Chapter 25

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Reekid waited inside the office looking back and forth, and watching the other heroes finally make it inside the main office, most of them still seemed terrified, probably because of the whole Narrator thing.

Reekid saw Mrs.Shards come in and she still looked pale and terrified, “Heh, didn't expect that shit, Huh?” Reekid thought to himself, he felt like saying that to her, but he was pretty sure it would've been a bad time to say such a thing, so it was best to keep that thought to himself.

Couple minutes passed, And it was just Reekid watching everyone walk inside, which was kinda like counting sheep, just more boring, and irritating humans, But the wait finally ended as the leader got in front of the screens and turned all of them on, the bright blue lights quickly lashing onto everyone, and making Reekid let out a slight screech and cover his eyes.

Reekid could feel some of the heroes stare at him confused but he just sat there now trying to adjust his eyes to the bright light that was in front of him, “Okay everyone. The reason why we’re all here again is because of Our old rival.” Their leader says, Reekid could see some of the heroes look at each other nervously and he understood why.

“I thought he was dead!! He was gone for a decade!!” Mrs. Shards yelled out, which made Reekid jump and glare at her, he wasn't too pleased hearing her yell but he didn't complain now he wanted to again, “Shards. Calm yourself. Right now we need to find a plan for how to stop him before he causes any more destruction.” Everyone quickly agreed and commotion quickly began with everyone spreading out their opinions.

Mrs.Shards glared at Everyone and let out a scoff, “Look. There's no way we can defeat him!! We tried so many times and always failed. His powers work on almost everyone and he can do it in his head! He's unstoppable!!” Mrs.Shards says now sounding more upset and having some fear in her voice and Reekid quickly thought about it and got nervous again, Narrator was definitely unstoppable.

Most of the heroes stayed silent and just looked at each other and some just sat there now looking more terrified, All Reekid could think of is being friends with him so he doesn't try killing him or his friends because once again he knows everything Narrator did, and it wasn't friendly.

The leader sighed softly and shook his head, Reekid was kinda worried that he was probably gonna yell but he didn't he just stared at everyone, his look was full of symphony, “Look, All we can do is try to stop him, and try our best to keep everyone safe even if they're under Narrators control..” He says everyone stayed silent this time, only trying to rethink of the whole thing that happening.

“Sooo About the whole Mully thing. Are going to leave him alone now?” Reekid asked, Nighteye looked at him and
quickly questioned the same thing, “Oh yeah!! Now that this whole thing is happening I think it's best to avoid this Mully stuff! Yes?” Nighteye says, Mrs.Shards snarled and yelled once again, “No!! Mully is going down either way!! I can't believe you thought that!!!” She yelled out mostly glaring at Reekid.

Reekid let out a small snarl and quickly fixed himself up in his chair, “Dude we have to deal with Narrator! No need to keep on focusing on Mully when he barely tried anything when it came to our recent fight!” Reekid protested He could tell She was about to say a threat but the Leader stopped her right in her tracks.

“Stop the fighting. Anthony and Nighteye are correct, time to let this thing go..” He says, Reekid heard almost everyone sigh out of disappointment which upset him a little more knowing the heroes were disappointed by that but he is happy knowing, that They probably won't target Mully anymore.

The leader once again sighed softly and just continued on about the whole Narrator thing that just seemed like useless information he knew Narrator was more than likely gonna kill most of them if they even tried coming towards him or even tried making him seem like the weakest link.

After all the waiting everything was over and Reekid was way more excited to see the birds by his door again they were way better than that whole ass meeting.

Reekid watched everyone leave just for a second but once again he was too bored to do all that and just walked off even ignoring everyone who was close by or tried talking to him, He didn't feel like talking really.

Reekid made it to his room pretty quickly and saw all the birds sleeping by his door some of them were still eating out of the cup that basically had crumbs in the cup, Reekid walked up to it and just picked it up, making the birds fly off and back to their individual spots.

Reekid chuckled softly seeing them do it, as he put the bag by on the wall couple steps away from his door, He then walked into his room and put his cup on his Desk, He just heard the sounds of the birds chirping, It sounded peaceful in a way, and he liked it.

Reekid was right, This was wayy better than being at that Meeting, At least he can relax finally

The boys.. (Villain Au!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora