chapter 24

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All the villains were back at their base, now recovering from the whole ordeal they created, Juicy was pretty proud of what he caused, and the big finale with Narrator just putting cherries to that smoothie he was making, Juicy looked around and saw Eddie talking to Gabby, and Mully petting his dog, Josh nowhere in sight.

Narrator quickly walked over to the couch that Juicy was laying on, he looked at him confused, same as Eddie and Gabby who were nearby once again, Narrator continued to sit there staring at all of them with a genuine smile before finally speaking again after a minute or two “Mully!! Josh!! Kevin and Dose!!” Narrator called out, his voice quickly sounding like a huge announcer which made Juicy cover his ears a little.

Josh and Kevin quickly ran out of their rooms, Dose just came out of the shadows looking a little exhausted, Mully was the last one even though he was still the closest to all of them, Once Kevin and Dose finally made it to the living room they quickly stopped and looked at Narrator in complete shock just looking at him up and down, “What the… fuck..” Kevin says Dose seemed more wide awake now seeing that Narrator is here.

Narrator chuckled softly and patted both Kevin and Dose’s heads, “YEAH IT’S ME- OH WHOOPS” Narrator's loud echo-ie voice yelled out it made everyone around him cover their ears, Narrator quickly stopped again and just stared down at the floor before once again speaking, “Okay!! Thats better! Sorry about that!” Narrator says rubbing the back of his head, he was pretty grateful that his powers also worked in his head too.

Everyone slowly uncovered their ears and weakly looked at Narrator again, Narrator sighed softly and decided to start over once again, “Okay.. Let's do that again! Yes! It's me! Im finally back once and for all!” Narrator says once again smiling at Kevin and Dose who just tried making their ears stop ringing.

Narrator playfully rolled his eyes and quickly looked at everyone else who sat there perfectly fine, And Kevin was the first one to quickly heal from the loud ringing in his ears, “Now anyways! I've been hearing a lot. Mostly about this targeting bullshit. And the Heroes thought they were strong enough to defeat us. Also. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to try fighting most of the heroes??”

Narrator says, now sounding more upset about the whole mess that happened earlier, Everyone quickly pointed at Juicy, even Kevin and Dose did, Juicy raised his hands up, now looking kinda nervous seeing how upset Narrator looked.

“Now.. Was that really a good idea?” Narrator asked, he was glaring at Juicy at this point who just sat there and let out a small gulp, “I was only doing it.. To fuck with those assholes! Nothing else!” Juicy says now looking to the left with his eyes closed, he was not ready for what was about to happen, But Narrator did nothing, he just let out a small giggle, and his expression quickly changed once again.

“Wait.. You're not mad?!” Mully asked he seemed pretty not seeing Narrator whoop Juicys ass that second, but he just continued to laugh and shrug it off a bit, “Nah.. It was a good idea, Wouldve been better if we had a bigger team though, since it is a pretty short villain group that works together.” Narrator says now looking at his nails and looking back at Mully, Now mully was one to quickly look away.

Narrator again gently shook his head and this time made sure to keep everything on track, “Okay, well I’m back. Juicy came up with the idea of starting this whole thing which wasn't a bad idea. And I'm here to make a change. Everyone knows I'm already here and I'm gonna make it known. Everyone will suffer.”

Narrator says his voice now becoming lower, Everyone looked at each other slightly confused, But Eddie and Kevin, and Juicy seemed more intrigued, “Ooooo! When you mean by that.. Do you mean you're actually gonna try
hurting more people with your powers?’ Eddie asked, Narrator nodded and gave Eddie a Soft smile.

“Eddies correct! I’ll be using my powers to make others suffer! Like how they made us do the same for the past years. I say no more!” Narrator says giving everyone a slight encouraging smile, Mully and Josh seemed pretty surprised by it at least, but now expression was on their face either way though, Gabby looked at everyone and just shrugged, “Gabby?” Gabby quickly jumped hearing her name get called By narrator as she put her attention onto him.

“Got any questions?” Narrator asked moving his upper-half of his body down making a bending position as he stared at Her, Eddie slightly hissed and quickly came close to her, Gabby sighed heavily and rolled her eyes at Both Eddie and Narrator, “Look the main question I have is, when are we gonna get new Villains on here? There are thousands of heroes and.. There’s just us..” Gabby says looking down everyone quickly did the same thing except for Narrator.

Narrator questioned himself for a little bit but really had no answer, all he could really think right now was, “Well. I Dont know when we are going to get new recruits, But I do know.. It's soon.” Narrator says again looking at everyone and narrating to himself to make everyone look at him, “Now.. Im the new leader by the way. I have all the power and I’ll make sure that everyone dose their part.” narrator says now menacingly smiling, Everyone could tell Narrator really enjoyed smiling, but seemed kinda creepy when he usually did it.

“Wait but I thought-” Mully says but was quickly cutted off by Narrator instead, “But what Mully?? BUT. WHAT.??” narrator yelled out his eye now twitching as he glared at Mully who gave him an angered and irritated type of look, “But. I thought Josh was the leader. He started everything.” Everyone quickly agreed with Mully, which was something that nobody originally did.

Narrator is slightly furious hearing that but became more furious seeing how happy Josh looked when smiling at Mully for saying it, “ENOUGH!!” narrator yelled out which made everyone pull back into their seats or fall to the floor, “Josh isn't as strong! If it wasn't for me all of you would be dead!!” narrator says, Mully and Josh cringed hearing that, Everyone else just stayed silent but looked uncomfortable.

“Hmmm.. Uncomfortable I see? Well fine! But letting yall know, You guys are nothing without me.” After saying that he disappeared, Nobody did anything there was really nothing to say, but they knew they probably created a monster just by having him come by again.

"Did we.. create a monster?.." Gabby asked, Mully shook his head, "No.. He has anger issues. Its probably that and him wanting to be in control after all these years of him.. doing whatever!" Mully says moving his hand around a little, the others agreed again.

"True.. I just hope he doesn't actually try doing something like that towards us.." Josh says, Everyone else just nodded and sat there now trying to think of something else better to do.

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