Chapter 2

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The screamer's mask showed exactly what his person was,
The screamer's actual name is “Gaege Gibson” The man whose known for his loud obnoxious screams, It's even so loud that it can make a person's head explode, The mask things basically prove that Gaege had no regrets for what he was doing, he has his own media platform and he made it clear he has no regrets for killing or hurting others, he only saw the whole thing as a game, And right now this is one entertaining match for him.

Reekid covered his ears quickly but Icyblast didn't she just snarled at him, and he made no movement He didn't seem to care when She snarled either, The only time he actually moved was when Mully started climbing the wall a bit, Gaege quickly walked over and Helped Mully out since again Mully was pretty injured and needed help, the poor guy still has the knife deep inside his shoulder and bruises all over His body, Reekid could even see Gaege cringe a bit seeing it but he just let mully go before glaring at the crowd again.

“You leave us alone. Problems already solved.” Gaege says
his voice sounding a little bit more scrappy in a way, Icyblast retaliated “NO!! You two are supposed to be in jail! Where you belong!” Hearing that made reekid cringe, but Gaege he just laughed.

“HAHAHA!! Very funny I barely laugh like that in years!!” Gaege says as he glared at Icyblast, “Oh yeah one more thing before I go..” Reekid was about to uncover his ears, the loud Obnoxious screams came back as the people around him again covered their ears, this time Icyblast did the same thing.

Even with his ears covered it still hurts, it sounded terrible,
and the loud echos after it too didn't help, Mully just sat there and watched, like he was immune to it, He then glared at Reekid for the last time again before jumping off the building they were on, reekid watched and wondered if doing that was actually safe for mully he did see the ground crumble more
which was probably by mullys landing, which seemed off to reekid but he didn't say anything, He couldn't say anything...

After the screaming was over, both the screamer and Mully
were gone, As Reekid he already saw dead bodies laying around him, some with no heads or blood spilling out of their eyes, noses, or just ears, it was disgusting and it shocked him on how it happened so quickly, this was something he never wanted but once again here he was being a hero and having to deal with this, And Reekid has never felt so worried in his
life till now.

Reekid looked over at Icyblast who finally uncovered her ears and was instantly close to throwing another Tantrum, It made Reekid want to face palm himself so badly seeing her act like that, It was pretty childish especially when theres dead bodies laying around her.

Icyblast wasn't even focusing on Reekid as she did it, So Reekid just walked past her and walked back to the base, He didnt want to sit there all day and just watch her do all that, He would be the next screamer if he ever stayed there a little longer.

As Reekid continued walking now getting closer to the Base Icyblast quickly ran up to him now looking at him upset, "What the?! Where were you!?!? You just left!!" Icyblast yelled out, Reekid rolled his eyes and huffed, "I didn't want to deal with you and you acting like a huge baby." Reekid says now walking a little faster.

Icyblast gasped loudly and frowned at him, "Hey!! That's rude!! I was just upset I didn't get the chance to Catch The screamer!!!" She protested, "We barely don't. No need to be a baby about it!!" Reekid yelled out his voice now becoming a little hugh pitched, Icyblast quickly covered her ears again.

After that they just stayed silent but now they knew the Screamer and Mully were on the lose, which wasnt bad on Reekids end-

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