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The day that Felix graduates from university, some of his family from Australia and Korea both make it to see him celebrate the completion of his degree. Korean college graduations are surprisingly short and straight to the point. This was something he hadn't expected, he'd only been to one- Changbin's graduation the year prior. He grew up watching long videos of graduates slowly walking across the stage to the announcement of their names and degrees. Instead in South Korea, all of the graduates line up by their departments.

Felix and Jisung are graduating from the Fine Arts department. The two omegas get to stand together until they walk across the stage and shake hands with all of the "important people". Something about finishing college with Jisung feels strangely symbolic, but Felix isn't all that bothered to ponder over it too much.

When the graduates are filing off of the stage and their university's anthem has been sung, Felix is looking around for his loved ones. The ceremonial hall is packed and chaotic as everyone starts to reunite with their family and friends for commemorative pictures and congratulations.

Felix frowns and scans around as he follows the bulk of his peers outside of the building. He knows his parents, Hyunjin, and Changbin all sat together, along with Nabi, because his boyfriend texted him prior to the ceremony's beginning to tell him they'd found good seats. It would've been convenient for him to know where exactly those seats had been, in hindsight.

"Yongbok-ah!" Felix's head whips around when he hears his name. The brunette omega blinks rapidly, as he looks around for the source. His eyes land on a familiar short and stout alpha with a plump little human dumpling in a carrier hanging off his arm. An automatic smile spreads onto Felix's lips when he sees them, and they're followed by Felix's parents and Hyunjin.

"Where were you guys? I didn't see you anywhere!" Felix exclaims as he finally approaches them. He's wrapped up in a warm embrace, his mother's scent of sweet cherry and jasmine draping around him like a weighted blanket.

His parents flew in this morning while he was preparing for his graduation. Changbin had to be the one to pick them up from the airport and they all drove together to see Felix graduate. The brunette omega was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to see Nabi meeting his parents in person for the first time, but they would be in South Korea for a couple more days and they still had time to interact with each other. He was looking forward to seeing his parents be- well, grandparents.

"We were initially sitting by the speakers and had a really good view of the stage, but we had to move because I forgot Nabi's noise-cancelling headphones. We ended up sitting closer to the back." Changbin explains as Felix pulls away from the hug with his mother to now wrap his arms around his father. The older beta man was standing looking at his son with a bouquet of flowers and a proud smile.

"I'm so proud of you, Yongbokkie" Felix's dad tells him as he returns the omega's embrace, before he pulls away to hand his son the bouquet of colorful flowers.

"Thank you, Appa. They're so pretty." Felix smiles and turns to his boyfriend, who'd patiently waited his turn to be acknowledged by the new graduate. The brunette omega lets out a soft chuckle of endearment at the way his pretty beta boy smiles as soon as their eyes meet. He's given another bouquet by his lovely boyfriend before the beta wraps his arms around Felix's shoulders. The omega's arms instinctively wrap around the raven-haired man's waist and Hyunjin places a peck to his boyfriend's temple.

"Congratulations, love" Hyunjin grins as he gives the omega man a tight hug that squeezes the air from the younger's lungs. Felix huffs out a breathless laugh when Hyunjin lets him go.

"Thank you, Jinnie." Felix smiles at his boyfriend brightly before turning to his family. "Thank all of you guys for coming, actually. I really appreciate you all showing up, it means a lot." He beams and his mother comes to him and strokes his hair affectionately.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now