chapter 3..

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As Reekid and Icyblast were walking back to their stations, they said absolutely nothing to each other (besides from that one little argument they had), I mean how could you, When a very loud villain saved a villain that can't fight for shit and still got away, it feels pretty shameful and awful for what just happened, Reekid couldn't even try describing what he saw, he just felt shocked that the whole thing happened..

Once Icyblast and Reekid came back everyone was already pestering them, asking them what happened and wondering how the whole thing even happened, which was something he didn't want to explain but he might as well have to because everyone can not mind their own business. (Daily life of a hero)

Reekid did tell some of them What Happened, while Icyblast mostly overreacted over the whole thing And made sure it sounded more than it was, which it wasn't scary at all, to Reekid at least, And he wanted it to sound as normal as possible.

After all that though everyone went back to doing other stuff and Reekid just went to his room, he could feel the lady staring at him as he did it, and he did not want to hear a word come out of her mouth, not one word or breath.

Reekid would say he got lucky though because when he turned around he quickly saw Icyblast trying to have a conversation with her, Reekid ran to his room after seeing that and locking his door afterwards, he wanted some peace for now.


Mully and Juicy got back to their place, it was more like an abandoned house/cave, it was pretty weird but it carried a lot of people and was a good spot for all the villains to be where no hero would bother them.

Dose quickly walked up to the both of them with a small glare, he usually did give glares, “So.. Mully almost got himself killed again?..” Dose asked crossing his arms and tilting his head to the side, Mully just looked away now feeling ashamed but Juicy just put his hand on Mullys good shoulder, “Don't worry about it! We’re both safe and sound!” Juicy says smiling at him, Dose just glared even more.

looking back at Juicy and back at Mully, mully was now feeling even more embarrassed but he knew this wasn't the worse thing that happened, Eddie came around next, He ran up to Juicy first and made sure he wasn't hurt, which once again of course Juicy wasn't hurt, He barely gets hurt anyways.

Both Dose and Mully just watched, Mully just sighed heavily and faced palmed himself, His shoulder was still stinging and he wanted the pain to go away, But right now things are just being way too distracting for his own good.

As Eddie got done checking up on Juicy who proceeded to glare at him, even under the mask, you could easily tell if Juicy is being irritated with you, even under that creepy mask of his, Juicy walked over to Mully same with Eddie, Eddie quickly gasped and just touched the knife that was still inside Mullys shoulder, the sound Mully made was just a huge hissing sound, Mully didn't like that feeling at all, “O-Ow…Don’t do that, You stupid Cunt!!” Mully slightly yelled out as he
slapped Eddie's hand away, Eddie quickly laughed a bit as he put his hand away.

Mully just continued to glare at Eddie, Dose, and Juicy just continued to stare kinda confused but they didn't react much, this was just average stuff, After the laughing died down Dose just took Mully off into another room, the other room was just a place that was kinda like a medical bay, but it wasn't as huge, but it still had the right equipment.

As Juicy continued to wait for him, Kevin also came out of his room, with a huge yawn on the way, “Heeeyyyy man.. How's it going?” Kevin asked once again he sounded out of it, either like he was sleepy still or he was just high on that good shit, either of those things made Kevin happier.

Juicy just looked at him and chuckled, “Hey Homie! Mully almost got his ass beat again!!” Juicy says snickering a bit, Kevin just chuckled and sat next to him, “By Grant?” Juicy shook his head but that was an understandable question, “Nahhhhh, But That would be hilarious!” Kevin just nodded and looked at the doctors' room where Mully and Dose were still, “Is Mully at least gonna be okay?” Kevin asked, Juicy just shrugged and sighed softly, “I don't know man, he better be..”

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