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"I have to tell, Jinnie! He's gonna be so excited~" Felix squeals when he and Changbin get into the older's car after the appointment. He doesn't notice the frown the alpha gives him as he pulls his phone out to text the beta.

"Why would he be excited?" Changbin asks and the younger can hear the bitterness in his tone. The omega pauses and gives him a confused look, "Why does he even care?" He continues and Felix notices the traces of a petulant pout on his lips as Changbin starts the car.

"Because he's my friend" Felix states. The blonde pretends to not see the way that Changbin glances down at his phone from the side of his eye while he taps out a message to Hyunjin.

"Whatever. If you want to fuck him, go ahead." Changbin grumbles pettily, and Felix knits his brows together in a confused and equally offended look.

"Why would you even say that? What makes you think I want to fuck him?" Is the first thing that Felix asks but he has a lot more that comes to mind. One being, why does he care? Another being, how dare he try to shame him even if he doesn't want to?

"I'm just saying, you two are awfully close and you're telling him before you even tell your parents, or even Jisung-ah. Why does he need to be the first to know?" Changbin sulks. Felix would usually feel bad to see a sulky Changbin, if it weren't for how wrong he is.

"Firstly, Jisung and I aren't speaking right now. Secondly, you know I've been arguing with my parents so why bring them up? Are you trying to make me feel bad? I don't understand." Felix is calm as he asks this. He's trying not to react so emotionally because he knows it will just turn into a big argument. Though, it kind of seems like an argument is what Changbin wants and he can't figure out why.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad. I just..." Changbin pauses with a sigh, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "I just feel uncomfortable with how much time you spend with Hyunjin. I don't know him or trust him." The older explains.

"I trust him. I can assure you that Hyunjin-ah is genuinely harmless. If he wanted to hurt me he would've by now." Felix reasons with his phone now discarded in his lap and a text message not sent.

"I'm sure you believe that, but isn't it weird how quick he was to move you in with him? He barely knows you and you barely know him" Changbin retorts making Felix want to roll his eyes.

"I didn't have another option and he knew that. He was trying to be helpful-" Felix starts to reply.

"When I tried to be helpful you got angry and called me deluded!" The alpha raises his voice just slightly, and Felix recoils in response. Changbin immediately settles when he sees the younger's reaction, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell"

"The situations are different and I feel like you know that." Felix says before continuing, "This whole jealous streak you've had recently was okay at first, but now it's starting to-"

"Jealous? I'm not jealous. I'm looking out for you, Felix-ah" Changbin replies with a scoff.

"Okay, I appreciate that, but I don't need it when it comes to Hyunjin. He's my friend." Felix finishes the conversation. Changbin doesn't reply as he knows the younger was done talking about it. The alpha still seems upset though, like there's more he wants to say.

They pull up outside of Felix's apartment building and the younger hesitates to get out of the vehicle. The vibe between them is a bit tense and he feels hesitant to leave with them not on good terms. Changbin seems to feel the same way too because he's the first to speak.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/Hyunlixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن