Chapter 14

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Now, Reekid really did enjoy his time with the heroes, they always treated him like family, but dealing with the Villains it was way more fun, their stories, and their humor was way better than the heroes' jokes, Like if you made some type of offensive jokes, the heroes would usually get mad at you for
saying, the villains didn't care, they joke right back.

Reekid really did enjoy feeling something that wasnt just stress or worry about what to say, or what he was going to do next, all he can do is just joke around, and do whatever, and the fact he learned a lot more about the other villains too, Like Dose and Kevin, and Grant, they were just nice guys who were doing their “Job” and Kevin really did find some funny
videos, it made Reekid laugh quite a lot seeing them.

Everyone was just doing their own individual thing chatting around and talking about random stuff, Reekid didn't think of anything to say at the moment, till a random question did pop up in his
head, “How exactly did they get their powers?” Reekid
thought, Reekid seemed surprised even hearing that question in his own head but now he was curious because he also wanted powers himself, but he didn't know how.

Once the conversations everyone was had gotten a little boring, Reekid decided to ask that question now, better it's now than never, “So uh Guys.. How exactly did you guys get you're powers?” Reekid asked now tilting his head to the side a bit.

Everyone looked at Reekid pretty shocked, they didn't expect someone to actually ask them that type of question, “Woah… That's a starter..” Juicy says now taking a sip out of a cup, Reekid didn't know what was in it though.

“Yeah literally man..” Kevin says, everyone else just stared at Reekid, they didn't have much to say, all they could really do is stare for a couple of minutes.

“Look you guys don't have to answer I just got curious!”
Reekid says looking side to side pretty quickly, “Are you
asking this because you want powers?” Josh asked Reekids
face slightly heated up the moment Josh even asked that question but Reekid couldn't deny it, so he just nodded and looked down, now the embarrassment was already weighing down on his shoulders.

Josh and some others let out small chuckles, “Look dude,
having powers sounds fun and all, but getting them hurts like a bitch.” Josh says looking at one of his hands, there were still black smears covering it, which just helped him with his powers, But Reekid was confused about what Josh meant, “Woah woah.. What do you mean by that?!?!” Reekid asked now sounding a bit defensive, Mully chuckled a bit hearing it.

“What he means is.. Most people get their powers because of some sort of trauma that has happened to our lives..” Eddie says now looking away a bit, everyone quickly fell silent, the same with Reekid, now he seemed surprised, he didn't know
this at all, but now thinking about it made him feel sad in a way, knowing that Josh, Eddie, Juicy, and a couple more dealt with some type of trauma to get those powers, doesn't feel good thinking about it either.

“Oh god.. So you guys got your power because of..that?” Reekid asked, now trying his best not to make things even
more awkward than it already is, some of them nodded though, but Mully and Grant stayed silent, “Eddie, how did you get your powers? And not by a word called ‘trauma.’” reekid says slightly glaring at Eddie who just chuckled softly, but again looked down with a small frown on his face.

“Sorry man, he doesn't really like talking about it.. Hey, Eddie want me to say that one sentence to help out?” Juicy says to Reekid and then asks Eddie afterward, Eddie nodded a bit and again sighed, “Look.. For Eddie, it was a near-death experience.. I can't say anything else but that..” Juicy says patting Reekids shoulder, now he seemed even more surprised hearing that, “Near-death experience.. And his powers include acid..was he almost killed by acid??” Reekid thought to himself, and it made him feel terrible again,
Eddie must've felt a lot of pain from that.

Reekid looked at Juicy next and tilted his head, “What about you?” Reekid asked, Juicy looked at Reekid confused, “What? What do you mean?” Juicy asked now smiling at Reekid softly, Reekid frowned at him, “You should already know Juicy!!”Reekid yelled out, which made Mully, Grant, and Juicy laugh a bit, even Eddie let a small cackle hearing Reekid yell out.

“Sorry man I don't know what you're talking about!” Juicy says shrugging his arms and letting a small giggle, Now reekid knew Juicy was fucking with him, “How did you get your power?!” Reekid yelled out, Juicy gave him a smug look and chuckled.

Reekid frowned even more hearing Juicy say that, he took a couple deep breaths in before trying again, “Juicy how. Did you. Get your. Powers.” reekid asked aggressively he was already wanting to slap the shit out of Juicy for this behavior, but to everyone else, this was peer comedy.

“Trauma!” Juicy says happily then getting up, Reekid quickly yelled out and tried jumping onto Juicy, but Dose and Grant pulled him back, Grant was laughing a lot when doing it, It was also seen that Dose was smiling a lot seeing it too, so it was definitely hilarious to them.

Juicy just walked off after that still laughing a bit as he did it, Reekid could just watch and huff angrily for having to deal with that, Once Reekid calmed down that's when Juicy came back and sat next to Kevin, who was just staring at a wall with a weird smile on his face, Reekid was now even more confused though and just thought to himself again.

“Wait, wait, wait.. So you're telling me if people don't have trauma they don't get powers??” Reekid asked, everyone looked at each  Other than back at Reekid, and Reekid did not enjoy the stares at all, “look kid, it can happen randomly you never know.” Eddie says now looking at his nails, Reekid then looked at Mully who was petting his New dog, “So like.. Mully! He can still have that but no powers!” Reekid says pointing at Mully who was now glaring at him, he did not seem happy hearing Reekids remark about him, “Not in a bad way Mul!”
Mully just continued to glare at him.

Reekid at this point could tell almost everyone was getting
secondhand embarrassment because of Reekids commotion and he couldnt help it, he already had so many questions, And he still wanted to know if Mully actually had powers or not, or if he does have some of problem in his life, yes it sounds weird but Reekid is really just curious.

And now he needed to ask Josh, “Now you Josh! How did you get your powers?” Reekid asked, Josh looked to the side, it seemed like he was trying his best to concentrate, but nothing came out of his mouth.

“I don't remember..” That was all Josh said, everyone seemed confused, and Now
reekid felt even more concerned hearing that than Eddie's sentence, “You don't remember? Like not at all?” Eddie asked, Josh nodded, “All I know is that I got it because of this hole in my chest.” Josh says now rising up his shirt, some looked away but some stared too.

Reekid was the one that kept staring, Once his shirt was
above his chest that's when most of them gasped and looked away, same with Reekid, It was just a huge whole in Josh's chest, probably because he was impaled or something, but
either way, it seemed creepy, it was just an empty void in
Josh's chest, Nothing else, no sound or anything, just a black void, “Jesus dude! That's creepy as shit!” Eddie says rubbing his arm a little bit, “Yeah I know, I don't even know how it happened! At least I can transform now!’ Josh says shrugging a bit, Reekid decided to do the same thing Eddie couldnt even say anything, he just seemed terrified.

It was understandable why, Reekid has never seen anything like it, and it seems like Josh is perfectly fine by it too, so oh well and Again better to do it now or Never I guess, sometimes you gotta shrug it off, even if it is a little spooky.

(Im just gonna say this, I actually read a certain book that inspired me to make this Fanfiction! I bet y'all to guess which book it was 👁️👁️))

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