Chapter 8

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That fight was once again making Reekid question himself, he didn't even know that could or would happen, and it made him feel more nervous if Joshes words might be right, or the fact
that Josh is planning on trying to kill him or any of his hero
friends because that was something he was not expe- cting to happen and he didn't want that killing his friends' theory to come true.

Reekid was once again at his base and just watching the
other heroes gossip about the new cases that had happened that day, he could already tell that most of them were talk- ing about Josh since he hasn't fought in years, maybe decades, Reekid was now irritated again knowing that most of the heroes are gonna start more councils talking about this villain coming out of the shadows after all these years.

Once Icy Blast saw Reekid she just ran up to him and asked
him multiple questions that Reekid could barely answer or even try to find a right response to, and just by that Icy Blast seemed upset by it, once again Reekid had no time for that so he walked off.

The walking off did not work though because all she did was follow him, now asking more questions, mostly asking why he was acting like this, Reekid instantly glared at her and then looked away and once again started walking off.

None of the hints worked and the questions only got more irritating, But that's when Mrs. Shards came in and quickly pushed Icy Blast away, which made both Reekid and Icy Blast gasped, Mrs. Shards just stared at both of them she still seemed irritated but even confused, “What? Ms. Annoying wasn't leaving you alone.” Mrs. Shards now glaring at Icy Blast again.

Icy Blast let out a exaggerated gasp and looked at reekid
wondering if he was gonna help her out, which he didn't he just glared again, “Im not annoying!! He wasn't responding back” Icy Blast says pointing at Reekid, Reekid just crossed his arms and rolled his eye, Mrs. Shards chuckled hearing that, “Yeah because you were irritating him. Anyways Reekid go to your room.. You need rest..” Mrs. Shards says patting Reekids shoulder, he smiled at her and just walked off into his room.

Icy Blast was shocked and looked at Mrs. Shards even more shocked and upset, and after that, it was just them screaming at each other, Pretty stupid when a teenage girl thinks she knows better than a Middle aged woman with gray long hair.

Josh was once again at his base now giving mully all of the food he needed, No Mully wasn't gonna eat all of it, but he was gonna try making dinner for everyone, Everyone saw Mully as the Number one chef in their base, And everyone picked him to cook stuff for them, which once again Mully was
also Effy with and had no part of doing it, but with lots of convincing he finally started doing it, But now do one bad thing to mully before he was to cook and he does something crazy to your meal.

Mully had no regrets about it either, usually found it funny whenever he did it, but he still gave some of the villains' food poisonings or just made them straight up throw up, again pretty funny to mully though.

“Okay.. About that fight with you and that Mrs. Shards lady. How was that??” Mully asked pulling some of the ingredients out of the bag that Josh gave him earlier (a minute ago ofc), Josh slightly rubbed his shoulder and gulped, “I seriously transformed into my sister but that witch still recognized me.” Josh says as he washed off some of the fruits and vegetables he bought for Mully too.

Mully chuckled hearing and slightly nodded “You're a
dumbass for even trying. She knows everything about us,
even how we got our powers!” Mully says looking over at Josh, Josh gave him a pretty wet but washed tomato, Mully quickly grabbed it and grabbed a pretty sharp and just started
cutting the tomato, Josh just watched a little bit till he heard some footsteps, Josh wasn't worried though he just sat there wondering who was there.

His question was instantly answered when Juicy and Kevin walked in, they were talking about random crap, and Kevin was showing Juicy something that was on his phone, so that meant Kevin was showing Juicy a cursed tiktok he saw, Kevin usually did this a lot, mostly with Juicy though, They always
talked to each. Other though, Like juicy said, “They're brothers from another mother” And they made that clear.

“Oh hey, you two! There you are! Ready to eat?” Mully asked as he cutted up more vegetables, Josh was impressed seeing Mully cut them up while still looking at Kevin Juicy, “Oh hell yeah! Also..” They both said Juicy said the also part by himself though, “Hm? What's going on?” Josh asked, Kevin sighed heavily and looked back at Juicy, “Grant wants to join in this time.."

Mully and Josh looked at each other shocked and looked back at Kevin and Juicy again, "Are you.. serious!.." Josh asked, Kevin nodded and smiled, "Yup we're serious! So we better buckle up!! YOOO!!" Juicy says and yelling out a little bit, It made Mully cover his ears in a instant before realizing it was just a small scream not anything where it'll destroy the whole place..

But now Mully has to deal with Grant.. Same with Josh, A friend they havent heard of in couple of years..

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