Chapter 46 - The Mission Explained

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Chapter 46 – The Mission Explained

Nelson's office, Jordan City
Arlington County, VA
Wednesday, May 6, 2076
21:00 EST GMT-5

Nelson had everyone seated, as he finished some work on his computer. He was surprised that everyone came, guess like Wheeler, he only wanted me to come. He then turned to look at us.

"Well, I only needed one of you here, but now you three are here, we can go over the briefing." Nelson went on to explain. "The Gunsmith Battalion's supplies are located at a highly secure fortress, about ten miles from here. That fortress is heavily guarded with state-of-the-art security systems and measures. It's virtually impossible to penetrate it."

"What else do we know?" Ranger inquired.

"The supplies, consisting of food, medicines, weapons, and other technological defenses, are heavily fortified in a strong vault, one of the strongest advanced safes ever known to man. With multiple layers of computer security plus an invisible outer laser shield." Nelson continued. "Hacking the laser shield shouldn't be a problem if you're very skilled at it. The toughest part is the vault itself. It can only be opened via an encryption key; the head of security is holding at all times. Then you must grab the second in charge, her fingerprints and eye retinas are needed for the biometric scanners."

"So now what?" asked Aurora. "We send ourselves into the devil's asshole, to get those supplies? How can we even approach the fortress?"

"That won't be a problem. We can use our optical camo suits and blend in with the environment." I explained. "But who else would have the key to the fortress gates?"

"Acquiring access to the fortress will need to be done from inside." Ranger explained. "We can send a drone in there to retrieve the security key, then feed it into the main terminal."

"Getting in overall will be easy. Getting out will be hard. Once you breach the safe, you'll have only ten minutes to collect the supplies and then leave. But highly trained commandos will be awaiting you, once you try to leave. And sorry to say this, but your invisibility cloaks won't help you then. They have motion sensors and heat-seeking visors." Nelson explained. "I'm not asking you to rob the entire vault, just get everything you can within the allotted time, and get out, before you raise any alarms."

"Whatever helps your people, we'll do whatever it takes." I said.

"I know this is hard, I didn't want you to even do this, but folks are desperate in need of those supplies. We don't need that many, you can save the rest for the folks back in Vertigo Town." Ranger said.

"You just open the gate; we'll get the job done." I said.

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