First Week.

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It's been a week since Nabi was born. Felix still has school but his professors are understanding that he has a newborn and gracefully extend his deadlines. In between squeezing in naps and baths and feeding Nabi, he works on his coursework. Changbin has parental leave off for the next week before he has to return to work, but for now, he takes care of Nabi so Felix can try to focus on his homework.

Changbin's mother also comes over almost everyday, cooking food- lots of seaweed soup, and cleaning up for them. She's also very prudent with Felix's postpartum care, making sure he's only taking baths and not showers, that his water isn't too cold, and that's he's always wearing socks. She also cares for Nabi when she can, anytime the pup is dressed in anything less than a long-sleeved onesie, socks, and a blanket, she'll ask "Don't you think she's cold?" and she wraps her up in a blanket.

"You have to make sure to massage her legs. It'll make her grow tall." Changbin's mom tells Felix as she's rubbing Nabi's chubby legs. The baby is lying on her back in Felix's nest as she lets her grandmother do what she wants.

"She's definitely gonna need all the help she can get." Changbin jokes, and as if Nabi knew her father was teasing her, she starts to fuss.

Nabi almost never cries, she usually just whines and fusses quietly. She's a very calm and easy baby. She also has made herself something of a schedule, she feeds every two hours during the day and then at night she'll feed every three to four hours. Felix has to wake up with her to breastfeed and she sleeps in his nest with him. It's just more convenient and he likes having her close to him.

Changbin's mother picks up Nabi, trying to comfort her. "Aigoo~ Nabi-ya, Appa's too mean. Tell him that you'll grow very tall." She coos as she rocks the newborn. Nabi continues to fuss, her little mouth in a deep frown letting out pitiful whimpers and her fists punch the air in frustration.

"She's hungry, can I have her?" The omega says putting out his arms for his pup and Changbin's mother places the infant into his arms. As soon as his daughter is in his arms and smells his scent, she's turning her head looking for a nipple. Felix pulls his shirt up to let her latch, which she does easily.

"Yongbok-ah, you're such a wonderful father. You're so in tune with her and it shows that you're a natural." Changbin's mother tells him as Nabi suckles on his chest. Felix blushes lightly at the compliment.

"He really is good at this, isn't he?" Changbin smiles looking down at their daughter on the omega's chest.

"She's just an easy baby." The brunette dismisses as he looks down at his baby. It usually takes Nabi about thirty minutes to get full, but when she does, it's the cutest thing ever. Her round head will loll into his chest with the nipple still in her mouth, her eyes half-lidded like she can barely fight to stay up, and her whole body turns lax.

"You're leaking." Changbin says and Felix looks down to his chest to see that the nipple Nabi isn't on is leaking milk. The alpha easily hands the omega his pump to catch the extra letdown as if they've done this a hundred times.

"I think you're both very good at this" Changbin's mom smiles.

Hyunjin returns later that week, only popping in occasionally to say hi to Nabi or Felix. He's still careful not to tread on Changbin's toes and let the alpha be a father. Felix appreciates it, but Changbin needs to get used to Hyunjin interacting with their pup since he will be around, even more than Changbin sometimes, once the alpha goes back to work.

Before Changbin's parental leave ends though, they have to take Nabi to her first doctor's appointment since she left the hospital. It's a routine exam, along with a bunch of intake paperwork- which Felix makes Changbin do because the omega pushed her out, so he's exempt from doing things he doesn't want to. The nurse and pediatrician will then do a physical exam and answer any questions that the new parents have. Luckily, she won't be receiving any shots. Felix doesn't think he could handle that.

"She's 4217g. Papa's been feeding you well, huh, Nabi-ssi?" The nurse says after she weighs Nabi. The infant is stripped to her diaper and looking at the nurse with wide eyes and a blank stare.

"What percentile is that?" Felix asks curiously. Nabi was big at birth so he wonders if her weight is still consistent with that.

"Her weight is in the 93rd percentile and her height is in the 97th percentile." The nurse explains and Felix chuckles a little.

"Why is she so long? Who did she get that from?" Changbin laughs and Felix agrees.

The nurse finishes the physical exam and leaves, but at this point, Nabi has started to get a bit frustrated with being naked and exposed with everyone poking at her. She has started to fuss and Changbin is immediately at her call, picking her up and rubbing his chin and cheek on her, scenting her gently.

"I know, my baby. You're over it, huh?" He coos as he bounces her, placing a kiss to her cheek and patting her bare back. "They have my baby naked and confused. It's just not fair." The alpha complains making Felix chuckle. The pediatrician comes in and greets them, his name is Dr. Kim Hyeonju.

"Is this Seo Nabi-ssi?" The beta man greets their daughter kindly, he reaches out and grabs her little hand, shaking it as she looks at him with the same wide blank eyes. "You're very pretty, Nabi-ssi." He compliments her as Changbin hands the pup off to the doctor with a poorly concealed pout. The doctor takes a listen to her breathing with his stethoscope and Nabi flinches from the cold metal but doesn't put up much fuss. "How is she sleeping?" He asks and Felix is the first to answer.

"She sleeps most of the day, like 18–19 hours and she's only awake after feedings for maybe an hour, at most." Felix responds and the doctor hums in acknowledgment.

"She's being breastfed?" Dr. Kim asks and Felix nods. "How often is she eating?"

"Every 3 to 4 hours. I have to wake her up to eat or she won't budge. She actually scares me sometimes because she sleeps like the dead. I constantly have to check she's breathing." Felix explains and Changbin nods in agreement.

"That's normal, she's been through a lot in the last week. Birth is very traumatic for babies. As long as she has a consistent healthy weight gain, just keep doing what you're doing. I think you're doing wonderfully." The beta smiles before continuing, "How are you feeling? Mentally, emotionally?" He turns to them to ask and Felix shrugs.

"I'm tired usually and quite busy, but I'm not unhappy because I really enjoy taking care of her. Plus, hyung and hyung's mom are a lot of help." Felix states and the doctor nods, turning to Changbin.

The alpha seems surprised for a moment before he's speaking, "Um, yeah. My mom has been helping look after Nabi-ya by cleaning and making food for us." He nods.

"Are you doing well emotionally as well?" The doctor asks and Changbin's brows pinch together for a moment before he nods.

"Yes, I'm happy. I like taking care of her... I'm just worried about going back to work." The alpha admits and the doctor hums.

"Because you'll get less time with your pup?" Dr. Kim confirms and Changbin nods. "That's understandable. Just make time when you can, she won't forget you." He smiles, "Well, Nabi-ssi, everything looks good! She's doing great, you two" he reminds them and Felix smiles thankfully.

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