Felix's Internal Monologue.

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"Come on, Lix. It'll be a lot of fun!" Jisung encourages Felix. The pregnant omega is sitting on the edge of the other man's bed as he gets ready to go out. Today is Changbin's birthday and their entire friend group is going out bowling to celebrate. Jisung is trying to convince Felix to go.

"No way. I'm big and pregnant, I can't drink, and I'm gonna be boring. Just have fun without me." Felix tells the omega, who sends him a frown in return.

"Please? We can drink mocktails and gossip about all of Changbin's friends?" The dark-haired man tries but Felix shakes his head sadly. "You need to get out of the house, Felix" he tells the brunette.

"I leave the house for class almost everyday. Besides, those are you guys' friends, not mine" Felix retorts tiredly. He didn't want to go and ruin everyone's time by being a buzzkill. It's not like it was his birthday, it's Changbin's and he should spend it with people he cares about.

"I'll be there, and so will Chan and Changbin. Plus, Wooyoung-hyung will be there, remember him? You two got along really well" Jisung continues to try to convince the brunette.

"I really don't want to. I'm sorry, Sung" Felix sighs and Jisung frowns. He's quiet for a moment like he's thinking.

"I don't want to go without you. I'm gonna get anxious because of all the people, but I can't not go..." Jisung complains and Felix starts to feel guilty. "Don't feel bad, though. I know you. It's not your responsibility." He seemingly reads Felix's mind.

Moments like these remind Felix that Jisung is caught in the middle of his and Changbin's breakup. Sure, everyone is on good terms but things still get awkward. Felix may be Jisung's bestfriend, but Changbin is like a brother to Jisung. They've known each other since middle school and have been through a lot together. Felix could never come between them and he hopes that Jisung never lets him.

"You can always sneak off to the bathroom and call me if you get anxious, but I know you'll be fine." Felix reasons and Jisung nods. Just as Jisung starts to reply, Felix's phone starts to ring. "Oh, it's my mom" The brunette says and Jisung's eyes widen. He gestures for Felix to answer and he does.

"Hello? Yongbokkie?" His mother's voice answers.

"Hi Eomma," he greets and he tries his best not to sound confused or standoffish. Changbin's mother spoke to his and he hopes she's calling to apologize.

"My Sunshine, how are you?" Her voice is soft and a bit tentative as she speaks. It confuses Felix.

"I'm doing fine. How are you?" He asks and eyes Jisung, who was trying to look busy but was definitely listening in on Felix's conversation.

"I'm okay. I miss you a lot." She responds and Felix looks down at his hands without replying. He isn't sure what to say, but he does miss her too. "Yongbok, Eomma's sorry" she suddenly says and his eyes widen. He knows he was hoping she'd apologize, but he wasn't actually expecting it. "I've been unfair, haven't I?"

"I- I don't know. A little..." Felix responds timidly and he hears his mother sigh softly.

"I'm sorry. Eomma wants you home, because you're my baby boy. My only baby boy, and you're having a baby of your own." She explains, "I want to be able to take care of you and to be there for you. This isn't how I imagined any of this happening and it's a lot for Eomma to adjust to. You understand, right?" She continues and Felix attempts to swallow back the lump in his throat.

"I know, Eomma. It's a lot for me too." Felix replies.

"I was upset because I wanted you to listen to me, but you're an adult with your own child now. I can't control you. I knew that a long time ago when you decided to move to Seoul." She says, "Appa isn't angry at you either, Sunshine. He's just coming around to the fact that you're an adult now too."

"I understand, Eomma. Thank you for calling me. I appreciate this a lot" he tells her as he feels tears prick at his eyelids, but he refuses to cry.

"Of course. Please come visit us before you can't fly anymore. Your sisters want to throw you a "baby shower" and I think it's a good idea too!" She says and Felix giggles softly.

"I don't need a baby shower, but I will come see you guys soon. Whenever I can, maybe Chuseok." He explains as he glances at Jisung, because he'd forgotten the other omega was here. "But, thank you for calling again. I have to go, but I'll call you when I'm home." He ends the call with his mother and looks at Jisung, who's looking at him expectantly.

"So? That sounded good." Jisung encourages and Felix nods slowly.

"Yeah, my mom just called and apologized... like completely out of the blue" The brunette responds.

"How do you feel? Are you happy? Sad? Confused? What's going on in your head?" Jisung asks and Felix honestly doesn't know.

"I don't know. I'm happy, but I also think I'm a bit confused. This came out of nowhere. She says Appa isn't mad either, which really relieves me." He answers, "Changbin's mom said she would speak to Eomma. I think she got through to her?" Felix wonders aloud and Jisung nods.

"That's good, Felix. That's really good." Jisung replies and Felix nods, because yes, it is good. He feels a wave of relief wash over him now that his family no longer hates him. They never hated him, but his mom wasn't happy with him.

"It only took her six months" Felix jokes to diffuse the serious tone that had come over them. "What are you gonna wear? I want to see, because you need a boyfriend" he changes the subject and Jisung scoffs.

"I do not need a boyfriend. I don't even think I would like a boyfriend." Jisung argues as Felix laughs and gets up to look in the omega's closet.

That same night, Felix is laying in his bed awake. It's difficult to get sleep these days if he can't get into the right position, but that's not the reason why he's up. He can't stop thinking about Changbin, it is his birthday after all. He wonders what the older is doing. If he's still out with his friends. Knowing Changbin's group, they most likely ended up at a bar after bowling. He's probably drunk right now as Felix is in bed.

Part of him feels a bit resentful. Changbin continues living his life like nothing is happening while Felix's entire life is put on hold and changed forever. The alpha is trying to do everything he can though, Felix can see that. He buys things for Dumpling and he's came to every appointment. He's showing all the signs of being a wonderful supportive father but Felix has always wanted more.

Felix wants to be a family- well, maybe wanted is a better word. He doesn't know what he wants these days. He loves Changbin, he knows this. How can he not? They were together for almost three years and he was the love of his life. He thought they would be together forever, get mated, and live on the countryside with a gaggle of kids. He had dreams that all involved Changbin. Now, it's like he has to rethink all of that and move on without him. It hurts.

Felix finds himself thinking why things didn't work out. He barely knows, everytime he talked about it with Changbin, it was- "I need to focus on myself" or "It's not you, it's me". Felix can't help but think Changbin is selfish. Maybe Felix is selfish for wanting to force him to be in a relationship with him, but Felix always thought that love was enough. If they had love, then they could get through anything, right? Maybe Changbin simply didn't love him anymore and he was too afraid to say it. Or maybe, love just genuinely isn't enough to make something work.

Felix doesn't know, but after his own internal monologue, he's decided that he wants to let Changbin go. It may take time but he doesn't want to have hope anymore. He just wants to be happy and he feels like holding onto the hope that Changbin would eventually come back to him is preventing him from doing that. So, he will let him go.

Hi, I'm sorry this chapter was really short. I'm actually going through a breakup right now, which inspired the whole monologue at the end. I'm going to keep writing through it because that's how I cope, but I can't promise the chapters will be amazing.

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