Chapter 39

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Well the villains were struggling, same as the heroes, Reekid Wasnt doing much though, he was more focused on his schoolwork and trying to get his school stuff done, He needed to stop focusing on the villains so much, he needed time to himself, and this time he was gonna do it, He even had the birds that Nightowl gave him, Now he could use them for good use and make sure that no one tries bothering him...

"Well... Another day. Another checkout." Reekid heard a random woman say, "Wait.. another checkout?" Reekid asked as he peeked out of his door, some of the birds around it looked at him immediately, Reekid silently shushed them as he watched what was going on.

"Yeah... We have to make sure that theres no villains in the City again..." Another person said, Reekid honestly forgot they did checkouts, since it barely happened in the past, But with everything that happened and knowing that theres more than likely more Villains in sight they have no choice but to go check...

"Wait!! Wait. How come you guys are doing another checkout?? You guys havent done that in so long.." Reekid yelled out now running over to those people, But as he did it his mind immediately screamed at him for doing something so stupid, now he felt embarrassed but he had to sit there and take it.

"Oh yeah.. well after all those attacks and Us seeing these new people hanging out with the villains we have some suspicion..." The random woman told Reekid, Reekid hummed and looked down while also nodding, "Oh.. alright then"

"Wait do you do if you do see a villain?" Reekid asked again, "We try capturing... Thats why we're checking out." The lady responded before whispering to the others and quickly walking off. Reekid sighed and looked down again, and went back to his room, "Eh.. i have no time for all that. Im tired of these guys anyways." Reekid said to himself as he grabbed a remote and turned on the tv, now watching something random.. kinda like him.

Smashing and bonus were by the door giggling, and waiting for juicy to come out his room, Gabby was already done dressing up and having her hair done as well.. She already helped out juicy with his hair so she knew she had no part in trying to help juicy find his clothes.

"What's taking Juicy so long?.." Smashing asked, Gabby shrugged and patted Smashings head, "Its okay bud!! He'll be done soon.." Gabby said trying to reassure him.

Eddie walked out of his room and walked over to Gabby to give her a kiss on a cheek, As he did so the immediate sounds were Bonus and smashing going "Ewwww" Exactly like how kids sound like watching their parents kiss.

"Oh cállate perra!" Eddie said, which confused Smashing and bonus pretty quickly, Gabby couldnt help but giggle hearing Eddie do that, "Eddie!! They dont understand that!" Gabby said pretending to push Eddie away while still giggling.

Eddie couldnt help but laugh a little bit as well, "And! Let them be confused!!" Eddie says happily, which made Gabby laugh more. Smashing and bonus werent too pleased by that.

Their slight anger quickly went away though as Juicy finally came out of his room, With a black T-shirt and some gray jeans, "The fuck is that juicy??" Eddie asked, sounding like he was in disbelief.

"Look its something where it wont cause too much trouble!" Juicy said happily while also pulling out his mask, "Dawg you gonna get them kids killed." Eddie said frowning a Juicy, Juicy rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Nuh uh! They'll be fine!! I'm not even gonna put on my mask unless i have to!" Juicy said now patting Smashing and Bonus back.

"Okay man. Whatever you say." Eddie huffed, Gabby looked at him and kissed him right back on the cheek, "Don't worry.. i got this!" Gabby whispered to Eddie, Eddie smiled at her and hummed, "Alright.. please be careful.." Eddie whispered back, "I will.. don't worry" Gabby said, Now kissing Eddie, Eddie gladly kissed back which again had Smashing and bonus and Juicy go "Ewwww" As well.

Gabby and eddie pulled away and snickered a little bit at the three, "Okay I'll be back!" Gabby said now watching Juicy open the door and quickly walk out, same as Smashing and bonus, Eddie waves at her and nodded, She happily nodded back and walked out, and finally closing the door as she walked out.


Gabby and juicy were once again talking to each other while Smashing and Bonus were looking around the city in absolute suprise, So many people were walking around talk, Kids playing, small playgrounds with even dogs playing fetch with their owners.

"Woah... This place feels peaceful!" Bonus says, Gabby nodded, "Yeah.. Its still in need of building though.." Gabby says pointing at a Facility and it still had wiring around it and metal pipes in the air, "Oh yeah, you're right about that.." juicy said now chuckling to himself, "Holy hell... Who did such thing??" Smashing asked sounding suprised.

"Us." Gabby and Juicy said together, "Wait wha?" Smashing and bonus said together that time, "Yeah it was us... A massive fight happened which all of us destroyed most of this city.." Juicy said, He seemed proud of himself when saying it.

"Holy shit." Smashing said, Gabby nodded and looked at a clothing store, "Perfect!! Exactly where we needed to go!" Gabby said happily, Smashing and Bonus looked at each other confused and back at Gabby, "Wait how come?" They both asked, "To give you two new clothing... You have to wear something new besides from just... That.." juicy said pointing at their clothes, Smashing scoffed, "I like this hoodie though." Smashing said, Bonus just stared at his shirt, not looking so satisfied.

"Well even if you like it or not we have to give you a new outfit" gabby said now walking into the store, Juicy following her, Smashing and Bonus again followed along, Smashing sighing heavily as he did it.

"Wait so how come you guys are coming with us? Couldnt we do this alone?" Bonus asked, "That's a good question, but look heroes are genius and find out quickly.. and also You guys dont even have money to pay for these things. And also if the heroes do come around, we're the next good option. " Gabby said, Juicy just nodded while checking out some shirts that was more than likely for woman.

"Oh okay... Well lets get some new clothes then.." Bonus said now sounding curious, Smashing said nothing.


Smashing and bonus had most of their clothes now, and Now smashing has another plush as well, It was just another goofy grape plush that he found somehow, Juicy also had some clothes on him, same as gabby, They knew that's all they needed for today, as they sat by the cash register and started to put their clothes on the belt thing, that juicy likes calling it, Juicys mask fell right out of his pants, which made some gasp, even juicy.

"Oh uh.. fuck!! Sorry sorry." Juicy said, now putting his mask back into his pants, Gabby face palmed herself watching that happen, "For fuck sake Gaege..." Gabby mumbled, The register person said nothing as they continued to scan the clothes and put them out for checkout.

Few minutes passed but all the clothes were finally scanned and was around 215 dollars which Gabby and Juicy perfectly had, which suprised Smashing and Bonus big time, But they're glad Gabby and Juicy helped them out... Once they had everything bagged up they left the store and walked back home.

"That was the most quickest thing ever!" Juicy said happily, "I would say that was the most Easiest! No heroes in sight or anything!!" Gabby said happily, Smashing and bonus nodded as they continued to walk home...


"Sir Our suspensions were correct, the boy with the purple jacket and blonde hair, and the boy with sunglasses and dark gray shirt do hang out with the Villains. We saw them at the clothing store today." A lady said now showing pictures to the Leader... He hummed softly and nodded.

"And how do you know its them hanging out with the villains." The captain asked, as he looked up at the woman, "Glad you asked. The screamer cutted his hair and everything. And his mask fell onto the ground." The lady said now showing the picture of Juicy trying to grab his mask, perfectly up close and everything. "Nice eye. You're invisibility really helps out." The captain said, The lady just smiled and nodded, "Thank you sir. What should we do now?" She asked

"We wait..."

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