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Felix walks through a seemingly never ending alley. The alley is dark and empty, he can barely see in front of him. His head feels like it weighs ten extra pounds, like he was wearing some sort of weighted hat. It feels like his head is bobbing from side to side and he can barely stand up straight.

He starts to panic as his head then starts to feel like it's being squeezed tightly. There's so much pressure and it feels like his head will pop like a pimple being picked at. Strangely, the pressure doesn't hurt but it's still alarming, especially when Felix's heavy head makes him fall backwards. It's like he's falling in slow motion and when his back hits the ground, he doesn't feel a thing. He hears fluttering in his ears and there are butterflies flying out of them. The pressure in his head disappears and he watches the butterflies fly around him. He feels oddly at peace as he's engulfed by a hoard of the flying creatures.

The butterflies are a soft pink and seem to be luminescent, lighting up the dark alley Felix was laying in. They rest on his face and chest, slowly opening and closing their wings. He feels himself smiling as a butterfly lands on his nose. He giggles softly with his body covered in the shimmering butterflies.

"Step 1: Collect urine sample in a clean collection cup. Step 2: Uncap test and submerge testing strip into urine sample. Step 3: Hold for 7-10 seconds. Step 4: Cap test and wait 5 minutes for results to process" Felix was stalling, he couldn't lie to himself and pretend he wasn't. This was the second time he'd read the pregnancy test instructions, and it's not like it was rocket science. He was trying to convince himself that he was only rereading the instructions to make sure he did it right but he knew he was anxious.

The omega had been lightheaded and extremely fatigued for the past week, and he'd also been cramping a lot. Initially, he didn't suspect that he could be pregnant. Changbin always pulled out when he was in heat and fertile. He just felt so off, however, and he couldn't think of another logical explanation for the change in his body. He just wanted to make sure, that's it.

Felix knows he doesn't want to be pregnant. Having a baby right now, with how his life is going- it would be a mess. He's in his last year of college and he'd have to find a job soon, as well as childcare for his child, if he were pregnant. Not to mention, he and Changbin broke up 3 weeks ago and they were showing no signs of reconciliation. A baby would be the last thing he needs in his life, but here he is anyways.

He sighs and unboxes one of the tests after peeing in a clean cup. He does as the instructions said and dips the test into the sample and recaps the test. He places it flat on the bathroom counter and tries to will himself to look away, but he instead finds himself watching the test as it develops.

To his surprise, instead of it taking 5 minutes like the instructions said, the first line immediately appeared and then a second line moments later. He gasps as he picks the test up off of the counter, he notices his hands trembling as he does this. The first line was getting darker by the second and Felix could feel his heart jump into his throat.

He is in disbelief and can't stop staring down at the positive result. Every time he blinks he expects for the result to change but the test line is stubborn, not moving an inch no matter how many times he blinks. How is he supposed to tell Changbin? How is he supposed to raise a child at all?

He feels tears prick at his eyelids before they're falling in fat droplets onto his cheeks. This couldn't have worse possible timing. What could he do though? It's not like abortion is accessible in South Korea, and even if it was, he couldn't get rid of his baby. It's part him... and part Changbin. Changbin is going to hate him.

He sighs shakily as he glances at the bathroom door in caution. He still lives with the alpha even though they're broken up. They signed a lease together, and though Felix had offered to leave and go stay with Jisung, Changbin insisted on him staying until their lease is up in June. It's currently the beginning of March but it still made the most sense. Neither of them can afford the rent on their own.

Nowadays, Changbin is gone a lot, though he was gone very often when they were together too. Things changed with the alpha when Changbin graduated university and got his first real job. Where he once had free time to spend with Felix, he now had overtime to work or work to take home. Ultimately, this change had caused their break up, or maybe the break up was bound to happen and his new schedule just expedited it- but that doesn't change the situation Felix is in now.

Now, he needs to tell Changbin and they need to figure out what they're going to do with a baby. Would they continue to live together and coparent? Would they get back together? Would Changbin not want any parts of Felix or their baby, now that they weren't together? He had so many questions and all of them caused a ball of anxiety to build in his throat.

There's only one way to answer all of these questions and that's to tell Changbin when he gets home from work.

This is the beginning of something beautiful~ I have this entire story laid out already, I just have to write it all out and I'm so excited! Let me know if you guys are looking forward to it.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now