First Date

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Caspian's POV:

I have a date.

With the most beautiful woman in the world.

My heart is fluttering and I'm barely paying attention to my tutor. I'm my opinion, taking these royal classes with my siblings is absolutely stupid. El and I are fine. The only one who needs it is Chad. Just disgraceful.

"Prince Caspian are you listening?"

"Yes Grimsby" Grimsby has been working for us ever since Eric and Ariel decided he would be better off helping someone higher up. I think they just wanted to get rid of the old fool.

"Ok then let's start with the laws of-" I tuned him out. It's currently 3:49. Only 9 more minutes until I can go and get changed. Penelope. Even the name sounds like a dream. I feel as if I'm Aurora and singing some princess song about my princess coming to save me.

4 finally hits and I'm the first one out.

"PRINCE CASPIAN THERE IS A TEST NEXT CLASS PERIOD" The Grim yells and I only salute as a response.

As I'm walking, I see Chad and El on my tail.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" El ask

"Yeah I heard today is your one day off" Chad says with a scoff "if I were crowned prince I would still be working instead of whatever you're doing."

"If you were crown prince the only law we would see is no one can wear the same clothes as you." El said

"Guys can I please be left alone." I told them.

"Oh come on. We used to do sibling things on days like this." El said

"I can't today but I have another free day next week ." I said with a smile. I love my siblings but Chad gets on my nerves.

"Two free days and you're doing nothing for this kingdom?" Chad asked

I scoffed as I sped up.

"Chad please leave." I said "Elena come on."

"Why does she get to come but I don't?"

"Because you're annoying" El says.

El and I sped up leaving Chad to his thoughts.

Once we finally made it to the dorm we had the chance to talk.


"I have a date"

She paused and turned to face me

"I really hope it's not Adri or Mal. They're both bad news"

"Where did Mal come into this?"

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