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Felix has entered his third trimester about as gracefully as a knobbed kneed bambi enters the world. He's suffering from heartburn, constant cramping in his legs and back, fatigue, and, his worst enemy, constipation. He wishes he could say he feels like he's glowing and adorable, but really, he just feels bad. He feels round and heavy. He can't breath going up the steps to his apartment, or even if he talks a little too much. Being this pregnant just isn't all that fun.

Dumpling is now the size of a head of cauliflower apparently and she hiccups and flips inside of him. She can also hear him when he speaks to her now, so he tells her he loves her and can't wait to meet her. Sometimes if there's a particularly loud sudden noise, she'll even jump like she was frightened. He adores feeling her move and react to things.

He's been thinking a lot on what type of person he wants to be, what type of relationships he wants with those around him. He didn't think he was a particularly thoughtful person before but he's had a lot of time to himself recently. Jeongyeon doesn't let him work as many hours anymore- despite his arguments that he's fine to keep working like he has been and that he needs the money, so he's spent more time at home. By spending more time at home, he's also spent more time with Hyunjin. The beta makes him think that he wants to be similar to him, always calm, but yet so emotionally present.

Hyunjin is gentle, and humble. He has an almost whimsical quality to him at times. Felix finds himself fascinated by him sometimes. He wants to know everything there is to know about him. They talk a lot. They talk about everything they can, and Hyunjin isn't secretive but he is reserved. He usually doesn't tell things without being asked, but at the same time, he's so open. Felix finds himself getting lost in Hyunjin's depths and talents. He's just so... different?

Felix can admit that he thinks he feels something other than just friendly admiration for Hyunjin. He wouldn't call it love or even romantic feelings. He's just interested in the beta, in the most innocent sense, and he's obviously attracted to him. Who wouldn't be?

It seems foolish to even be considering having feelings for Hyunjin after he'd only just decided he didn't want to be with Changbin anymore. That's why he won't ever say the way he feels for Hyunjin is anything more. Felix seems to have the habit of jumping into relationships, if his relationship with Changbin was anything to go by.

When Felix met Changbin, he was 19 and had no idea what it felt like to truly love someone. He didn't understand loving someone through all their flaws and lows. He just knew that he loved people and he loved being in love. He'd had a few relationships, none lasting more than a few months and he'd had a first love- a beta boy that lived in his neighborhood and taught him what it was like to feel wanted, but he'd never experienced genuine love.

Changbin was a year older and a creative. He was outspoken, a bit unruly, and extremely loyal to his friends. That's all it took for Felix to fall in love. They'd met through Jisung one night at a party and Felix was hooked. It took a month of knowing each other for them to make it official. Felix asked one day when Changbin was walking him home. He'd blurted it out like an embarrassed little school girl confessing to her crush. He could barely even make eye contact with the older as he asked, but Changbin said yes. They were inseparable from that point on, but Felix had no understanding of what an adult relationship looked like. Looking back, maybe that's where they messed up. He thinks that maybe they outgrew their innocent little love, which makes Felix want to cry, because how does one grow out of someone's heart?

Either way, Felix won't be rushing into anything with anybody. Felix is also reminded that Hyunjin has Jeongin. The thought never crossed his mind until he walked out of his room and saw the two sitting side by side on the floor in front of the couch. They were connected at the hip and Hyunjin was smiling so brightly. The beta's head was on Jeongin's shoulder as they look down at something on the alpha's phone. An ugly feeling wraps itself around Felix's throat and he has to fight back the instinct to let out distressed pheromones.

"Yongbokkie-ah, come here. Have you seen this?" Hyunjin calls Felix over when they finally notice him coming into the living room.

"What is it?" Felix asks as he comes up to the two and sits behind them on the couch. Jeongin shows him his phone and the omega watches a video of some sort of elevator prank. A girl complains to her boyfriend that she has to go to the bathroom and then squeezes a fart cushion inside of her bag. The reactions are pretty funny. "Why'd she react like that?" Felix laughs when one of the prank victims screams at the fart.

"I know! That's what I'm saying. Innie finds the funniest videos" Hyunjin laughs as he leans into Jeongin's side. Felix can't help but frown as he sees the beta wrapping his hand around the younger's bicep.

"Yeah, that was pretty funny, Jeongin-ah." Felix tries to play it cool and act unfazed, and he does a pretty good job.

"Do you want to see another? This channel has tons of funny stuff" Jeongin asks with a smile. His smile is pretty, with straight teeth and crescent eyes. Felix can tell why Hyunjin likes him, but it still leaves a displeasing feeling in Felix's stomach.

"I was just about to eat something actually, so let me make my food and then I'll come back" The omega excuses because he has no reason to turn Jeongin down. The young alpha doesn't deserve for Felix to push him away because of some petty jealousy- if you could even call it that.

He can hear Hyunjin and Jeongin chatting and giggling from the kitchen and it really stirs something up inside of him. Jeongin is nice, he's never done anything to offend Felix. He's a sweet guy that deserves to be happy with Hyunjin. Did Hyunjin tell Jeongin that Felix kissed him? Why wasn't the alpha making it awkward? Obviously that's something you'd talk about with your partner, but maybe Hyunjin didn't want to stir up drama by telling him? Suddenly, Felix doesn't really want to watch YouTube videos with the two anymore.

"Hyung, you've got your food, right? Come look at this one" Jeongin seems just as cheerful as usual. He doesn't seem like someone who's boyfriend got kissed. Hyunjin really hadn't told Jeongin then. He couldn't have.

"What's this one?" Felix says as he takes his spot back on the couch again behind them. This video is another prank by the same couple, but this time, the girlfriend is pretending to be caught with another man. Felix suddenly feels awkward. Is this Jeongin's way of letting him know that he knows?

Neither of the men seem to think anything of it, however. They both just watch the video and giggle when appropriate. Hyunjin even leans his head back to lay on Felix's leg. The omega checks for Jeongin's reaction, the younger doesn't even seem to notice.

"I don't think I'd be as calm if I walked in on something like this. He's just asking them to explain but I think I would actually lose my shit." Jeongin says and Felix side eyes Hyunjin, the beta doesn't even notice. "I would want to beat up the person they cheated with. I'd be so angry" he continues and the omega swallows nervously.

"Yah, you'd just start crying. You don't have that in you." Hyunjin scoffs with a playful roll of his eyes. "As someone that's been cheated on before, I can admit that I just left and cried once I was out of earshot." The beta explains and Felix is extremely uncomfortable.

"Hyung, you have no idea what I would do. You've never seen me get cheated on before." Jeongin retorts.

"I've seen you angry before though. All you do is cry." Hyunjin laughs and the alpha frowns. Felix needs to find a reason to leave. He doesn't want to be involved in this conversation anymore. If Hyunjin wasn't going to tell Jeongin what happened, then it isn't his place to tell him either.

"Um, I forgot my phone." Felix suddenly says and stands up. He leaves for his room with no plans of coming back out and he hopes that they will just forget he was ever out of it to begin with.

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: Changlix/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now