Chapter 41 - The Message

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Chapter 41 – The Message

Ace's home, Vertigo Town
Arlington County, VA
Wednesday, May 6, 2076
09:14 EST GMT-5

The decision was taken to send a message to the people, of course it wasn't gonna come directly from speakers at our home. So, I got my holotablet and started doing some serious hacking. I pinged the servers near the mayor's office and got access to his speakers. I then spoke in my normal tone of voice.

"Good morning, citizens of Vertigo Town! I apologize for interrupting your daily routine in the morning. I do like many of you prefer not to be disturbed." I went on to say. "But as many of you know, we can't keep silent forever! We can't let this go on forever, and be slaves to these mutants, robots, and other criminal threats. Three hundred years ago, this country was founded on the immigrant principles of freedom of speech, right to bear arms, right to vote and represent, and right to practice religion freely. This isn't the freedom we sought for. We can't let this Armageddon stop us! We need to regain control of our freedom and civil rights. If you're in agreement, please I ask you to join us, and unite hands to stop this evil! I'm broadcasting on all servers in Vertigo Town and Jordan City! Please join us to restore our past dignity, freedom, and rights!"

I then sat back. I hope that was inspirational enough. No sooner did I send out that message did my phone started ringing in my pocket. I saw it was Wheeler on Microsoft Teams. The call was a video conference invitation to everyone, listed as an emergency. It was sent to everyone in the two cities. I then answered and we all joined in.

"What in the hell was that Ace?" asked Wheeler, clearly not happy. "You hacked our servers to give a message?"

"I was hoping to inspire our people, to stand up against the threats." I spoke. "I wasn't gonna stay quiet and let these this shit fly by Scot free! We can't live like this!"

"I agree with Ace!" said Javier. "It's been affecting business for everyone! I've been losing customers lately due to these corrupt authority figures and beasts harassing us!"

"Something really needs to be done!" said Ross. "But we can't attack anyone, not head on!"

"Only way we can protect ourselves, is if we unite and do it together!" I elaborated.

"Yes, if we stay silent and concede to these terrors, all hell will eventually break loose!" said Ranger in agreement.

"What do you have in mind, Ace?" asked Wheeler.

"For now, let's all stay united, I'm trying to figure it out as I go!" I said to everyone. "We must come up with a plan together, I can't do this alone!"

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