Chapter 80 : its over !!

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I closed my eyes at the sudden voice of gun ..

But wait ...
He didnt shoot me ..
Then who?

"Jungkook?" I snapped towards his direction as my heart started to beat fast ..

"Y/n?" He simultaneously looked towards me ... his eyes full of concern...

Both of us were fine ..

"Jimin?!!" I heard jungkook's cry..

Jimin fell on the floor as his thigh started to bleed.
Somebody had shot him..

"Hands up!!! Your game is over!!" A dominating voice echoed in the room.

"Y/n?!" I heard a familiar voice

"Oppa?!" It was my brother..

"Jungkook?" Called out yoongi as he quickly started to untie him.

Our brothers were here with the police ..

One policeman put handcuffs around steve's hand and the other went towards jimin to put handcuffs around him..

After being untied , oppa helped me stand up .
He observed my face and I could sense anger in his eyes.

"Jimin?" I heard jungkook say .

Jungkook went by jimin's side and held his hand ..
"Jimin' are you alright?" Worry was evident in his voice..

"Go away?!" Shouted jimin jerking his hand away from jungkook..

"Come on jungkook lets go." Yoongi said in a deep voice

"But hyung?"

"Just let him go." After giving him a last disappointed look , Jungkook stood up and walked away with Yoongi by his side .

The police had everything in control.

"Let me take you to the hospital." My brother said

"No oppa i am fine, there is no need."

"But you are bleeding from your mouth."

"Its not a big deal. Its going to be fine. I just wanna go home now."

"Alright." He gave me a faint smile as we sat in our car and made our way to our house..


* 3 days later *

"Y/n?" I heard a knock at my door.

"Yes come in." It was hoeseok OPPA

"We are leaving!"



"But what?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"But i.."

"Look y/n.." he cut me off and continued "jungkook will not be your reason to stay." He held me by my shoulders and said.

"No- its not about.."

"It is about him. I know." He made me sit down on my bed and then sat beside me making me look towards him.

"Listen , some people are not meant for us , or lets say they arent always the right one for you." He paused for a while and continued "look i know that tou harbour feelings for him but he is not the one for you."

"Oppa how can-."

"Shh - i am your big brother , i know whats good for you. Alright." He gave me a soft assuring smile and continued "now pack your bags , i have booked tickets for tomorrow 4 pm."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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