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A few weeks have passed, and Felix is nine weeks and a day pregnant and the anti-nausea medication Dr. Jung put him on has been working wonders. However, in place of his nausea and vomiting, he has gained a handful of new symptoms. The worst being the fatigue. He didn't think he could be any tireder but his body has proven him wrong again. He spends most of his free time asleep or in the bathroom, because another symptom he has obtained is the constant need to pee. On top of those two symptoms, his nipples itch and tingle constantly. It's not a bother necessarily, just a strange thing to adjust to.

As for Changbin and him, they are getting along really well. They always have something to talk about now- the baby, and they're spending more time together too. Tonight they are watching a movie together, it's a Tuesday night but Changbin is home before dark. They're chatting quietly as the older sets up the television for the movie.

"You're going to fall asleep, I know it" Changbin chuckles as he squats down in front of his laptop that he has hooked up to the television.

"Hyung, I'm growing a human, it's really tiring work!" The omega defends making Changbin smile. In a moment of cheekiness, Felix presses his toe into the alpha's bum. It was difficult to resist as he was in the perfect position. The alpha yelps and falls back making Felix gasp.

"I understand, I'm just telling you it's okay if you fall asleep" Changbin chuckles as he comes to sit with Felix on the couch, acting like nothing happened. This makes the omega giggle but he doesn't bring up Changbin almost cracking his head open.

"All I do is sleep~ when I was in class today I fell asleep right in front of Professor Choi. I was so embarrassed because he called me out in front of everyone" Felix pouts as the movie starts.

"I bet you he's gonna feel like such a dick when he finds out you're tired because you're pregnant" Changbin continues to talk despite the movie having started and Felix hums. He watches the beginning of the movie for only a second before he's speaking again.

"Speaking of... when are we going to tell our families and stuff? You know Sung already knows but he's the only one" the omega questions and the alpha shrugs.

"It's up to you, honestly. I read you should wait until 12 weeks when your second trimester starts though" he responds.

"I want to tell my mom and dad before then. I don't want to hide this from them anymore. Sometimes I just want to explode and tell my mom because I need her help a lot" Felix admits and it's true. He's been avoiding talking to his mother because he feels so guilty, and he knows she could help him with understanding this whole process in a way that the internet can't.

"I know what you mean. You can tell them whenever you're ready. We can go tell mine after you tell yours" Changbin nods and there's seems to be something in the air between them. Something that needs to be said.

"...We should also tell them we broke up." Felix finally says what they were both probably thinking. It's a bit awkward but it's better to get it out there. Recently, they've just been acting like they were never together- just two friends expecting a pup. Felix couldn't say that he liked it, nor did he hate it.

"Yeah, I guess so..." There's an awkward tension between the two of them now. Part of Felix has been hopeful that with how close they've been the past few weeks, that they would work it out but he's been too afraid to mention it. He doesn't want to be rejected or ridiculed for thinking they may get back together, but he feels like he has to say something.

"Why do we have to stay broken up though?" The omega just comes out and asks. It took a bit of courage but he'd said it.


What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now