Chapter 11

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Mully finally walked out of his room, yawning and stretching a bit, he still seem tired either way though.

As Mully walked away from his room, Josh and Juicy were the ones that immediately looked over and waved at him, well juicy did that, Josh just ran up to him and slightly held onto Mullys arm, Mully seemed confused by it, but he didn't complain, “Awww..Hey Josh, You doing alright?..” Mully asked, his voice sounding a little lower than usual.

Josh seemed surprised hearing his voice like that, but he still stayed close to Mully, “Broooo! I got worried for you man!!... Don't tell anyone I said that to you..” Josh says and whispering that last
part of the sentence, once again it made Mully chuckle and pat Josh’s head with his other hand, “I won't, and thanks for caring about me!” Mully says now giving Josh a genuine smile this time, It made Josh smile a bit too.

“Get a Room you two!!” Eddie yelled out which made Mully
and Josh pull away from each other quickly and try looking
where Eddie was at that moment, Mully seemed more irritated when doing it, and Josh just seemed shocked, “What the?? Eddie where are you??”Josh yelled out, Eddie only giggled in the distance.

Juicy was the one looking down though, he already knew where Eddie was, and he was getting ready for what was about to happen next, As Mully stepped back a bit a portal instantly opened up on the ground, one Mully put another foot towards it that's when he fell backward right into the portal, The instant sound was Mully screaming out of fear and panic, Josh quickly ran over and tried getting him out of there, But his arms were too short and Mully could barely be seen under all the darkness thats in that portal.

“Eddie What the fuck?!” Josh again yelled out Mully was
quickly thrown out of there by an aggressive force, it didnt even seem like Eddie did that, just some type of air, Mully was breathing heavily and looking even more shocked by just what happened as Eddie walked out of the portal like it was the easiest thing to do in life, “That was awesome..” Juicy says having his head on the couch and just staring at Eddie who was laughing at Josh and Mully.

“Guys what the hell??” Kevin slightly yelled out now walking over and wondering what the commotion was about, Grant followed along too, now staring at all of them except Kevin, They both seem really tired so it showed that they woke up because of the chaos that was taking place, “Sorry.. Josh was just trying to check up on me then Eddie decided to fu-” Mully was quickly cutted off by Grant as he put his slightly up, showing he didn't want to hear anymore.

“I don't care. You guys were still being loud when others are still trying to sleep. Next time don't use your power for you're idiotic behaviors.” Grant says, then walking off once again back into his room, Kevin after a couple of seconds did the same thing too, “Well God damn, That showed ya’ll” Juicy says looking at his phone with a smug look on his face, “Dawg.. Shut the fuck up!” Eddie says he was still joking around when he said it, he could barely be serious when it is a serious situation.

Juicy chuckled a little bit as he lay back down on the couch, Both Mully and Josh still sat there, giving Eddie a glare, but they didn't say much this time, they didn't want to anger Grant again, Or Kevin, So they both just got up and walked off into their room, Which again made some of the other villains there give them small glares, Josh and Mully were used to it though, and anyways They just wanted some time alone
without some type of stupid drama happening again.

“So.. What do you feel like doing now?” Josh asked looking over at Mully who was already pulling out a gaming console, “We could just play Cod or Some shit!” Mully says now showing most of the games he had at that moment.

Josh had already seen most of those games, and he really didn't feel like playing those games anyways.

“Uhh.. Can we do something else, I don't feel like doing all
that..” Josh says now laying down on his bed, Mully glared at him and huffed as he put away the games he had, “Look dude I don't know what else to do that doesn't seem like we’re doing something else..” Mully says now crossing his arms and
looking back at Josh who was still laying there, already looking like he's about to pass out.

Josh did think about it and sighed heavily afterward, “Oh Fuck.. that's right. They always think we’re doing dirty shit when all we’re doing is just chaotic bullshit.” Josh says putting one of his hands up in the air but then lazily putting it back down onto the bed, Mully Nodded and sat next to Josh again,
“We could just throw shit around outside! It's not like anyone is gonna get mad at us! Just keep it away from the house!” Mully says pulling out a random baseball that was under one of his office tables.

“Where the fuck did you get that??” Josh asked his voice
sounding a little rough, Mully let out a small snicker and threw the ball towards Josh, but Josh wasn’t paying attention so it instantly hit him right in the stomach, which made him quietly yell out, Mully quickly started laughing Seeing Instant Josh's reaction was,” HAHA!! THAT WAS AMAZING!!” Mully yelled out.

Instant knocking was on their door as both mully and Josh looked at it, but immediately gave out an exhausted sigh, “NO!! WE’RE DOING NOTHING BAD!!!” Mully yelled out, The only sound that came by the door was just muffled laughing from both Grant and Eddie, Once again it made Mully frown but Josh just stayed silent again, like usual.

“Come on.. Let's just play,” Mully says showing Josh the ball again, Josh huffed once again and rubbed his stomach, "First tell me, Where did you get that ball? You didnt answer my question the last time."

Mully sighed softly and tossed the ball up in the air and then catching the ball, "I just found this fella outside, nobody was playing with it or anything! So I took it! And now its mine!" Mully says smiling proudly, Josh seemed surprised but he wasn't shocked, Mully took stuff all the time, Same with Eddie, it wasn't a shocker now days.

"Wow... Amazing job Mul." Josh says as he just shrugged again and quickly got off the
bed and opened the door, Mully nodded and followed along now getting ready to play ball, And Make sure not to cause even more chaos where it could cause intense trouble!

The boys.. (Villain Au!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora