Lilies and Roses.

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"Give me my niece, please" Jisung is practically demanding as soon as Felix comes into his apartment. The other omega insisted that the brunette come over and bring his daughter. He'd paid for their taxi and everything, so Felix assumed it was extremely important.

"At least you said please this time," Felix chuckles as he sets Nabi's carrier down on the couch. Jisung is immediately bending over and unbuckling her, picking her up and smiling at her. The dark-haired omega adjusts her blanket and nestles her in his arms. "Aw, Sung. You're getting good at holding her!" The brunette omega fawns.

"I know, right? I'm the best uncle ever." Jisung says as he sits down next to Felix, placing Nabi down in his lap so that she can look at him. "Hi! Did you miss Sungie?" He speaks to her gently with a heart-shaped smile. Felix can't help but watch the two with an endeared smile of his own. Nabi is kicking her legs with wide alert eyes fixed on the dark-haired omega.

"You still don't want one?" Felix jokes as he watches Jisung make animated faces for his pup. The other omega gives him a look and Felix laughs. "Did you ask me to come over just so you could play with my baby?" The brunette asks with a humored smile.

"No..." Jisung side eyes Felix, "I asked you to come over because I wanted you to get out of the house. Even if it's just to come to my place." He explains and Felix hums.

"Oh okay, I guess I haven't been getting out much nowadays, huh?" The brunette replies and leans back on the couch. "I have to go back to work at the end of the month, and it's been making me so anxious. I know she'll be fine with Changbin's mom, but I just feel guilty." He sighs.

"Why do you feel guilty?" Jisung asks curiously looking up from the pup in his lap to focus on Felix.

"Because I won't be the one taking care of her. She's mine." Felix responds and Jisung frowns a bit before turning his gaze back to the baby in his lap.

"Yeah, but you have to work. It sucks but it's just the reality of things." Jisung answers honestly and Felix deflates. He wasn't sure what he wanted to hear, but it wasn't that. "Besides, I'm sure Changbin-hyung's mom doesn't care at all. She's probably looking forward to it, actually. You know she's retired without much to do." He adds but Felix still feels upset.

"I get that, but I don't want to leave her. I'm supposed to be there for her and take care of her. She's my baby." Felix frowns with his bottom lip starting to quiver with emotion. He tries not to cry, he really does, but looking at his chubby little baby and thinking about not being able to be around her 24/7, genuinely makes him feel ill. "You don't get it, Sung. You can't." The brunette complains as he looks away biting his bottom lip.

"I know, Lix. I don't get it and I wish I could, but I can't. All I know is that you can definitely get through this, and that she will be just fine. She won't forget about you. She won't resent you. She's a baby, all she knows is she loves you." Jisung does his best at comforting the brunette omega. Though it does make the tears he was holding back spill down his cheeks, Felix feels  eased by his words.

"I love her too. I love her so much." Felix pouts as he watches his best friend play with Nabi's little toes. "Sometimes I look at her and I feel so overwhelmed with emotions, that I just start sobbing. She's growing too fast and I'm scared I'm going to miss something." The omega admits and Jisung frowns at him sympathetically.

"You're such an amazing father, Felix-ah. I'm really proud of you." Jisung responds with his own eyes going misty. The dark-haired man looks  down at the pup in his lap, she's already looking at him with her eyes wide and curious. She'd stopped cooing now, probably confused why the mood had gotten so somber when just seconds ago all of the attention was on her. As if she knows this, she lets out a loud yell that makes both omegas look at her with wide eyes.

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