chapter 20

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Juicy and Josh continued to stare at the heroes that were also staring back at them, They didn't seem scared either, they seemed more determined than ever, Reekid could already tell another bad thing was gonna happen especially after seeing Josh and Juicy nod at each other than looking back at the heroes who were now pulling out their weapons.

Reekid again saw the black goop go around Josh till he became Mrs. Shards again,He Instantly heard Mrs. Shards
yell out, “HEY!! STOP DOING THAT!!” Reekid chuckled softly but then froze again when everyone put their attention on Mrs. Shards, Josh started using Mrs. Shards' powers, making everyone's sharp weapons come to him, Reekid could hear the audible gasp from everyone.

Josh after that threw some sharp weapons at Mrs. Shards who quickly used her powers right back and deflected the
attacks, The other heroes saw that Juicy wasn't doing anything, just watching the mess that was happening, They quickly flew over towards him already getting ready to attack him.

Juicy moved back quickly and put his hands into his hoodie, everyone sat there watching, kinda confused, and just like
that Juicy pulled out a Gun that was in his hoodie, it quickly made those heroes gasp loudly and go back now not wanting to get shot by juicy, Juicy on the other hand wanted multiple people go down already, and that's what he was gonna do.

Juicy reloaded the gun and quickly started shooting at the heroes, who flew off, Juicy stopped shooting just for a second and pulled out a grapple hook gun and shot one of the Buildings Josh was on, He then jumped off the Building having the wire wrapped tightly, around his arms as he started “spam” Shooting, it was all over the place.

It was hitting the glass that was on the Buildings, making huge dents inside the buildings too, Juicy did shoot down two heroes though, one now having a bullet in her wings, and the other having their leg shot a couple of times.

Reekid couldn't even believe what he was watching, the
whole thing seemed too crazy to be even true, but the way
Mrs. Shards and Josh continued to fight each other, and Having juicy being behind him only just to shoot up the people that were on the ground, Reekid knew this was true, and it was happening right in front of him.

Reekid looked over at Mully was also talking to Eddie, Reekid seemed confused about what they were talking about, but Eddie did seem a little stressed out, so Reekid could only assume Mully is not doing much to help out the Villains, Which it did seem true, but again no powers what so ever, so it was kinda weird seeing Eddie get upset at Mully for that.

After that Eddie came out again and spewed Acid all over the ground, making parts of the ground melt instantly, and making some of the unconscious Heroes melt away, It made the remaining heroes freak out though, as they tried running over to save some of them, but some were already gone.

Reekid could already hear Eddies laugh seeing the heroes try their hardest to save all the unconscious heroes, Reekid felt nervous in a way hearing it, and Reekid was grateful that he wasn't part of this mess that was going on.

The Heroes were now wanting to target Eddie for doing the whole acid thing, Which Reekid could already tell Eddie didn't care, and would gladly do it again, the one thing that Eddie had a disadvantage of was that more than 6 of them were
now trying to Target Eddie.

Eddie gulped a bit and quickly tried running off, which made the Heroes chase after him, Eddie could tell he was probably gonna get arrested after this one, since there were Six people after him, As Eddie continued to run and drop acid all over the ground, that's when he also realized most of them could fly too.

This was bad luck for poor Eddie, Eddie was getting more tired too the more he ran and he knew he probably wasn't
gonna make it, but he still tried, well almost, Because a hero named Sharpedge quickly made part of the ground rise up a little, which made Eddie trip over it in a second.

Eddie looked behind himself quickly, and saw the heroes
already rushing towards him at full speed, The Heroes smiled knowing that maybe they were finally gonna arrest Eddie after all these years, that's till some vines came around.

The Vines quickly wrapped around Eddie and Pushed back the heroes that tried attacking Eddie, The heroes seemed confused and watched the vines Pull Eddie back, After that the Vines let Eddie go and Eddie quickly dropped into a woman's arms, She has a white-ish type of hair, and she had multiple vines coming out of her back, and she looked furious.

The heroes gasped softly and looked at this new Villain that they had never seen before, “What the hell?? Who is she??” One of the heroes yelled out, the woman looked at them and quickly roared at them, her vines quickly coming towards them and hitting some of them on impact.

The Vines looked sharp and some of them made them yell out in pain whenever they tried touching them, The girl seemed happy about that and quickly jumped onto the buildings with her vines, Eddie looked at her happily, and quickly kissed the
womans cheek, The heroes saw that and made an assumption that that lady is probably lovers with Eddie…

“Holy Shit Gabby!!! You actually came!!” Eddie says slightly nuzzling against Gabby who let out a soft purring sound (It usually happens because of her powers), “Hey you wanted
me to join in! And You were in danger! I wasn't going to let them hurt you!” Gabby says now putting Eddie down.

Eddie and Gabby looked off the building and saw that Juicy was reloading his gun, and Josh was in another hero form, Mully was also trying to help Eddie could tell Mully already knocked down some of the heroes, which impressed him a little bit, but he wasn't going to say that, Gabby quickly got off the building and used her vines as a support for her Jump, Eddie quickly did the same thing, just wanting to follow his lover.

“Man looks like we have a lot more to do, huh?” gabby asked looking at the destruction everyone caused, just because they wanted to piss off the heroes, Eddie nodded and let out a small chuckle, “Oh yeah! There's still more we got to do..”

(Here's Gabby!! After all these chapters shes Finally here! Enjoy! >:} )

(Here's Gabby!! After all these chapters shes Finally here! Enjoy! >:} )

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