Preferences !!

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(I wanted to try something for this chapter, so tell if you like it <3)

Alexander : 

- Drinks like ten cups of coffee per day

- Pansexual, but prefers males

- his eyes are always glued to a screen

- can never cook for himself, always ordering takeout

- working towards a masters' degree in college

- Aspires to open his own law firm

- Doesn't like opening up about his past

- Amazing dancer (his carribean roots ofc)

John Laurens : 

- always covering up herc's shenanigans

-  sick and tired of everyone and everything

- loves animals and wants to become a marine biologist

- Very protective of his friends and family

- laid back, but can blow up in two seconds

- Has to wash Lafayette's hair when he forgets to do it himself

- Amazing singer during karaoke

- Gets nervous when people ask him to sing

Lafayette : 

- cooking is his love language

- Wanted to be a world-class chef when he was seven

- Very prideful of his country and will mention it anytime he gets

- loves american cartoon shows

- He learned English from watching them

- Very clumsy

- terrible dancer

- loves cake (and decorating them)

Hercules : 

- Pansexual

- once got selected for a fashion competition show, but lost 

- Always making clothes for the friend group & their children

- Amazing listener

- All his socks have cats on them (if you get it, you get it)

- Amazing hugger

- Loves to compliment everyone

- Has very feminine hobbies 

Aaron : 

- Demisexual

- very muted colors of clothing

- spends all his time in the library

- wanted to be a teacher until he turned 16

- has read the entire Percy Jackson series more than 7 times

- loves Greek mythology and philosophy

- Would be an amazing father

- Holds his loved ones extremely close to his heart

- Family is most important to him and has always wanted to start a family

Angelica : 

- Complete lesbian 

- constantly going to marches, no matter the cause

- major feminist

- has even gotten Philip to read Common Sense by Thomas Paine

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