Gender Reveal.

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"I'm telling you it's a boy. I can feel it" Changbin nods with a comically serious face, Felix laughs lightly in response.

Today is the day where they will hopefully find out the pup's sex. They had a chance to at their last ultrasound about a month ago but the pup had been in a bad position. The doctor hadn't been able to get a good look, so she's going to try again today. Changbin is once again accompanying Felix to the appointment, he said he "wouldn't miss it for the world".

"I have no idea what they could be. Your mom said that she felt that you were a boy by intuition, but then she also said with your sister she thought she was a boy too." Felix chuckles as he finishes his explanation. "Maybe mother's intuition only works with mothers" he shrugs.

"You don't even have a slight guess as to what it will be?" The alpha questions and Felix hums thoughtfully.

"I don't know, but I think I want a boy. Something about having a mini-me running around feels right." Felix smiles softly with a nod.

"You can still have a mini-me if it's a girl too. I think you'd be a pretty girl." Changbin says and Felix snorts.

"I'd be one toned lady" The omega comments making Changbin laugh. He's probably imagining Felix as a lady now.

"I think ripped chicks are hot. Something about a woman being able to manhandle me kinda excites me." The black-haired man says and Felix scrunches his face up into a grimace.

"I would've been just fine without that information." Felix mocks disgust as he says this. Something about imagine Changbin being manhandled by a strong woman just makes Felix cringe. Maybe because he's always been the one being manhandled when it comes to Changbin.

"You like being manhandled, why can't I?" The older has the audacity to sound genuinely offended. Felix tried to shake his head vigorously to clear his head of the image. "Is it because I'm an alpha? Or is it because you hate burly women?" He questions and Felix groans.

"Neither! You are so unserious." The younger tries not to laugh at Changbin's obvious teasing.

"Then why?!" The alpha urges dramatically and Felix just giggles.

They pull into the parking garage of the doctor's office and Felix takes his time getting out of the car. He's not huge yet but he definitely feels slower now and less mobile. His belly is probably the size of half of a basketball now and it certainly feels like it weighs more. He wonders how much weight he's gained in the month since his last ultrasound.

"Hello, Felix-ssi" Dr. Jung greets and nods in greeting to Changbin politely. "Your urinalysis labs look good, no protein, which is good. How are you feeling?" She looks up from her tablet to watch Felix patiently.

"Hi, seonsaengnim. I'm feeling a lot better physically. The constipation is pretty bad though" He pauses and Dr. Jung waits for more. "Uh, as for personally, I sorted some things out in my life and I've been less stressed." He nods and she smiles.

"Good. I'm glad. We want to keep your stress levels as low as possible for a healthy baby. Too much stress can lead to high blood pressure or even preterm labor." Tell that to Felix's mom. "Your weight is also okay. You gained 6kg from your last visit, making you 71kg now. I recommend watching your sugar intake and avoiding high carb foods, just to be safe" Felix tries not to whistle at his new weight. He's been avoiding scales throughout his pregnancy but being weighed is apart of a prenatal visit. "Let's get started with the ultrasound if you don't have any questions?" Felix nods and leans back before he rolls his shirt up.

The omega's heart races again, just like everytime he's gotten a peek at the pup. Dr. Jung squeezes the blue gel on the probe like last time and presses it to Felix's bump. He doesn't even register if the gel is cold or not because he's focusing on the screen. Changbin grabs his hand and Felix gives it a nervous squeeze.

"So, I'm checking their hands, feet, kidneys, brain, palate, heart, essentially all of their major organs and extremities. I'm looking for any deformities or abnormalities. This will be your longest scan for the majority of your pregnancy." Dr. Jung explains as she presses the probe into Felix's womb. "Heart looks normal." She says when they hear a strong steady heartbeat after a brief pause. "Left kidney looks normal. Right kidney also looks normal." Then she's quiet for a moment too long and Felix's heart races even faster, if it's possible.

"Is everything okay?" Changbin asks when Felix looks at him with big concerned eyes.

"Yes. Would you two like to know the sex of your baby?" She questions with a soft smile. Felix almost curses her for worrying him with her prolonged silence. Both of the men give their agreement and she turns the screen around for them to see. It takes him a moment, but Felix can make out the shape of the pup's feet and legs. "She's not shy at all today. You two are having a girl" Dr. Jung smiles and Felix hears Changbin gasp. Felix looks at the older for his reaction and sees him smiling, open mouthed and bright with a look of unfiltered awe on his face. Finding out their baby's gender hadn't made him cry, but seeing the love of his life find out does.

"Are you sad she's not a boy?" Changbin asks when he realizes Felix is crying. The omega quickly shakes his head.

"No. I'm just happy she's healthy" Felix replies through his sniffling and Changbin softly smiles before kissing the younger's forehead.

"Me too" the older agrees.

"I can also tell you that she is not an alpha because of the lack of internalized testes or seminal vesicles in her lower abdomen. You'll have to wait a couple years before we can determine her secondary sex" Dr. Jung explains, "It's actually more common than you would believe to have a female pup from a male omega and male alpha pairing. Omegas regardless of primary gender produce one to three eggs every estrus and for males there's a 1 in 2 chance that those eggs will possess a X chromosome and a 1 in 3 chance that they will possess a Y chromosome. Isn't that fascinating?" She smiles as if any of that was absorbed and understood by Felix or Changbin. Felix just nods as Changbin clears his throat and avoids looking at the doctor.

Surprise! They're having a girl~ and hey, if you actually read and understood my explanation of my omegaverse science and the probabilities do not any make sense, no you didn't :) I was just talking shit. I failed Statistics three times in college, so...

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now