Once again Josh transformed into Mrs. Shards because he enjoyed seeing her get upset because of him.

And after that the fight continued, and everything was once again intense but now that Gabby was here things were more smoother, and easier, but Now Juicy was getting a little injured but no complaints same as Josh, and he had to transform into another hero that could make a different type of loud vibrations usually making the ground shake.

As the heroes tried running over to Mully Juicy let out another scream, making the heroes instantly land on the ground and cover their ears, some of them already had their heads explode, and some bled out instantly, Juicy ran up to Mully after that as the heroes that were still alive runoff, Mully had a little idea for this though.

“Hey, Juicy!! Juicy!!” Mully called out Juicy looked at him confused, Juicy casually stood by a couple of dead bodies, like this was an individual day again, “... Do the dance!! Do the Song Juicy!!” Mully says trying to encourage Juicy a bit, Juicy quickly crossed his arms and glares at Mully, “No Im not doing that-” Juicy was quickly cutted off By Mully who just kept on trying to make him do it, “Do the song!!! It's your time to shine!!!” Mully yelled out.

Juicy sighed heavily and just looked down and looked back up again, “No. No. Dont touch me there..” Juicy sings out while acting like he's in his square, around the dead bodies, Mully couldn't help but laugh seeing this, and Eddie noticed that quickly, but after seeing what Juicy was doing he laughed a bit too.

“Okay that's Enough I’m not doing that anymore.” Juicy says kicking one of the dead bodies away from his feet, “Aww man.. That was funny though..” Mully says trying to sound sad, but kinda failing since he was trying to hold in his laugh now, Juicy and Mully quickly went back to fighting after that too.

The fight was still pretty intense and Juicy and Mully quickly went back to being serious after that too, again some of the heroes went down, but most of them still stayed up and made sure that the Villains were gonna stay down, which was something that the Villains did not want to happen at all.

The villains were starting to get more nervous, because the heroes becoming over powerful, and they were making sure that they tried knocking them down, They already almost did with Eddie, And when that happened that's when their confidence levels went down, and were now expecting to lose.

The Heroes noticed it too and realized they can get to Mully now and that's what they were gonna do that, A lot of them started rushing towards him and used their weapons to try and attack him, Mully was terrified and knew he was about to get caught but that's when they atomically stopped and just stared at the sky for a couple of seconds.

Mully watched confused wondering what was even happening to them, they quickly walked off after that too, Mrs. Shards didn't though, and she just watched shocked, same with the other Villains, “What the??? They were supposed to get Mully!! What happened??” Mrs. Shards yelled out, and just then Mully wanted to laugh at her.

The boys and Gabby quickly ran up to Mully now trying to keep Mrs. Shards away from him, But once again She wasn't going to give up, well that was until and shadow cover some of them, and a purple tint was nearby them too.

At this point, the heroes were back again wondering what even happened to them, But once they looked up they gasped,Mrs.Shards skin became pale, The villains looked absolutely shocked too, Josh and Mully couldn't help but smile at this point.

“What the.. I thought he was dead!!” a Hero yelled out others agreed with them too, Mrs. shards stayed there staring, “It can't be.. I thought..” She mumbled out, The man that was staring over them was the one and only Narrator.. The man that was believed to be Dead, for at least a decade..

“Nice seeing you again Catherine..”

The boys.. (Villain Au!)Where stories live. Discover now