Chapter 34

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Josh sighed heavily and looked at the Starry night, He didnt say a lot, he just wanted to watch the night sky, and Enjoy his time, it felt kinda relaxing, Even though the main things going through his head at that moment was just the times he had those fights with the other heros, He did feel proud for himself though, He liked his power and he liked the fact he could transform into anyone.

As Josh continued to think about his powers a question slowly popped up in his head, "How even did I get this power?"

Josh looked surprised a little and raised up his shirt seeing the black void that was still prominent on his chest, and still looked kinda gross and cool at the same time, "Man... What even happened for me to get this?.." Josh asked himself, Now he was even more confused and wanted answers, But now that Josh thought about it more, He always questioned that question, but never had an answer and would just forget about it the next day.

Josh didn't want that to happen again, but he knew it will, he has no idea what happened and never will, and he really wanted to.. The more Josh thought about it the more overwhelmed he felt, and since it was nighttime he knew almost was asleep, even Reekid.

Josh heavily sighed and pulled out his phone and quickly texted Juicy and Mully, He knew both of them were more than likely awake, Because they usually did random shit before going to sleep.. well with Mully its either him being so depressed that he just passes out and stays like that for 12 hours, or he stays awake being worried about tomorrow... Juicy was the opposite.

Well to Josh's luck Both of them were on the roof now, Juicy had his mask on, making sure no one actually saw them, since they were kinda on a high place at the moment, "You good bro?" Mully asked, He looked kinda tired, so Josh assumed that Mully was "trying" to sleep but got awoken by Josh.

Juicy and Mully sat both sides from Josh and just kept their focus on him, "Kinda.. I was just thinking to myself and I guess I got myself a little too panicked about something -" Josh says looking down, Juicy chuckled and patted Mullys back, "Ayy!! Mully does the same thing!!" Mully glared at him and quickly slapped his arm, "Shut the fuck up Cunt!" Mully says sounding offended.

Josh chuckled softly and watched the two bicker for couple of seconds, it quickly quieted down as they putted their focus back on Josh.

"Wait.. what were you even overwhelmed by??" Mully asked, Juicy rolled his eyes, "Uhm.. I was just wondering how I got my powers.." Josh says, Mully and Juicy looked at each other and Back at Josh, "Didn't you get it from the void thats in.. or on your chest??" Juicy asked slightly hesitating on what to say on the whole Void thing on Josh.

Josh huffed softly, "I guess?? But I'm also wondering where did I even get that. Theres no way in hell I just got it randomly! Especially if it can give me powers as well." Josh says putting his hand on his chest, Now Mully and Juicy were confused, as they tried thinking to theirselves about it, but nothing really popped up in their heads.

"Jeez... I did not think that through." Juicy says, Mully just sat there not knowing what to say, Josh huffed and looked down again, now not knowing what to do, "Look sorry man, im pretty sure you'll find out soon!.. I hope.." Juicy says patting Josh's back this time, Josh just rolled his eyes this time.

"Wait. Who else is awake right now??" Josh asked looking up again and looking at both Mully and Juicy, Mully was the first person to respond to that question, "Well I know Eddie and gabby are awake, And.. dumbass Smashing and Bonus are awake." Mully says and grumbling a little when talking about Smashing and Bonus.

Josh looked shocked hearing that Eddie and Gabby were still awake, "Man what the fuck??? What are they doing??" Josh asked sounding kinda furious, "I dont know.. probably fucking or some shit." Mully says, making a small huff, Juicy looked at him scoffed softly, "Man dont talk about Eddie and Gabby like that." Juicy says already trying not to laugh.

Josh huffed again and just listened to juicy and Mully, "Whatever man. They better keep quiet if they are." Mully says crossing his arms and leaning over a little, "And.. if they're not?" Juicy asked in a joking way, Mully quickly responded back either way though, "Eh, If the doors unlocked I'll just run right in and scream at them... And if it's locked.. I'll keep it knocking at the door and scream at them through there!" Juicy laughed a little and felt kinda intrigued.

"You know what, Let me join you on that! That would be fun as hell!" Juicy says, Mully scoffed softly, Juicy realized Josh was being quiet again as he immediately looked down and checked up on Josh, "Damn bro, You good?" Juicy asked, Mully looked at Josh now seeing they kinda forgotten about Josh.

Josh looked at them and huffed again, "Really dont know why i asked y'all to come up here. You guys are no good help." Mully let out a loud "HA" and Looked at Juicy, Juicy also chuckled, "Really bro?? You thought we would be good help??" Mully asked softly with another snicker, Josh just sat there feeling kinda disappointed but didnt complain, Juicy was still laughing though as well, "Look Josh, We can try helping, but either way, theres nothing we can really do, especially with the whole Void on your chest thing.." Juicy says patting Josh's chest, Josh looked at Juicys hand as well, and just scoffed again.

Mully got up finally and stretched, Juicy did the same thing, and Josh decided to Follow along, since he was sitting for a long while, "Goodness.. I actually needed to get up." Josh says, Mully nodded.

"Wait... How come we're not talking about Mully and his "Powers"" Juicy asked, Mully immediately glared at him, his expression was blank, Josh just sat there not knowing if he should respond back or not.

".. Mully there's really no need to hide it. All of us are already planning on what to do about the whole thing.." Juicy says, Josh looked kinda suprised and looked at Juicy confused, Even Mully did the same thing, "Wait.. already planning?.. Are you serious??" Mully asked, Josh gulped and looked to the side, "... Awkward." Josh says, "Very." Mully responded back.

Juicy shrugged, "Its nothing bad.. Just wanting to give you a new outfit and Shit! Thats all!" Juicy says happily, Mully scoffed and crossed his arms again, "Eh.. Lets just talk about this tomorrow. We still got to talk to Josh." Mully says, Josh and Juicy shrugged and quickly went into another conversation, Josh really didn't know what they were talking about, but he was just happy they were talking about something and where it wasnt going to freak him out or feel more overwhelmed liked he felt couple minutes ago.

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