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CW!! This chapter contains descriptions of childbirth via the anal canal, so if that makes you uncomfy, you can skip to the next chapter!

Felix is officially past full term now at thirty-seven weeks and two days. He has still yet to take paternity leave off of school, but honestly doesn't plan to. His professors have been nothing but helpful and cooperative, allowing him to finish as much of his work from home as possible. The only time he goes onto campus is when he absolutely has to, which doesn't happen frequently. He's not working either, officially deemed too pregnant to work by his managers and he didn't put up a fight. Standing on his feet for hours would be too exhausting anyways, so he requested paid time off for the next ninety days.

He's in the middle of taking an online exam for one of his lectures when he feels a pain in his belly. It shocks him how much it hurts and makes him pause. It's strong and feels like a really intense cramping around his entire belly. The exam is timed so he shifts in discomfort but tries to push through. The pain doesn't last for very long, but he's alarmed when it returns after a couple of minutes.

He quickly wraps up his exam, admittedly christmas treeing the last couple of answers. Then he's texting Changbin.

Lix (3:56PM): Hi, don't be alarmed but I'm having really bad cramps
Lix (3:56PM): Again, do not be alarmed

Binnie (3:57PM): WTF!! Get your stuff ready, I'm on the way.

Lix (3:59PM): Do NOT! It's probably a false alarm, just give it a minute

Felix sits in his bed, unable to get comfortable for the next hour. The cramps are inconsistent in strength and time, so he can't go to the hospital. He lays on his side with a pillow between his legs and Changbin texting him every five minutes asking if anything has changed. He wishes Hyunjin were home so that the older could rub his back.

Then, the cramps stop out of nowhere. Never increasing in intensity or frequency and Felix is so disappointed. He texts Changbin and tells him that the cramps are gone. They'd have to wait who knows how much longer for Dumpling. He wishes she'd just come out now.

Two more days until Felix's due date and he's lost his mucus plug. He'd known exactly what it was when he'd seen the sticky discharge in his underwear. Dumpling has also dropped low in his pelvis, making his waddle worse but the pressure on his ribs is gone atleast. He hadn't experienced anymore of those painful cramps but he's hopeful that he's dilated more when he sees his doctor again.

"You're at two centimeters." Dr. Jung declares from between Felix's legs and he whines irritably. "Don't worry. You have less than two more weeks until you'll be induced. If she doesn't come out soon, we'll make her." She says but Felix still feels disappointed.

"I just need her out now. I'm not getting any sleep and I'm so uncomfortable. It feels like I'm holding a bowling ball between my legs!" The omega complains as the doctor pulls her gloves off with a sympathetic smile.

"I promise, the day that you are 39 weeks, she's immediately out of there." The doctor comforts him but he's still sulking. Changbin is quiet, he isn't sure how to comfort the younger because he wants their daughter out too.

"Only a week and a half left, and you have no choice but to come out, little girl" Felix speaks pointedly to his daughter.

Felix's due date comes and goes, and everyone has advice for him on how to make Dumpling come. Changbin's mom tells him to drink raspberry leaf tea. Felix's mother advices him to go for a walk or stretch on his yoga ball. He can't be bothered to walk so he took his mother's advice of using the ball to stretch his cervix while Hyunjin is running to the store to get the tea.

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