Across the Pond

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Penelope's POV:

"Children... excuse me." Fairy Godmother banged her cheap fake wand pointer thing on the table. "Um, as you know, uh, this Sunday is family day here at Auradon Prep." She paused "And because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance, we've arranged for a special treat."

She turned on the screen and the winged old bat's big head was taking over the screen. I felt like I needed to throw up.

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear." Mal's mom said

"Kids" FG called us over

They were still trying to figure it out until someone clicked something on the remote and I guess it finally worked.

The only parents I didn't see was the pirate crew and Thia so that's probably why they got a free day from class. Their parents are probably glad they're gone.

"Evie, It's mommy." The Evil Queen said"Oh! Look how beautiful. Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

I deadpanned at that

"Don't you mean the weeds?"  The Winged shedevil said

Then I noticed my γιαγιά sitting there and next to her was my father...

"Yιαγιά" I said over the winged bat and old queen

"My little pen" she said emotionally. "I miss you my darling but you look like you're very happy and you are indeed growing even more beautiful."

"Thank you γιαγιά" I said with a little tear "I miss you too. How are Drizzy and Auntie?"


"Ok enough about you, get to me" I heard Hades say

"This is why I never liked you." My γιαγιά said "you're always interrupting me and taking my family away you selfish bastard"

I've never seen her this way.

"As I recall they willing came to me."

"And look how that turned out." γιαγιά mumbled "Penelope you know Hades" I nodded "well this may come as a shock but he's also your father"

Dead silence could be heard

"I'm so sorry I missed out on so much of your life Penelope. If I had known you were my daughter I would've treated you as so." He said as if he was crying

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